Love Story – The Room for Two
Photo credit: Scarletina from morguefile.com
Nick is new to this city. Nick has some hopes in his efforts. He decided to live in this city. Nick needs a furnished room. Nick has limited resources. So he cannot spend much to live in a room without furniture. Nick came to knew that furnished rooms will be available for bachelors. Nick started the search for a furnished room.
In the outskirts of the city, there is a big mansion called RED BIRD. This mansion is very popular. Nick’s friends told him that he will get a room in this building. The owner of the mansion is Agnes Carlson. She is around fifty. She looked at Nick with an eagle eye.
“I want a room, a furnished room.” Nick said.
“What are you doing?” Agnes asked him.
“I am a writer. My name is Nick. I am working for a film company. I often come to room lately. So there should not be any disturbance for me.” Nick said.
“How much you can afford for a room?”
“I think, if the room is good, I have no problem with the rent.”
“How many days you may stay here?’
“This is but uncertain to say, I think I can stay here for few months or more than a year. This I cannot say exactly.”
Agnes Carlson’s interview is over. She told Nick that the room No.17 is best for him. The rent is not much or less. Nick saw the room. It is good. She took the advance and gave him the key of the room. No more formalities.
Nick went out and came to room No. 17 late. The room is filled with some unknown lady spray. The steps to upstairs are there. The door is open. Nick went searching to know that where from the spray odor is coming. It is dark on the upstairs. So Nick left the search and came back.
Nick slept after some time. The room is locked from inside. Nick did not close the door to upstairs.
Nick is alarmed to notice in the midnight to see that someone is sleeping on his bed. He recognized that the someone is a girl of around twenty five years. She also woke up and alarmed to see Nick in her bed.
“Who are you?” she asked me with a shriek.
“Who are you?” Nick asked her without a shriek.
“I am Elisa. I am the tenant of this room.” She said.
“How it can be? I am Nick and I have taken this room for rent today. So I am the tenant of this room.”
“Oh, I am the old tenant of this room.” Elisa said.
“If so you might returned the key to the house owner while vacating this room.”
“I did it. I have returned the key. But I have a duplicate key. I did not get a room for rent immediately. So I am using this room as the unauthorized tenant.” Elisa said.
“What are you doing?”
“I am a film writer.” Elisa said.
“Very nice, I am also a film writer.” Nick said.
“Which company you are working for?” Elisa asked.
“Carters Brothers” Nick said.
“They are cheaters. The owner of the company James Carter is not a good person. He engages new people and avoid paying them for their works.” Elisa said.
“What company you are working for?’ Nick asked her.
“I am working for Bento Sisters.”
“Oh that is a big company and you must be a good earning person.”
“The company is good, but it is facing some problems. They are unable to pay, so they have asked me to quit. So I am jobless now. It is why I have vacated this room and using this without proper authorization.”
“Oh. It is very bad situation, I understand.” Nick said.
“Can I ask you a favor?”
“Sure, what is it?”
“Let me stay in this room for some days, till I get a new job. Can you let me be in this room?”
Elisa’s face made Nick to accept this request.
“It’s okay. Be with me in my room. I accept this proposal because you are a film writer.” Nick said.
“Thank you. You need not tell this to Agnes. She will not check who are coming and who are going. Her rent time is everything for her.” Elisa said.
Few days passed. Nick found that what Elisa said about Carters Brothers is cent-per-cent right. He is not paid. He decided to quit the job.
When he said this to Elisa, she advised him to stay for some more time there. Because jobless will be treated bad in the society. So as per her advice, he stayed there and tried some other place which is small, but they are good paymasters.
He recommended Elisa also to work there. She also got job in that company.
Their first film was released and as the writers of the film, Elisa and Nick are applauded.
The writer of the company is Elisa-Nick and both of them are getting popular as the film writers.
“You have robbed my bed on that day and now you have robbed my side place also.” Nick said with a laugh.
“Of course, you are right. I was sleeping in your bed without authorization, but now I am besides you with the power of my writing abilities.” Elisa said.
Nick loves Elisa and he wants her to be his life partner. So did she also.
Thus Elisa and Nick are married. The Furnished Room is now filled with the costly spray of Elisa as authorized spray. Nick is feeling that this spray is his inspiration. He is writing on Elisa’s back with his fingers “I love you my sweet Script writer”.
Elisa said with a sweet smile, “Your script on my back is not paid by anyone, so I will pay you.”