Love Story – Tiger In the town
Photo credit: natnat from morguefile.com
Peter. That was his name. People call him Peter the long man. He is above seven feet. But his hands are as short as his legs. If he walks with his hands and legs, he will be like a tiger. He likes tigers both in the forests and also in the towns. So people sometimes call him peter the tiger.
Hunting is his second life. He is rich enough, so he needs no job to do. His hunting hobby has stayed as his only job.
One day he went to the nearby forest. There he saw a woman who looks just like a tigress. She said that her name is Tasha. She was not only just like a tigress; she also knows how to speak the tiger’s language.
“Tasha, you look very sexy.” Peter said.
Peter looked at her with the hungry looks to eat her with his hungry eyes filled with full desire.
Tasha was sweet sexy woman with healthy glittering body and sexy looks in her lotus like eyes. Tasha was in love with Peter the tiger as she sees him as her good sex partner.
“Why don’t we both live together to have a little tiger as our memory?” Peter asked her frankly.
“I too like to live with a man like a tiger and I believe you are my right life partner.” Tasha said with her full consent.
They started living together as the trees, lake and the wild nature in the forest as the witness. They live and love in the forest for many days and nights. Peter has long gun in his short hands when he walks in the woods like a tiger hunting animals. Some times with Tasha and some other times without Tasha besides him.
Tasha was happy and she was ready to give birth to a little boy.
“We will have a tiger boy soon. Just like you.” Tasha said with a bright smile…
“No, we will have tigress girl. I like a girl like you and I will make her as the tigress like you.” Peter said with a smile.
Meanwhile, he noticed that one real tigress daily comes to their place where they live and love. The real tigress sits outside the window of the room and observes peter and Tasha love with fire like desire.
By that time, Peter learnt the language of tigers. He saw that the real tigress is quite different, half human like and if we think that the tail is missing, she looks like a beautiful body. All womanly features are in her. Round and stiff under forelegs and just like a woman behind rear legs. While Peter was seeing her, she looked happy and moved around to let him see her beauty. Peter saw and controlled his feelings. But this young tigress became his show piece to see frequently.
One night Peter could not sleep. Tasha was sleeping. Tigress is not there to look at her.
He took his gun and walked on the river bank slowly. The moonlight is spreading like silver rain around. Everywhere night beauty of forest is spread as warm love. Peter suddenly stopped.
The real tigress looked at him. Peter was at shock to see the real hungry tigress looking at him in three feet distance. Peter took his gun and aimed at her.
“Your gun is strong, I know.” Tigress said with a smile.
“So what? Why you smile like that?” Peter asked.
“Do you think that I am a man eater?”
“Even if so, I don’t care!”
“I know that. Give me your gun.”
“You cannot shoot. It works with me only”
“You are a fool.”
“You look very sexy. You are beautiful.”
“Do you think that I am beautiful?”
“Yes. You are real charming queen.”
“Now you look very smart.”
“How you know that?”
“I saw you when you came here. Your Tasha is not real tigress. I know that gun is not needed to hunt a tigress like me. I am coming every night and sitting before the window and seeing you and Tasha love long. I feel myself in the place of Tasha. My parents say that I am more human than wild tigress. I started loving you young man.”
“I know that.”
“Then what? You can love me. I am the real tigress.”
“No way. I cannot love real tigress.”
“Why not?”
“You are a fool. Is it a question?”
“You are bugging me, how can’t you love me?”
“You are real tigress. I am false with the tiger name.”
“So what? Feel me and feel you are real tiger. I see you like my real tiger partner when I loved you.”
“You are a foolish tigress, may be the man eater.”
“Don’t be afraid of that. Till today, I did not eat any man.”
Peter looked at the tigress. She looked more beautiful than Tasha.
“You are like my Tasha in bed. Why don’t you wear bra and women shorts?”
“Who said I don’t wear? I don’t wear when I want someone like you to attract towards me. You can see my charming and lovely body and feel that I m not less than any real beautiful women in your circle.”
Peter was astonished at the sexy real tigress’s thoughts to become close to him.
He started loving the real tigress long back when she daily sits at window in the midnight when Tasha will be asleep. He now knew that she wished him come out of bed room to follow her.
“What’s your name?”
“I am Princess lovely. My dad calls me ’lovely’. My friends call me ‘flora’.”
“You look real love queen. People are foolish to shiver at tigresses like flora.”
“You are right. Very sweet boys come here for hunting. None was so charming and smart like you.”
“Hi my flora! You are very erotic!” He kissed her with hot desire spreading in his body.
“Hi my prince of Persia!” flora loved him like the forest fire.
Both the lovers walked on the river bank in the moon light. Flora and Prince of Persia were in love. They sleep on smooth green bed on the river bank looking up in to moon. Tongues touch and twist, twist and play. He kisses her and she plays her sharp tongue smoothly on Peter’s face again and again.
