A Love Story
Photo credit: earl53 from morguefile.com
She checked her mobile. It was 6 am. She was wide awake the whole night. She couldn’t sleep. Her alarm was set for 7 am. However, she got up and went to the kitchen. After preparing herself a cup of tea, she sat at her favorite spot near the balcony. When they shifted to the new house, it was her idea to use the flower bed and some space from the hall and convert it into a balcony. He had readily agreed. He never said “NO” to her. He always trusted her decisions and never questioned her. In fact, he was the one who always encouraged her to live her life on her own terms. He did not let anybody speak anything against her. Due to this there was sometimes friction between Amma and him. However, he always managed somehow.
” I hope he likes him”, blurted Aarti.
Today was the day, when two of the most important men of her life were going to meet for the first time. It was his idea to meet Rohit, for breakfast outside. That way, Amma will not be inquisitive. He always handled the situation well. Aarti wondered, how will she manage without him.
Aarti had met Rohit, when she was pursuing her CFA. She had joined a weekend class and he was there too. They started talking and dint realize when was the seed of love planted. She never felt this way before about anyone. It was magical, the way they show love in movies. They dated almost 3 years and she knew he was the one. Rohit had proposed her in the most romantic style. It was raining and he took her for a drive after class. In the middle of the highway, he stopped his car. He got out and Aarti followed. He showed her a signboard,” Will you marry me”??She turned and he was down on his knees. Aarti was overjoyed, she said “Yes”. They kissed passionately in the middle of the road.
On the way back, Aarti asked him,” What if I would have said NO?”.
Rohit replied,” My plan was if you said NO, I will tell you that unless you said “YES”, I won’t drive back”.
He then winked. Aarti started laughing. She realized, it was Rohit’s sense of humor that she adored. He did not take life very seriously. Always chirpy, always laughing. With him she too turned crazy.
The Alarm went off. Amma shouted,” Stop the alarm, Aarti!!”. She hurriedly went into her room and dismissed the alarm. Amma suspected something was fishy about Aarti’s behaviour. She was coming home late after classes, was always chatting on phone and was daydreaming most of the time. Ajay was away from home on office trips, most of the time. Whenever he was home, he was always busy in his work. He did not have time to notice the changes in Aarti. She asked Aarti directly once, but she as always never replied her. She warned Ajay too. But as usual, Ajay did not pay any heed to her. She had seen the world and she could see the change in Aarti. Why was Ajay, turning a blind-eye, she never understood. She emotionally blackmailed him and took a promise from him that he will find out about Aarti.
Ajay’s daily routine was to get up at 5 am in the morning. He would do yoga, go for morning walk, read the newspaper and then reply to some office emails. By 8 pm sharp he would have his breakfast and then leave for office. On Sundays, he would himself cook the breakfast. However today, he was going out with Aarti to meet Rohit. Knowing Amma’s nature, he told her that he is taking Aarti out to talk about her changed behavior.
Once when Amma was away, Aarti herself had confessed about Rohit to him. He was shocked, he did not see this coming. When she was hesitating to talk, he thought maybe she has got a better opportunity at work and has to travel. However, she wanted to marry Rohit. He did not speak to her for few days. He was shattered. How could her Aarti do something like this. However, he resigned and thought,” If this makes her happy, so be it”. He apologized Aarti for her earlier stance and agreed to meet Rohit.
They both left at 8.15 from their house. They were supposed to meet Rohit at some café 45 mins drive away. Ajay wanted it to be like this, since Amma knew everyone around. If anybody sees them Amma will come to know. Aarti had warned Rohit to be on time, she knew how punctual he was. The meeting went well. She was sure he liked Rohit. Aarti had never seen him like this. He had let down his guards, chatting, laughing with Rohit. He hugged Rohit too when they were leaving. She herself was never successful in relaxing him. She was now one hundred percent sure about Rohit.
On way back, there was deafening silence. Aarti wanted to know his opinions. Ajay whispered,” He is very nice. You can marry him”.
Her heart skipped a beat. She was smiling and tears were rolling down her eyes. Deep down she knew, he will not be unfair to her. However, there was a constant fear, after all he was a man. And no man how much ever progressive will willingly accept his wife boyfriend.
On Amma’s constant pressure, Ajay had agreed to meet Aarti for marriage. Aarti did not want to marry, she wanted to study. However, her parents were adamant. Ajay was the fifth guy, Aarti was going to see this month. Like always, she will tell the guy that she likes someone else and she is planning to run away. But before Aarti could say anything Ajay said,” I don’t want to marry. Tell your parents, you did not like me”.
Aarti laughed and said,” I was going to say the same, Even I don’t want to marry. I want to study further, carve out a career for myself”.
Ajay listened in rapt attention as Aarti discussed her career plans. He was smiling, because a brilliant idea sprung up in his mind. He told her to marry him. He will make sure that her studies continue even after marriage. And marriage will be namesake, they won’t live as a married couple. In fact, if later either of them wanted to walk away, they will be free to do so. Aarti agreed too, but she had her doubts. She thought, if Ajay acts smart after marriage she will simply walk out. So they married.
Ajay kept his word. Aarti found a mentor and friend in Ajay. He helped her with studies and job. He even sponsored her courses at time. They had sex also at times, but it was mutual and need based. After all they were humans with needs. Everything was perfect, until she met Rohit. She always made her marital status known to everyone. This way she can avoid the unnecessary attention. Somehow, she never mentioned to Rohit initially. She told him only once she was sure of her feelings. With Rohit, she felt like the Aarti she was before marriage.
Ajay was a dream husband for a career oriented girl. But he lacked feelings. She revered him, respected him, adored him but did not love him. The marriage which she initially saw as a boon, now seemed like a curse. She had finally found love in Rohit. She told Rohit everything and to her amazement he still loved her. He was the one who insisted on meeting Ajay.
Ajay was happy to see Aarti happy. He wanted to hug her and tell her how much he loved her. But the time had gone. Life had given him 7 years with Aarti, yet he could never understand his feelings for her. When he did realize it was too late. He knew, the world will blame Aarti if they know or do not know the truth. If he hides the truth, they will call her a cheat. If he says the truth, they will call her a manipulator. They will blame her, that she used him. Either ways, the world will be once again unfair to a girl. But he knew better. He knew Aarti like no one did, not even her parents. He was happy that his views about Rohit mattered to Aarti. Rohit was a fine, funny guy. Someone Aarti always wanted. They will be happy together.
As for him, right now he had to handle Amma. He was not sure if he will ever love again. He had just realized that he loved someone and the feeling of being in love was great. It had taken him 32 years, one marriage and divorce to experience the feeling. He did not want to bother about the future like always and spoil today. They reached their home. Aarti came out of the car and hugged him and thanked him. He froze. He then felt a current through his body. He kissed her on the forehand, held her hand and opened the door. He was now ready to fight the world for her love.