Romantic Love Story – Beautiful turns
Photo credit: rachjose from morguefile.com
“A cheerful day..
A blissful moment..
But do they last or go in fragile…
Maybe or perhaps..mind is agile.”
“knock and boom”…..
And it continues..
My life will show how many more bad phases. Why the hell me..? why the hell typically me..??
This problem, that problem, his problem, her problem, Am i here a problem solver..
Can’t i have a problem of mine ??
Or perhaps none on this planet is damn bothered.
You know what if u put all population problem in a bucket and will give opportunity to others to pick it up..in the end they will take their problem and will go back happily. A happy go lucky problem plucker.
God knows what ppl expect out of life. But me, u see my case is totally different.
Meet me..AAINA SEHGAL, who has taken charge of every almost every problem be it here or there or everywhere.
But in this world..a wish is earthen which may not get watered ever.
AAINA SEHGAL a facebook freek..lost in the blue-glued world of Zukenberg’s facebook.
A typical teen-ager..ready to enter college..done with 12th boards and now typical “VELLI”.
Year 2010 Month April.
Friend Request..SHOURYA VATS.
Dude..do i know him ??
Lemme see..oopsie..3 mutual friends..must be some known man.
((message pop))
Shourya : Hie J
Me : Hey..do i know u ??
He : Nopes..but i know you ??
Me : chal oe chalu…how the hell u know me?
He : you are in friend list of one of my good friend. J
Me : ok.. J
He : i have seen your pics..
Me : toh mai kya kru.. :P
He : u look sweet..
Me : hogya, chal cya..
He : L
During the night..ohh man..what kinda jerk he was..bulls**t..m gonno unblock him very tomorrow.
La la la..now what to do..things seems to be ok ok.
In a meanwhile..back date memories.
Memories are something which everyone loves to collect and me too.
Mom mom mom i wanna collect my memories. I want a brand new photo album with atleast..1,2,3,……275 photos.
Since childhood till now..275 till date..lets go to purchase album….
My album was ready and me too..to face blue-glued fb-panti..
((message pop))
He : where were you these days ?
Me : who r u to ask this ?
He : ok..lets talk normal.
Me : shoot.
He : hw ws ur day?
He : ok..so what do u do ?
Me : I am awaiting my 12th results to be out.
And there it goes..normal casual discussion.
That night..a blink in my mind.
Man who the hell is this SHORYA. Thoughts pamering..
I was sure about it that if this would have happened for few time more..it would have landed me in a trouble.
Arghhh….a typical teenager will obviously take a precautions step afterall.
I cleared with 88%(Best four) not to forget that because that got me through Delhi University College.
A feeling of being on cloud 5..i know i know it is cloud 9..but when you don’t get things as per your wish..it catastrophically become cloud 5.
A brand new and own-owned college life.
All i heard about DU..totaa crowd..totaa bandiyan..bhains ki aankh..
Hold on your breath dude..i stepped into my college..
Yuuukk..can i puke here man. :@
I still cant believe it was so damn dirty..with totaa behnji. Can i get a breath please. Move move stay away from me..either throw me out or let me RUNNN. But alas, nothing could happen. And i was forced to spend my 3 years there.
———-Three years collapsed————–
This is not we certainly look for..but its different and here it is a little different.
The only thing which made yukk college better was MY CRUSH.
Ssssshhhhh……..i am not suppose to disclose all but to some extent i can.
Sitting beside the stair case and busy chit-chatting..me and bunch of 7 other friends. I clearly remember it was September 2010 when i first looked..correction..observed..correction stared a guy for so long. It is not a hanky-panky thing but that awestruck look..that breathe-taking moment and that smile..how can someone forget that.
A 5.9 tall, perfect built those black eyes and hairs running through forehead..he moved with a peace in his eyes..those eyes running here and there looking for something.
Oh really..looking for what.. :O
God i hope he don’t have a GF. And there she comes. For me a typical bitch.
