Love Story – ZINGER
Photo credit: Penywise from morguefile.com
He saw her getting up on the bus. She looked hot. She was slim and she wore some frilly top and knee length jeans. Damn he felt like he was in love now. He felt that he could do any thing for her; to win her. Though he knew that being single for a long time(as long as he knew anyway!) can do stuff to your head- specifically making any member of the opposite sex who is like a soothing balm on the eyes, his next dream girl. Oh yeah, he had already passed two at the bus stops today who as he watched crestfallen didn’t get up on this bus. But well he is alive and this one has got up on this bus. As he rocked away at his fantasies the conductor rocks him and asks” Kaha?(Where to)”, The guy stares at the conductor,then it hits him”Shikkarapara”.
Now let me give you some perspective,(not necessarily in any goddamn order), the bus doesn’t have any sitting places left and there are 2-3 people standing. The guy is going to- his office/coaching/friend’s place/bar( friends place)/ serial killers convention or any where you wish , it may be relevant but I don’t care. So let me get on with it.
He finally makes eye contact with the girl (after checking her out head to toe-of course!) . He smiles beckoned her closer and started to get up from his seat (to show us-the much mocked ‘ the students of human nature’, a fine case of chivalry in our uncertain modern times). Well what he found in return was a weird look on her face. Also she grabbed a seat at the front when the gentleman at the front got up to get down at the next stop. Stumped he shoved the old lady aside who thinking he wanted to get down from the bus had made a dash for his seat. As he looked back at the front the girl with a grin on her face was looking at him,as their eyes met she turned away.
Now he had come to a decision, he felt it as if it were a divine revelation, this was the girl-the one like they say. He was going to ask her for her number and dreamed of dates at ‘The Cafe Coffee’ and the ‘Zingo Disco & Bar’. She got up as the bus slowed down towards the next stop,as she did, he did too and he saw a strange expression on her face, he couldn’t understand its meaning after that smile earlier. As the bus stopped she got down hurriedly and he followed after her to get her number. The conductor looked at him with a puzzled expression, this was not our guy’s stop this was just Zilaapara still 4 miles to go for his stop. As he got down the MVI officials caught up doing a random check. They stopped him and he realised that he had misplaced his bus ticket( which was of course upto Shikkrapara). The conductor was also called down and after the ensuing row had calmed down, he found that he had lost her. Ah! he thought another dream (fantasy please!) down the drain and a loss of 20 rupees from the bus ride! Some quarter of a quarter’s sentimentality that cant be expounded now!
The Girl,the girl, oh my god , dont forget the girl.
As she got up onto the bus she felt eyes boring down on her, she told herself that she didn’t care. She was actually quite proud of herself and her attributes and its effect on the opposite sex. But public with strangers around she felt a bit exposed, nervous and afraid that men- well sometimes some men tend to be not so nice especially when they look upon her like something they desire but don’t give a shit about. She noticed a guy at the back with cute boyish looks, the guy was staring at her,she felt weird but she didn’t feel that the guy was mean. He tried to get her attention waving and getting up from his presumably to offer it to her. But at the same time a gentleman nearby whose stop had come got up and she promptly took the seat. As she glanced back at the guy he had shoved a old woman aside when she had come to take his seat. The scene was amusing and she flashed a smile which he saw as soon as he settled down. Then she turned still amused and in a good mood and wondered why her friend Debbie had called so suddenly. Then she remembered Debbie’s boyfriend, the guy was a brute. She tried setting aside her premonitions but instead wondered why guys can be so overtly aggressive at times and seemingly contrasted with the boyish guy at the back.
As she got up to get down from the bus, she saw that as soon as she had done so the guy had got up with a start and was coming towards her with some kind of a new found zeal in his eyes. She realized that this was a stranger and she didn’t trust strangers. She hurried away with a part of her nagging to know the guy. As the MVI officials zoomed in on the guy while he tried peeking over their shoulders searching for her. She went away feeling slightly guilty. As she reached her friend Debbie’s flat, she found that Debbie was weeping . As she held out to comfort her she found that Debbie was covered in bruises and not the self inflicted kind, the kind inflicted by some battering ram of a spouse or in this case the boyfriend.