After some days, Tasha was angry on Peter.
“I don’t like you.”
“Why Tasha? I love you more.”
“I don’t believe you. You are a liar.”
“I did not lie”
“It is a lie. You lied with flora.”
“That is true. She is our friend.”
“She is not a friend, she is real tigress. She is a man eater.”
“She told me, she did not eat any man till today.”
“I don’t believe her words like you. She ate many hunters here. I saw with my eyes.”
“Tasha, you are my sweet wife. Our little tiger is ready to cry soon. Don’t hate me now.”
“It is possible only on one condition.”
“Tell me. I promise to do follow that.”
“Don’t meet flora from now. “
“I promise.”
After few nights, when flora did not see him, she came directly to his Bed room.
Flora was angry when she saw him sleeping with Tasha with a lot of love.
Peter saw Flora and came out silently with her.
“Flora, I came to know that you are a liar.”
“Who said that?”
“What did she say?”
“That you killed some hunters here, she saw you ate them.”
“She is a liar. I will kill her now.”
“Please, don’t do that.”
“Why not? I will kill her. She is my enemy. I want you permanently for me.”
Flora was really angry and hungry as the man eater.
“Don’t do that. She is now the mother of my little tiger.”
“Then you have to forget her completely. You have to come with me.”
“Then Tasha will kill me.”
“Don’t worry. I will take you to my home. My father and brothers will save you from her.”
“She has gun to kill your family.”
“We are inborn killers. We don’t care the guns and bullets.”
“I know. Give me some time.”
“Okay. Tell me tomorrow. If you don’t obey me, I will kill both of you.”
“Not both, three of us.”
“You are right.”
Flora went home. Peter made his wife Tasha wakeup soon.
“Let us go to our Middlebury home quick. We have to save us from the tiger family of Flora.”
So Peter the tiger and Tasha rushed to Middlebury town. When they reached their estate they were in safety. There were a dozen servants to look after their needs. Tasha felt that she was proud to have him as her husband. Because he is tiger like and rich like the forest king.
Days are passing. They had tiger boy. He was just like his mother. Peter was happy with Tasha and he was taking every care to keep her very happy.
After few days, Peter was seeing Flora in his dreams. She was weeping and asking him to come to forest and spend some time with her.
When he said about this to Tasha, she was angry.
“Don’t you think one tigress is enough? Do you want a real tigress to live with you who will kill you and me and if not happy, our little tiger also?”
Then Peter was cool and left the idea to go to the forest. He wanted a change in life. So he went to a nearby big city and visited the hotel de tigress. It was a big hotel where you can have every type of forest food. People mostly hunters come to eat good forest food.
Sitting in the hotel, Peter the tiger felt like a real tiger sitting with his sexy flora tigress.
The boss of the hotel was Tom the tiger. He likes Peter the tiger and they are good friends.
Jessica was the dancer there and she likes Peter the tiger. She saw him and came to spend some time with him. She sat with Peter.
Tom came and sat with him for some time. Jessica left the place to let them talk.
“Hi! How are you?” He asked with affection.
“I am fine. How are you Tom?” Peter asked him with the same affection.
Peter told him about his love with Tasha and the mysterious love with tiger princess Flora. Tom the tiger wondered and he started dreaming to love Flora. Peter’s description of Flora made him mad for her and he decided to go to the forest and stay in the bamboo house of Tasha to love Flora.
“Tell me what do you want to eat now?” He asked Peter.
“I want some real tiger’s food.” Peter said casually.
Tom the tiger was shocked. He looked around and saw that nobody is hearing their conversation.
“I need a day or two to arrange this special dish for you.”
Tom said this with a lot of sweat spreading over his face.
“Why you need that much time?” Peter asked.
“Are you crazy? I am not a real tiger or man eater!” Tom said.
“Are you a fool? What are you talking?”
“I am not a fool man. You stayed in the forest and you might have liked the real tiger’s food.”
“Tell me clearly.”
“Real tiger’s food is for real tigers. I know tigers are man eaters.”
Peter started laughing with very broad smile.
“Hi fool! I am a man, not a man eater.”
“Why you said the word rail tiger’s food?”
“I am really hungry like a real tiger. I want to eat like a real tiger. It doesn’t mean that I am a tiger and I am a man-eater.”
Tom also laughed. He arranged plates of hot good food ready in the hotel.
Peter sprinkled tomato sauce on every dish to make it look like raw meat before real tiger’s mouth.
Peter stayed with Tom for a month. Tom started learning to speak with tigers. He is now in unseen Flora love and he is dreaming to have this human like wild tigress with real woman features.
After that, Peter returned home. He did not enquire about Tom who went to forest to meet the princess tigress Flora. When he enquired about him after few months, he came to know that Tom did not return from forest till then.