Love Story with Suspense – The mysteries of Waldermans
Photo credit: gracey from morguefile.com
Chapter 1
I am running. I am all bruised and bleeding. I am way tired. I couldn’t understand in which way I am heading. The whole path is covered with thick mist and huge trees. It looked like a forest and it is dark. I am stumbling over the stones which were lying on the path and now, it’s getting too hard to move between these thick trees. The only thing which is helping me move into this wild forest is the moonlight. But, the way is blurred enough to bruise and bleed me more with that every obstacle I am hitting and smacking on my way.
I can clearly feel the weakness in my bones and in my head and I am trying to hide something in my hand. Something very precious! I gripped it real tight from letting it fall away from my weakness. My legs are wobbling with fear and my breath is shaking, Tears rolling down my cheeks. I wanted to stop. The mist is freezing my bones. I am starting to faint. But, there isn’t stopping. I knew I’ve been running quite for long time. I couldn’t breathe now and my legs stoned. But, stopping means death! There is no other way to survive. I have to run! Run away from something! No, run away from him. I just had to run away, far away from him. I know he wants something. Something, I am protecting from him.
Trying to gasp some air, I look behind to see how far I have come. I couldn’t see him clearly in the thick mist. But, I can surely see him come for me. Come to kill me! I hear his death frightening scream, ‘You will be dead! No more escaping! You hear that?’ chilling my every nerve with fear. OMG! What the hell is happening? My heart started pounding. I knew I couldn’t make it. I couldn’t fight against him. Tears roll down my cheeks with fear and anxiousness.
He is getting closer with every step I take and I am losing my will to protect it; I am losing my will to live. My lungs ran out of air and my mouth dried. I am nowhere near help now. I give up falling on my knees, clashing onto the ground hard and exhausted. I know I couldn’t move an inch anymore.
In a breath he clings in front of me with his extraordinary strength, angrily landing on to the ground. He starts screaming like a monster’s growl making me fuddled to know what the hell am I running from? He didn’t sound any much like a human and I can feel his enormous body weaving angrily and quickly. I couldn’t even see his face in this thick mist with my weak bleary eyes which were making me unconscious and slipping me to death. But I knew whatever standing in front of me, isn’t going to let me be alive.
Silence creped in for a minute. I couldn’t dare to move an inch for a second. There isn’t anything much that I can do now. He found me and there is no escape now. I have been deterred in every possible way. All I did was to hold that precious thing which I’ve been trying to protect strong and tight in my week cold hands. ‘Go away!’ I say exhaustedly. I don’t even know why I said that. It’s just greed! That animal wants to kill me and he wouldn’t like listen to me if I beg or plead him and by the way, what more I can do? I am no big monster like him to scare him or kill him or fight him.
‘Leave you?’ he growls angrily shivering me and stomps one of the palm tree with his enormous hand breaking it into two parts. I can hear its thudding sound grunting the whole dark forest with fear falling on to the ground hard. I can’t imagine how much scarier it’s going to get and all I could do in this terrifying situation is ‘screaming’!
I tried to get up to run away from him. But he reached me angrily and grabbed my hair ‘We played this hide and seek game way too long Ms. Tashy Mathew.’ His voice blew grunting my ears.
‘Leave me. Leave me alone! I cry in pain.
‘I will leave you dead!’ he meant it.
And with killing force he pushed me onto that grit ground piercing my flesh with the force I’ve been thrown. But, I determined not to give up. I couldn’t lose my life and faith that easily. I try to drag my bruised body to save myself. He didn’t look much happy seeing my attempt to run and in a breath he jumped in front me and hit my head hard enough to faint me to death. I wondered how much can I take? I lay there bleeding to death. He walks around me screaming ‘You! You little thing! You really think you are smart eh? What did you think? You will escape from me? You will Escape from you death?’
I knew I had to do something. He is gonna end this. End this by killing me. I didn’t want to die. I try to make another move with little life I’ve left. He stomps my hand with his enormous leg yelling at me ‘how much do you try? How much time you will protect it? Its mine do you hear that!’ His frightening eyes are shivering me and the pain is unbearable to take and all my struggles to free myself are going in vain making me weaker. No strength to wail I am bursting into tears. In that pain I can hear his evil laugh and feel something sharp touching my chin.