And then i saw a familiar face..who is that ??
AARADHYA..AARDU my class mate. And soon she waved them bye and joined our bunch
Hey aardu..who are they ? That guy and that bitch..
Something is burning..huh..
Yeah..deep inside me..lol
Anyhow.. he is ARTHARVA and she is not bitch but his GF.
Jaw dropped in a second and i left the place. But wait a second..did i tell u that aardu is a prankster.
Aardu now on a very serious note..who was she..
Oka oka..she was his cousin and he is the most promising bachelor here.
Ohh, i see.
Next day, we went together.
Who we?? Good question.
It was me, Aardu and Artharva. For once in her lifetime..that was the sole good thing aardu have done. She introduced both of us.
He was a batch senior but nevertheless..who cares. We had fun time together in south campus canteen eating those Spring Rolls and Masala Dosa and on the top of it..ice cream.
Actually, i could have asked for his number but it doesn’t look decent to ask for a guy’s number in a 4-hour brief meeting..or does it ??
As of now i was pretty sure that all is just minute infatuation.
Good term..but what it actually means..
Infatuation..a term most teenager confuse with love. But the thing is that infatuation leads to love. Now there it comes..the trouble. A feeling, a sensation that could make you fly high and high. A cloud 9 feeling when things go right.
Months passed and things moved on. Wait a minute now..my second year and his last year.
Ohh nooooo..please..is it still a confusion a collapsed mind said.
Next moment i saw someone serenely moving towards someone.
SOMEONE..and there it comes..that someone moving towards ME.
A noticed 5.9 tall, someone with perfect build, with denims and white shirt, bag pack on his back and one hand inside his denims pocket. Eyes that could say more than anyone can thaught of, black eyes that made my eyes glued to them..little tiny nose..a bit awkward but who cares..and lips curved into a smile. I could notice a spark in him and me too.
He stood by my side..and said “SHALL WE?”
But where Artharva ??
I wish to steal a few minutes of yours ? May i ?
Ofcourse, but why ?
Shall we ?
I went without any protest.
We went to south campus canteen..the same environment..the same table..where we sat almost 10 months ago in September 2010.
Here we are back again in July 2011.
I really don’t understand what things were expected. What was i going through. Why was i sitting with a guy i don’t know.,apart from knowing that he is handsome, intelligent, awestruck, still single..and yes still a part of my infatuation.
But is it enough to know a person. I don’t think so.
AAINA you must be thinking that what kinda nasty thing this is..all after 10 months why we are back to place where we first met. I really don’t understand that what has changed in last 10 months..but one thing is for sure..
And what is that Artharva ??
And then he gave me a CHIT if i brief about it..those napkin sort of thing where in hindi films a girl gives her number to a guy..
It was written..CAN WE BE FRIENDS?
And i could rarely believe a guy doing such drama(in a typical language as guys are not shy or i presume so)
Ofcourse we can Artharva..infact we are.
And then after good 10 months we exchanged out contact numbers.
————–And there it started a sweet and mellaginous friendship with love :P———————–
Hie .. (my phone beeped)
What u doing?
Nm..just sitting idle..u tell ??
Same here..Ahmm..lets know each other better..what say ??
Agree J
So, what do u do and who all are there in your family ?
What i do is know to u.. :P and in my family..maa, paa, me, my sis n bro. Nw u tell..
Okaa..in my family we are two sibling me and my bro..my brother is elder to me..mumma and papa.
What are your hobbies ?
I like travelling, music and writing.
Ahaan…writing..thats cool indeed J
Haha..it is infact..u say..
I love spending time with my guitar the most J
Ohh..wow..girls are gaga about guitars..nice hobby.
Ok..now may i say one thing..
Say two things Aaina..
Have i cleared the interview ?
What ?? :O (he sounded shocked)
Arey, it seems like i am appearing for interview nothing else. :P
Oh..that way..you scared me girl.
