Love Story – P.S. I LOVE YOU
Photo credit: hotblack from morguefile.com
Walter pater said “the essential elements…..of the romantic spirit are curiosity and the love of beauty”
This love story is full of romance and sweet romantic gestures. It’s the story of Ayesha and Abhi who are currently in college and pursuing their bachelors degree
Ayesha: Abhi, it’s been such a long time v have’nt had any romantic moment. there is something missing in our relationship…
Abhi: hmm…chill dude
Ayesha: c’mon…i am fed up of this chilling around of yours, i want to break up!!!!!! (sobbing on the phone)
Abhi: what do u want baby??what is missing?? tell me (he loves her unconditionally but fails to express her)
Ayesha: love…ya baby, love…love is missing …
Abhi: meri love ki dukaan so ja… ;) :p
Ayesha (laughing)..g’nyt baby, love you…
Abhi: g’nyt jaan, love you, sweet dreams
after this conversation, Abhi slept but Ayesha couldn’t, she kept on thinking how things have changed in the past 2.5 yrs of their relationship.
She decided to make things fine like earlier, because for her Abhi was the only guy she ever loved and she was crazy for him, after all she got him after waiting for 2.5yrs, yup…thats true, and i guess that’s true love…!!!!!!
Ayesha and Abhi were school mates; they never knew each other personally until 1 fine day when Ayesha joined the tuition classes where Abhi was already enrolled. Abhi liked her on the first place while ayesha didn’t even notice him. Abhi is a fair, 6ft tall, nicely built and an innocent looking guy whereas Ayesha, a sweet looking girl with a sweet smile, wheatish complexion, shoulder length hair, big pretty black eyes.
Their story started with the exchange of hellos and smiles but Ayesha used to feel that abhi is some one she would never like to date or be with because she didn’t find anything extra ordinary about him whereas Abhi started dreaming about her and imagining that naughty stuff that guys are usually in habit of doing. Abhi had some charm in him because at that time he was involved with all the school’s hotties and Ayesha could’nt even resist his charm and fell for him, it took her 3 months to fell for him and another 3 months to realise it and 2.5 years to get him in her life.
Abhi had this habit of flirting around with every girl and for him Ayesha was one of those girls. Ayesha thought those long night chats, sweet messages that said “morning beautiful” or “i love you, muuaahhh” or “u r the prettiest girl” was just for her. All these things made her really happy; her happiness was visible on her face, the blush and the glow became a part of her pretty face. She was full of joys of spring. although she didn’t tell any one about it for the fact she knew her friends are never gonna like abhi because they were aware about the real side of abhi , which the innocent ayesha never knew. yes, unfortunately there was a dark side of abhi, he was not in love with ayesha, he was just playing with ayesha’s feelings and those sweet texts were not just for her but for every other girl.
ayesha came to know when her friend, ria told her about the messages that abhi sent her the same messages as ayesha, ayesha was shocked, rather than shocked, she was hurt. she confronted abhi and he accepted all the things and said he was sorry and told her he genuinely cared for her and she was his special friend. But poor ayesha dindt only want to be friends with him, she wanted something more. Her heart got broke, her trust got broke, and moreover she got broke from inside. Within a few minutes, her dreams of being with abhi, spending time with him, involving with him in a special relationship of love got shattered. She thought of giving him a chance, love can make you do anything. love can change anyone. ayesha was 1 of those girls who don’t even used to talk to any other guy except those guys who wre already her friends, she didn’t even used to give a look to any random guy as she was very shy and she was happy with her friends. and since abhi came in her life, she not only talked to him but also hid this thing from her friends except her best friend, kria. back to giving 1 chance, she didn’t know, abhi was still hiding something from her and this time something big!!!!!!!!
Abhi was in a relationship, yes you read it right, and he was dating his friend, Kamya. Ayesha’s friends told her about his affair but she never believed them because she thought that abhi will tell her for sure if such thing was there. she saw Abhi and Kamya getting cosier, spending time together and going to the isolated places of the school, but, she ignored. To her Abhi’s words were more important to her than what she was seeing. One day sitting with Abhi in d class
Ayesha: are u hiding something from me??