‘Aren’t you tired? Don’t you want to sleep? Sleep forever? And don’t worry, your folks will be happy to know that you protected it until you died, and I will take it killing your little will and your life!’ he laughs with the sense of victory.
‘Bye-Bye Tashy Mathew!’ he says.
With bleary eyes I try to look at him and I can see my death coming. I see him swung his deadly sword towards me to kill me. ‘Nooooo!’ I scream.
I tried to swing my body away from him with pain and I land on something hard. I wished I was dead. The pain is unbearable. Breathing lungful of air, Sweating badly to death and my heart beat thumping in my ears, I opened my eyes and he disappeared and he is no more in my sight. I looked around and I realized I lying in my room and it was a dream.
‘What the hell–!!’ I screamed examining my sweat cold arms and feet which looked perfectly fine with no bleeding cuts and bruises and I wondered what the hell was I’ve been holding or protecting or whatever till now and there is just the blanket in my sweaty palms which I’ve crushed it too much with fear. But my hand still ached as if he did really stab my wrist and my head heavy. I looked around to see any blood stains. I know it’s stupid. But it is too unreal to believe that the whole monster killing me adventure is just a dream and I am no more in that wild forest. I couldn’t understand anything. I wasn’t able to move a bit and froze in scare. I did believe that I will be dead today.
Soon, my mom rushed into my room hearing my screams and switched the lights on. Seeing her face after that dreadful nightmare and that killer, definitely made me feel better.
She reached me and hugged me ‘Tash! What happened? Why are you screaming? Are you ok?’
‘Mum! He– that sword!’ I started crying. I couldn’t help as tears were rushing down my cheeks. I hardly could say any words and expecting an explanation is too much to ask for.
‘Tashy, it’s ok. Your fine! Mum is here.’ She calm downs me handing a glass of water to drink. I drink it hurriedly. Gosh! My mouth did dry very much. I guess I just bawled the dream screams actually in real.
‘Come let’s go to my room.’ She covers the blanket around my shaking body, lifts me up and took me with her to her room to sleep.
I walked to her room wondering since how long I have been dreaming. It felt eternal to me. And I am very glad it’s over now and I came out of it alive. But my pale face still tells that I am not feeling that glad even after waking up from it. So, she puts me to sleep and kept the lights on.
Feeling really tired due to this scary nightmare I slowly slipped into sleep.
Chapter 2
I woke up in the morning still feeling dizzy about the yesterday night’s dream. That creepy feeling didn’t end with the night. And I know I didn’t even sleep that well the whole night and kept on waking up screaming. My mom had to calm me and put me to sleep again. So, I wanted to relax myself a bit.
While I am still on my bed, with my sleepy restless eyes I grabbed my phone which was blinking ‘New Message’ I opened it and its Eff
‘Tash! Where the hell are you? Don’t dare to be late today girl!’
I looked at the watch and its striking 8o’clock! ‘Oh boy! No! Not again!’ I jumped out of the bed quickly. I forgot I can’t be late to the school today no matter what. Today is Thursday and the first two hours were assigned to Mrs. Lance’s our English teacher. She is a monster, our principal and I bet she wouldn’t be a bit happy if I walk into the class a minute late.
So, in a tick I rushed into my room. I brushed, bathed and quickly slipped into my casual outfit, blue jeans, black tee and tied my hair into a pony and damped my back pack with all the unfinished assignments. Huh, and finally with a streak of a baby pink lip gloss on my lips, I’m totally ready to attack the kitchen.
I do know how much I struggled yesterday. And duh! How much can, an eighteen year old girl could take? Be it in a damn dream! It did incinerate my million calories for all those scary screams and dying heart attacks I had and being beaten up by the evil is wrenching my heart into pieces when I even think about it. So, as the matter of fact I have totally decided to make my tummy a bit fat today no matter what! And, was set to fill my tummy up to the brim now.
I climbed the stairs and reached the dining hall and greeted ‘Good morning mum!’
‘Morning Tashy! You woke up?’ she hugged me tight feeling happy to see me smiling again. I know I’ve worried her a lot yesterday.
‘How you feeling now Tash?’ she asked me filling up my plate with bread and butter.
‘Umm, yea, fine mum!’ I said stuffing my mouth.
‘I am glad to see you good this morning dear. You were so scared yesterday, I don’t know what you’ve been dreaming last night but you did scare me Tash!’ she said kissing my fore head worriedly still not sure if I was actually ok. Which, I was definitely not.
