Love Story – Daughter of God and Devil
Photo credit: krosseel from morguefile.com
It had been a week since he had shifted to the new city. His college was due to start from 1st august. He was happy he had finally achieved a seat in the medical college he wanted to study in, it wasn’t an easy catch after all. He had worked night after night, day after day to achieve this and now here he was sitting at a newly polished bench designated with his name. Every seat had been designated to some one, except the one next to him.
He opened the books and glanced at the content of his course. He was really excited but was nervous he was new to the city and didn’t know any one. He was lost in his thoughts while a beautiful girl wearing a black dress with boots came in. He looked at her face, it was beautiful and then he saw her eyes. Her eyes full of pain and despair. They were shouting for attention, asking for someone to read them, someone to ask about her pain so that she could shout it out. She was silent outside, inside she was screaming. She came and sat next to him. She gave him a glance and passed a smile. He looked at her smile and was lost. She was beautiful and serene. That all day he just looked at her but didn’t speak, how could he? He was all lost in those big crying eyes. The day ended without him even knowing her name.
He went direct to his hostel and lie on his bed smiling stupidly. It was amazing, what he had just experienced. He closed his eyes and held onto that face all night. He was experiencing it, it was love at first sight. He decided that the next day he’ll talk to her. The next day she came in this time in a red dress, with the same look in her eyes. As soon as she came and sat beside him. He initiated.
‘hie, I am Faisal, Faisal Khan.’, he extended his hand sweating profusely.
‘Hello, I am Nikita, Nikita Singh.’, she shook his hand.
‘So are you new to the city?’, asked the girl.
He was too lost in her eyes to answer, he understood her heart. It was pure, innocent and shouted for love. He heard her pleas for love. She was smiling, looking at with him but inside she was crying and asking for support. Before he could continue the conversation the professor came in and started with his lecture. He could not concentrate on anything else but her. She was beautiful almost unnatural. After the class he met her outside.
‘do you know a place where I can get good coffee and company?’, asked the boy.
‘yes! But you will have to settle with my company.’, she said now genuinely smiling.
‘Hmm, if the coffee’s good I can compromise with the company.’, he said and they booth laughed at the joke.
They headed to CCD. They sat there drinking their coffee’s and talking nothing more then about city. Faisal had always been fascinated by cities and their stories. While nikita was busy telling her stories of the city he was busy looking at her eyes. She didn’t wear any make but she didn’t any. She was a natural beauty. She was speaking continuously when he budged in.
‘you are so beautiful.’, he said.
She blushed and swirled her fingers around her hair. She was feeling very shy. Although he could say that this was not the first time someone had given her a compliment like that but she still managed to feel shy. She broke the silence.
‘Hey, want to go out some time later?’, she asked biting her lip.
‘Sure!!’ he said shocked that she wanted to go out with him.
That day was no different all he could think of was her. He was in love and this was no fling. He sure was in love. He was one of those lucky people who didn’t date once but their first date gave them their life. He was maybe thinking too far. But he couldn’t be helped he was in love.
The next day they attended the lecture’s and left for a round around the city. She looked at the places like she had been there thousands of time and had all very different memories of them. Sometimes a tear or two would roll down her eyes. She liked visiting old places and not new places. She would always want to walk and never take a drive or lift. She always cherished the touch of leaves of a tree and sound of breeze. It was like her life was on temporary play mode and she only used to do this stuff once a while. He just watched her and saw the world through her eyes.
It was 3rd august and they were roaming around the lake of the city called the magic water lake. The water of the lake was claimed to have power of getting your love if you wished with true intention. Unlike other couples who tried their hand at it, Nikita didn’t want to try it. She was just not happy around there. He didn’t ask why, they just left and went for ice-cream.
It was night they where booth walking in the lonely street when it happened. It started to rain. It was the first rain of the year and he was with the girl he loved. The rain on his body felt different. He removed his jacket and put it around her, he put his arms around her and took her to his hostel. The walk to his hostel was an amazing one. They just walked in silence enjoying the drops of nature’s magic drenching them to their souls. Nikita felt comforted in a very long while. She leaned onto his shoulders and they walked. There was no need of exchanging any words the moment spoke more then needed. They booth in each others embrace walked slowly. Faisal had never felt this for him this was heaven. He prayed to god that their life be like this walk where they cling to each other and walk as one. While Faisal was busy thanking god, nikita demanded to stop.
‘I am too tired to walk.’, she said in the middle of the road and made a face.
Faisal picked her and even in the heavy rain she drifted into a deep slumber.
He brought her to his hostel put her to bed, tugged her in and slept on the floor.
They hadn’t said anything to each other, yet every thing was known. They both loved each other. The next morning when faisal woke up she wasn’t there in the bed, he looked around and found a note stuck to his pin board.
Thank you, for last night. It was amazing. Sorry, I had to leave. See you at the college.
He was in heaven. She felt that the night was amazing too. He showered, shaved and put on the best clothes he had in his cupboard. He had planned it all out. Today, he would invite her to coffee and there would propose her.
When he reached college she was already there, waiting for him.
‘Come on, we are late the lecture is about to start.’, she dragged him to the class.
They followed the trend and attended the lectures and then went for a walk.
‘Do you wanna go to CCD?’, faisal feeling nervous.