Abhi (holding her hand): y will i do that??if u want to ask something, go ahead Ayesha.
Ayesha: are you dating Kamya??
Abhi: nooooo..i know evry1 thinks like that, but trust me Ayesha there is nothing going on between me and kamya.
Ayesha got happy after listening to that; she slept well that day. things were not going fine between ayesha an abhi. ayesha’s smile faded away, she got slimmer day by day, and the glow on her face just went away. and suddenly one day abhi came with kamya to her and told her about their relationship. ayesha had nothing to say except for congratulating them as she didn’t want to show the couple what was going inside her. ayesha complained to abhi about not telling it to her earlier, abhi said things were not fine between you and me ayesha. ayesha kept quite and decided to end every thing with him that very day. she went home called her friend kria up and cried a lot. they both consoled her but nothing could stop her from crying.
days passed, her feelings for him grew fonder day by day but she stopped talking to him as she didn’t want abhi to know about her feelings and moreover kamya didn’t like ayesha. abhi tried really hard to be friends wid ayesha and he took all the efforts to make things fine between them but ayesha didn’t respond to him much.
School was about to get finished; ayesha started getting irritated as now she wont be able to see him anymore. ayesha with her best friend kria used to go and stand in front of abhi’s class so as to get a glimpse of him. then came the conti party, they both met nicely and abhi was totally took overy by ayesha’s charm and beauty at the party, this made ayesha really happy. then came the farewell of the school, they bid to each other, got pictures clicked, ayesha was dying from inside but she kept a fake smile on her face. and finally the school got over.
ayesha and abhi got busy with the admission procedure of the colleges and then came the day when abhi had to leave for bangalore as he got admission in one of the engineering colleges of Bangalore. they both decided to meet, ayesha was not happy as he was about to leave delhi. it was 2nd august 2009, they met and went to see love aaj kal, coincidentally it was a movie about long distance relationship so somwhere ayesha and abhi were imagining themselves to be at deepika’s and saif’s place. in the middle of the movie, ayesha started crying, she couldn’t control her tears, she was really very sad as abhi had to leave delhi on 4th august. abhi tried to calm her down and seeing her like this, he decided to meet her next day too. (i feel somewhere abhi loved ayesha because he was very busy on 3rd august but somehow he managed and came to meet her). they both went to see new york, the hall was almost empty and suddenly abhi sent a text to ayesha “can i hold your hand”?? ayesha didn’t know how to react, she said ok..he held her hand. ayesha felt shy but was really happy n when he touched her she felt as if she has caught electric shock, then he lowered down and kept his head on her shoulder and her hand on his heart and told her he’s gonna be with her always. it was for the first time that a guy touched ayesha in such a manner and got so close to her, she felt as if some one is tickling her.it was the best feeling she could have ever experienced. both of then talked all night long on phone, ayesha cried but abhi told her to calm down and told her nothing will change, he’ll always be the same to her. abhi even told her that night that “ayehsa and kamya were on same place for him, ayesha and kamya were equally important to him.” and finally on 5th august he went to bangalore.
Ayesha got admission in one of the reputed college of Delhi university so you can very well imagine Ayesha’s life. Du’s student life means full of enjoyment, hanging out with friends and bunking classes. She was happy with her college life as she got two very nice friends there-pia and ishika. They three used to spend all of their time together but still Ayesha was not able to forget Abhi and she missed him a lot. Abhi on the other hand kept busy with his studies as he’s very much into studies, but he used take out time to talk to Ayesha regularly. Ayesha was happy as she felt it was sweet on Abhi’s part to call her everyday despite the busy schedule of Abhi because of his studies and of course his girlfriend, Kamya. Kamya too went out of Delhi to pursue her further studies but this didn’t affect their relationship. Meanwhile Abhi and Ayesha kept on talking and sometimes flirting and even Abhi got to know about Ayesha’s feelings for him but he never said anything to her. it was his b’day in September, 14th September, Ayesha called up to wish him and you won’t imagine he talked to her whole night till 5 a.m., I think even Abhi loved her but he was afraid to accept that.