‘I am okay now.’ I say.
‘But, why don’t you stay home today? You didn’t sleep well all-night. Take some rest.’ She says brushing my hair.
‘No mum, it’s ok. I told you I am perfectly fine now. I have to go to college today. Don’t worry about me.’
‘Hmm, ok then sweetie. But if you feel a bit sick, just give me a call I will pick you up.’
‘Yea, I will!’ I smiled at her.
She put more bread butter and sandwich on my plate as I finish it off like a hungry wolf.
‘So you going to work today?’ I asked her stuffing the grilled sandwich in my mouth.
‘Yea Tash, the work is just getting hectic now.”
I felt really bad that because of me she had to have a sleepless night guarding me. ‘Mom! I am sorry I troubled you.’ I hugged her in guilt.
‘No Tashy! Don’t say like that. I love you kid. And I am glad you are fine now.’ She kisses my fore head.
‘But, what happened? What kind of dream did you have Tash? You were really scared.’ She sits beside me looking at me worriedly. I didn’t want to talk about the dream. I didn’t want to worry her or trouble her anymore and well, it’s just a dream and everyone has dreams, nightmares. May be getting killed by a monster man is a bit scary and pant wetting.
‘Just a creepy dream mamma! I don’t even want to think about it.’ I say slowly gazing at my plate.
‘Yea, it’s fine Tash! Tell me when you feel like. Okay?’ she pats my arm.
I smile at her. I actually do feel better than the night. So, to me this conversation ended and I guess by evening when the school finishes, my brain will be munched up with all kind of gossips which I will be hearing today and listing out my never ending assignments.
So, looking at the wall clock I quickly stuff my mouth with all the rest of the bread butters laying on my plate and sipped the entire orange juice in the glass and rushed out of my home saying ‘Bye mom!’
‘Bye, Tash!’ she waved.
I started walking to catch the bus. I didn’t want to be late. At least, not today! I am definitely not in a mood to say in the detention room or in the principal’s office.
Well, I always ride to my college on my bike. My college isn’t far away from my house and with my superman energy over my bike; I can easily beat many punk bikers and drop myself in less than fifteen minutes.
But, I guess I’ve just pulled my lucky stars down these days and so, my bike landed in the garage which is trying to recover from the bet race I had with Effy my best friend few days back who claimed that, she could beat me in the race which in my defense never happened in years. So, I took the challenge fiercely and in the attempt to maintain my winning record I lost my control over it and punctured my tire, hitting it onto a sharp stone and in bonus to my defeat, I even hit my head too hard landing onto a stone and bruised it as well, Gosh! Not my day!
So obviously, I lost the bet and painfully I had to bear all her never ending victory gabbing all the way, while she helped me walking home. Well, I hardly could take anything into my brain with that big bump I made on my head. It pained like hell the next two days that I had to go to the doctor and beg for pain killers. Well, its fine now, But now I think it’s not a big deal when compared to that big blow hit I got from that evil man in my yesterday’s dream. Strangely my head still aches a bit. Not sure if it’s my bicycle hit or due to my death dream’s hit or due to my sleepless night.
Whatever, now I had to go to the bus stop by walk and struggle waiting for that damn bus which would never show up on time in its life time. But, when I stepped out into the sunlight the worries didn’t bother me much. It’s been an awful long time since I took a walk and it’s definitely refreshing to face a sunny morning and feel the warm sun rays on my face which I horribly needed after what I experienced yesterday.
So here it is, in minutes I finally reached the bus stop and to my amusement I got the bus real quick which never ever happened in my school life whenever I needed to be on time. It kinda looked like things are starting to change. Well, at least the start was good. May be my lucky stars aren’t angry on me anymore, I guess.
I make my ticket and lie back onto the seat and relax myself a bit. I know in few minutes I will land into my College, “The Regions college” which it is not less than a small world in this big country, West Virginia. It’s not that huge and sophisticated? Not at all!
It has some shabby, grumpy and wicked teachers. Who will make sure that they kick your butt and make you feel terrible if you are not strong enough!
Well, in few minutes of sightseeing from the bus window I see the coffee shop. That’s my stop! I quickly jump off the bus and seriously wanted to thank the driver for bringing me on time. Thanks a lot I say myself in my brain smiling at him. He smiles back.
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