At CCD they ordered their regulars, it was funny that the ever filled CCD was empty today. Even the tender at the counter served them and left the café. They were booth alone in the café. Faisal stood up walked to her, kneeled down to one knee held her hand and said
‘Nikita Singh. I faisal khan have known you for a week now. But it looks like I have known you for eternity and I think I am ready to ask you. would you be my girl-friend?’
He fished out a small box from his pocket and opened it. it had a locket with engraving ‘Together Forever’. Nikita was mesmerized she just nodded. Faisal was happy, he got up and put the necklace around her neck. It sat neatly on her high cheek bones. She looked even more beautiful now. She was sobbing. She jumped out of her seat and into his embrace. She tried to hug him tighter and tighter. As tight as possible, like someone was going to take him away from her. She was scared and didn’t want him to go.
‘Hey, I am not going anywhere.’, he felt her impatience.
‘I know!’, she said wiping of a tear.
‘Come there is someplace I want to show you’, she took his hand and took him.
They walked all the way up to the lake. She hated the place but somehow had decided to bring him here. She chirped like a 10-year old taking there parents to a toy store. She took him all the way back to a bug abandoned mansion with the name ‘The Loud Mansion’.
‘This is the reason I don’t like coming near the lake’, she said walking to the gate of the mansion.
‘What is wrong with this place, looks fancy to me.’, he said following her lead.
‘Well, this place is said to be haunted! People claim they have heard shouts from in here many times.’ she said advancing to the backyard of the mansion.
‘would you mind telling me why are we going to a haunted place?’. He asked.
She knew her way around. She had been here before. Its like she knew every corner of the mansion.
‘Hey, watch out the bushes have snakes!.’ She said pointing the bushes to faisal.
Faisal felt weird but he trusted her. They booth walked in the mansion. It was a royal mansion on the inside.
‘Its beautiful.’ He said looking around the grandeur of its posh interiors.
‘It is!!’, she said looking around the place with a feeling of euphony.
‘Lets got to the roof!’, she said climbing up the stairs.
Faisal could not resist he had to ask her.
‘How is it that you hate the place and still know it so well?’.
‘I come here a lot.’ She said still walking. ‘Its my hide out spot. I am an internationally wanted criminal.’ She said with a cold look in her eyes.
‘I am sure you are. You are a criminal who has done a crime of stealing peoples hearts.’ he said catching up with her.
She smiled and kept walking they reached the roof and saw the city’s best view ever.
The lake reflected the setting sun and the complete city seemed to have stopped. They just watched the beautiful view and then sat there on the roof in silence and then. He took out his phone and put on a Lana del ray’s meet me in the pale moonlight. He offered her his hand and she took it. They booth in each others embrace danced a little and then left the abandoned place abandoned again.
They enjoyed each moment they spent with each other. They always were with each other. For Faisal she was her world but as the days passed Nikita seemed to feel despaired again. It was like a patient of amnesia had started to recover all the bad memories from the past. She felt pained when he was around, but she was even more vulnerable when he wasn’t. When ever he was around she felt iniquitous and he could feel it, he thought he should ask her but resisted.
It had been 25 days since they had dated and with each passing moment she became more anxious it was like the clock was ticking and soon it would be a long pause again. He felt the anxiety but more then he cared about it her was feared about it. he himself was in a great dilemma whether to ask or not. He thought the only way of sabotaging her anxiety was to ask her and so he did.
The next day it was 27th August 27 days since he had first seen her. It was a regular day and he awaited her arrival at the college entrance. She came wearing the pale white dress she had wore on the third of the college. The look in her eyes so familiar, it was flooding with pain and agony. She walked mindlessly among the other students. She was some where else. She walked passed him without him even noticing her. He followed her to the lecture hall and sat beside her like any other day. He knew she was the one and did not want to lose her, he decided that very instant that he would propose her on 30th this month and would get engaged with her. But that moment was consumed by some thing else. It was consumed by pleas. He heard her heart call out to him. It was like everything around him came to a halt and he was suddenly awestruck of how in that very moment his day had passed. He was shook by nikita and they exited the hall.
‘Nikita we need to talk!’. He said and then held her hand.
Tears rolled down her eyes she felt like her vocal chords had failed. She could utter a single word, she just nodded.
‘Nikita, what is it that had been consuming you since the past one week. You act strange, you don’t register anything, you are mostly in some other world.’ He held her chin and pulled her face towards his eyes. Their eyes momentarily and something about the moment spoke that this was all a wild play of destiny. She wiped her tears and said ‘three days from today my parents expired in a fire.’
She smiled softly and held his hand. ‘I just miss them that all!’.
‘I am sorry.’ He said taking her tightly in his embrace. ‘Don’t ever feel alone. I’ll always be there for you. I promise.’, he said not leaving her from his embrace.
‘Don’t promises that you can’t keep.’ She said still in his embrace.
‘I’ll keep my promise.’ He said and kissed her on her forehead.
They hugged and then walked slowly towards their usual café.
They talked all day about how they felt about each other and what were their future plans. He didn’t want to bring up the topic but had to.
‘So how did the tragedy happen?’ he asked holding her hand.
‘There was a fire in our house due to some gas leakage and they died in it. I was with my grand parents when the tragedy happened. My grand parents couldn’t take the shock and died too.’ She said.
He didn’t say anything. Somehow he now understood the pain and the call of love in her eyes. She was helpless, she was drowned in pain and agony. They left the café and parted ways.
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