Then came December 2009, when Abhi had to come home for his winter vacations. Ayesha was happy that he’s coming to Delhi but till that time Ayesha has made sure that this time she is going to treat him as a best friend only and she won’t think of any future with him as 2.5yrs have past but nothing changed as he was happy with Kamya. Abhi came to Delhi on 20th December and after reaching Delhi and home, he went to meet Ayesha. It was 7’o clock and it was chilly winter and he had a tiring journey but still he wanted to meet her and went ahead. Ayesha went to meet him, met him quite casually, and talked a lot. Abhi was surprised to see this side of Ayesha as Ayesha was never like this earlier. She used to be very quiet, shy and it was Abhi who used to speak all the time but this time it was Ayesha. When Ayesha saw him, the love buck again bit her but she made herself strong and decided not to think about it any further.
They both met again on 25th December, they went to see 3 idiots. Abhi was at the theatre waiting for him n he saw Ayesha coming and he was completely drooled over her. Ayesha wore a pink top, blue jeans, a pink and blue stole wrapped around her neck and her hair flowing in the air due to the wind and the side fringes covered one of her eye. She apologized for getting late. And then her cell beeped, it was a text from Abhi “u look gorgeousJ”. Ayesha blushed and thanked him. Ayesha was even completely bowled over by him; he was wearing a dark blue shirt that Ayesha gifted him and blue jeans. According to Ayesha he always looks like an adorable baby. In her words “he’s a shona baby”. They went ahead to see the movie, at the end of the movie, Abhi touched her arm and holded it. Ayesha became totally numb, she just smiled and said nothing and again she was caught by the electric shock. After the movie they went to bangla sahib gurudwra, Ayesha couldn’t stop herself and prayed to the god “bhagwan ji. 2.5 yrs se meri prayers mein sirf Abhi hi hai. plz ek baar meri baat maan jao, if he’s gonna b happy with me, make him mine and I want whenever I come next to gurudwara, we should come as a couple and not as friends”. they both went back home by metro, metro was very crowded so Abhi got a chance to flirt with her again and he touched her and held her to protect her from other people. ayesha just blushed and was on cloud 9 that day. her facebook status read that day “m so happy..so so happy..happy to be with you J “. She was in raptures.
After 2 days she got to know that Abhi and Kamya broke up!!! It should have been the best news for Ayesha but somehow she was not happy, she read kamya’s status that was quite depressing and sad so she felt bad for both of them. She told her friends and sis about it and everyone was happy because they knew now it’s the happiness time for Ayesha. That day Abhi told her to always be with him as he was emotionally low that day and he needed someone to be there with him.
on 30th December they both met again and went to watch a movie, the theatre was empty and had just 2-3 couples as it was a morning show of 10 a.m. that day Abhi kissed her on her hand and rested his head on her shoulder and even Ayesha kept his head on his chest. They both knew that something is going to happen soon between them but they remained silent about it.
Then came 2nd January 2010, and they met again at 9a.m., it was really cold n foggy weather that day but as said nothing can stop lovers so they met. They went to bangla sahib and boarded metro to reach there. metro was very much crowded and Ayesha had to almost hug Abhi in order to stand in the metro.abhi wrapped his arm around her waist so that she doesn’t fall if jerked. They both can feel a level of intimacy coming up but they ignored it. They reached Rajiv chowk metro station and when they came out of the station, some magic happened, a miracle happened
Abhi got down on his knees, took out a dairy milk chocolate from his pocket and said to her “I love you Ayesha and I want you to be mine, just hold my hand and then see ill make you the most happiest girl of the world, I won’t treat as my girlfriend but as my sweet little princess, I really love you a lot”
Ayesha had no words, she had tears in her eyes as she had been waiting for this day for 2.5 yrs and finally her dream came true. She accepted his proposal and headed towards gurudwara to thank god for this amazing day. after gurudwara they went to see a movie again. All of a sudden Abhi kissed Ayesha and Ayesha respond back. They hugged each other and Ayesha asked Abhi to promise her that he’ll always stay with her and will never leave her. Abhi kissed her on her forehead and promised her. They both got home after the movie and were very happy but sad too as Abhi was supposed to leave for Bangalore the very next day. Ayesha could feel Abhi’s smell from her clothes as they hugged each other that day. Ayesha had never felt as protective as she felt in his arms. She was lost in some other world. When she reached home she couldn’t help but blushed whole day. Again they talked whole night long on phone but the best part was Ayesha didn’t cry that day as she did earlier when he used to leave Delhi.