Lol..okaa..on a serious note now..getting late abi..gud nyt J
Ok..gud night..see you tomorrow !!
Next day.. followed by rest of all days..
I remember i rarely attended college that year. And anyone can guess why..and the same was with arth.
From typico college premises to almost delhi..from day to night..frm wrong to right..
It was he by my side and me by his. In a span of few months i could tell without asking what arth is upto. I guess that is a level beyond friendship and before relationship..which people confuse with flirtationship and which is not so. It is all about knowing each other, talking to each other, understanding each other and being everything to each other.
Or isn’t it love indeed ?? (dear mind..just shut up)
It was November 2011, and we were chatting which was a usual routine but suddenly arth said..can we meet now. And i was like..dude common..are you out of your senses.
There he said no no..i am hell serious can we ?
I said no and turned off my phone. I was ready for a fight next day.
I woke up and was getting ready and of wearing something that could please him.
But why ?? (dear heart…shut up)
I wore Blue-White kurti pajami with silver bangles and silver chapals and add on..silver ear-rings too.
And the same day..he was dressed in blue denims and white shirt..the look i love..
He then took me to his house. I went without resisting. On our way he told me not to get nervous as there would be no body at home.
Now, some body please tell him that i am a girl and that thing makes me more nervous.
Leaving that a side, we went to his house. He introduced every nook and corner of his house and then at last it was his room. As i walked towards his room..he blind-folded me and made me walk on a pathway full of flowers i could feel from door floor to the mid of the bed floor(i guess).. i was loosing my senses. No i actually lost all my senses.
As i walked slowly..he paused me in the mid..he came closer and whispered something..i couldn’t hear it properly..probably because i was lost in the scent of his breath. He was so close that even the air couldn’t pass. Too close as i always wished for. If i try to recall..he said “Now, i will unfold your eyes, but don’t open it until i tell u..swear on me”
I totally agreed. But the fact it i couldn’t resist myself from opening my eyes but at that time nothing was more important than his swear.
Open your eyes now.
I slowly opend my eyes..he was there just in front of me..
But this time..we were not having any direct face contact..
He was looking upto me and i was looking into his eyes..he was down on his knees..
He was looking a perfect Romeo..my romeo..my heart skipped a beat..or two..
We were directly looking into each other’s eyes from different angle.
AAINA i know this might be real strange to you but the fact is i no longer can escape this..and no longer can hide it too. From being unknown to friends to best friends o flirts..i always fell for you with each passing day.
I really don’t understand why how and when i fell for you but indeed did. I can’t run away from my feeling anymore. I love you like crazy..like mad..like anything.
Please Aaina..don’t say NO.
ARTH, are you out of your senses. I mean do u even realise what are you talking about.
AAINA, just close your eyes for once please.
I did as he said and i don’t know why i did so.
He again came closer to me and whispered don’t open your eyes until i say.
He held me with his wrist around my back and pulled my slightly closer. I could feel his breath running into my breath.
I have a question for you..
Hmm..(that was all i could say)
Why is your heart beating fast?
I had no answer.
Silent persisted in the room. He was still holding me with his wrist around my back.
I moved my hand and put it on his shoulder and my other hand was around his waist and all i could do was to hold him like never wanting to go.
I help him with all i had..i hugged him so tight that we were all into each other. This answered his as well as my query too.
He too held me like never wanting to go. So close to him.
He was all i could have ever asked for. He was all i could ever have. He was all i want to spend my life with. He was certainly my everything.
We hugged each other all more tight and embraced each other’s arms into each other.
He slightly moved my hairs aside a pecked a kiss on my neck. I held him more tight.
I said “I Love You Aaina” i could feel his lips saying so on my neck.
It was the most beautiful moment for me..for him..for us.
We were so much into each other that we forgot the whole world until my phone beeped and i was called back home.
He dropped me back home.
I wish i could part a good bye kiss on his cheek but society you see.
We waived bye to each other.
Good evening my love..was the text i got within half an hour of our good bye.