It was Ayesha’s b’dy on 2nd April and to give her surprise Abhi flew down to Delhi and spent a week with her, this was the best b’day gift for Ayesha. They spent the week together. From 9a.m to 5 p.m, they used to be together, they went out for movies, shopping and everything. Abhi made best possible effort to make her happy and he succeeded. For Ayesha, Abhi’s smile is everything and same for Abhi, her smile is the most important thing for him. The best part is he loves looking into her eyes and he wants to tell her how much he loves her…awwwwww that is so sweet. But Ayesha never allows that as she feels shy.
It’s been 2.5yrs now, both of them are happy in their relationship. They do fight but that’s okay. Abhi is mature enough to handle Ayesha and her tantrums. Ayesha knows that she is Abhi’s weakness so she gets all her wishes fulfilled from him and he even readily agrees to them. They both meet after every 4 months when Abhi comes to Delhi for his holidays. They both share a very cute relationship that is full of love, romance, intimacy and fun. they both are not just like lovey dovey lovers but are a fun loving couple who pull each other leg and Ayesha has all the say in their relationship and still she complains to Abhi about having all the way and not listening to him, but Abhi knows she is in habit of saying something or the other thing so he ignores.
1 of the example of their convo
Ayesha (she’s in Delhi and he’s in Bangalore): baby… L
Abhi: whats wrong baby??
Ayesha: ghumi ghumi chalein??
Abhi: mujhe ninni aa rhi hai, kal lekr jaunga.
Ayesha: u don’t love me anymore, I don’t want to be with you, and u were not like this in the starting. Now you have got bored so you say like that.( sob sob sob)
abhi: g’nyt baby, sweetdreams.. love you
Ayesha: bye (angry) love you (angry)
but these things are just a part of their relationship, otherwise they are very happy and they have decided to marry too if everything goes fine but there are a few chances of it as they both are of same age so it’ll be an issue for Ayesha to wait for him . Few days back Ayesha and Abhi fought and Ayesha again told him to break up with him but he in turn scolded her so she sent him this long sweet text-
“I love you my baby…muuaaahhhh… jaan. I just wanna tell u dat I love you so much…u wr, u r n u’ll always be the love f my lyf…my abhi…my love…although i keep tlng u 2 brk up wid me, bt dt certainly doesn’t mean dt dnt love you.. I love you a lot but circumstances my me say such things…shona i realy dnt knw for hw long v’l stay 2ghtr, bt always remember 1 thing dt my love 4u wil nvr fade away.. I might b wid sm1 else n u myt b wid sm1 else..bt dt wont make ny diff. 2 me, ull always remain in my heart n dts nt jst cz i love you bt cz u r truly an adorable person n hv gvn me such b’ful moments dt io wont b able to 4gt.. i knw frm quite a long tym my atti has chngd 2wrds u..bt dts jst cz f d fear f losing u n hvng no future wid u which i realy wntd 2 hv… bt u cnt gt wt u wnt so m okay wid it nw J..i realy rspct 4 wt u r n u r syrely gonna rch to those heights which u n ur family wants coz i hv seen u doing efforts 4 it n m sure they wont go vain…
aapko pta hai aap sabse zada cute se baby ho, lil babies hote hain na unse bi zada cute..n wn u praise urslf na tb toh aap aur bhi cute se pyaare se lagte ho n wn u eat n u dnt evn care m sitin wid u n u r hardly intrstd in listenin 2wt m spkng, tb sbse zada cute lagte ho.. n wen u smyl, thn u luk lyk my hawwttt baby.. muuuaahhhh…”
abhi replied “v’l surely have a future baby, ill make it possible.
Abhi I don’t want to continue with you anymore, said Ayesha. ( It has been 4years that they are together and these are the lines that Ayesha texted Abhi. )
If you guys liked it then do comment so that I would share the second part of this true love story.
Thanks J