Good evening bacha..
Acha..toh my baby has adopted me so so soon :*
Ohh..haan..indeed :* <3
You know jaan..you are the bestest thing that could ever happen to me. I can never ask formore than this. This is all i want. You..your life..you in my life forever.
Arth, this was so unexpected, we felt about each other same way from so long, i had my all life in that span of moment.
Baby, we have a life more beautiful than this day today..a life together.
We will na ? (a typical girl question )
Yes, I promise you that :* Can i have my hug ?? ;)
Ahaan..come closer..
Hanji..here i am..
Someone like you..who can hold on to..
The way i need to be handled and taken care of..
All blossoms..every new day has a new meaning.and i was experiencing it during that phase of my life. Arth has seen me at my best and at my worst too. He was the one who could handle me at any phase of my life and was getting adamant about it day by day. With each passing day and with each passing breath our love was blooming day by day. On one side our love was at its peak and on the other side exams. And then we realised that we forgot to study in a meanwhile.
Some or the other way round we managed to do ok ok in our exams and then it was a boom.
Result day and we cleared our exams. We were happy for each other. And we decided to celebrate our victory over evil (exams here)
We planned a night out at Arth’s friends place and we were able tp manage it somehow at our respective places.
Did i mention that Arth cooks really well..ahmm..atleast better than me. ;)
He cooked Chinese for both of us.
Oops..and did i mention that it was just me and he there :)
Yes, that night was ours, just we only we.
We had our food and arth went to have a night shower. In a meanwhile, i slipped into his clothes and that was all to feel him more closer to me. I could smell his scent in his shirt which was wrapped around me. He came out after his shower and saw me in his shirt.
Breath taking beauty u r Aaina.
I moved closer to him..held him by my palm around his face and and whispered in his ears “thank you” and pecked a small bite on his ears and rushed away. He held my arm into his and pulled me towards him. He was facing my back and he held my with his arms around my stomach. Parted my hairs away and then kissed my neck. “you look damn hot in my shirt but…”
But ?? “ I repeated”
But.. u know what i mean.. don’t u ??
No , i don’t. “I Said”
Ohh really, is that so..in that case shall i tell you ahmm..ur take theoretically or practically ??
Dog, stay away and i pushed him away from me.
He rushed towards me and held me in his arm like baby and laid me down on bed. He was beside me..his fingers running through my hairs and my palm on his face. He leaned forward and kissed my forhead moving downwards towards my eyes, cheeks, chin. He moved his fingers onto my lips brought his lips near to mine and said “i love you..till the last breath” and kissed me. He kissed me more and more and more and soon i was sleeping in his arms.
I woke up next to him. In his arms. i kissed him on his cheek and wished him good morning.
That was the sweetest morning we could ever have and i wish to have such morning 365 days a year.
We went back to our respective premises. It was my last year of college and arth was done with his studies and was looking for a job plus further graduation.
He cracked the interview in RBS and began working there. Meanwhile i too completed my graduation.
Like typical bf/gf we too had fights..parting away drama but nothing could collapse this relation until one day when it was the actual time to take stand for each other.
We decided initially we will talk to my parents and then Arth’s family.
After the investigation at my place my family approved Arth for me and now it was time to turn to Arth’s family.
God dammit I was hell nervous but then Arth held my hand in his hands and kissed them.
“ Everything will be alright, i m there with you evrytime, everywhere.”
His mum is a real gem, a real sweet heart but when it came to his dad only halwa could save me as his dad is a big sweets fan. But then towards the end, as Arth said everything was too fine.
And today we stand here..together..forever..
Our day is here, it s AAINA weds ARTHARVA day today. At my place, at his place everything is running smooth and happy.
At the wedding venue, he looking simply Stunning, my perfect handsome man, my would be husband and my true soul mate.
There is still a spark which we both can feel. A magnetic spark which holds us together..which makes life easy for us..which makes it blessing for us.
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