Love Story from College – I kissed her in my dream
Photo credit: anitapeppers from morguefile.com
The sunrise
I woke up early. 6:00 a.m as I used to do. That day, I had an exam. I decided to make some jogs before I get prepared for it. It was just to do my best to stay fit because I hated to have a big stomach. Unfortunately every one can change. I mean according to the body. This doesn’t work with everything under the sun. As it is said, the snake gives birth to a snake not a monkey. Or, if you plant advocate, you can only get advocate. But for people, this is not the case, everyone can change.
I had a brother who was fit when he was at school. Everybody used to say that he was the perfect example for people who will never change, who will never become fat. Right now, you can try to watch how he had become. I can’t explain something unexplainable. To avoid becoming like that, I decided to do exercises every day morning before I did something else like going to school, washing my body or anything else.
It had become my being, a part of my life. After days for studies, I had either to play football or to do some joggings for my health and try to forget all I have studied. To refresh my mind. When I was in front of the examination paper, full of questions it was or somehow, I had answers coming from anywhere. It was helpful for me. It was like someone was just behind me, whispering all answers.
I took my t-shirt, a black one with a palm picture in front and a number behind I paid some months back. It was five, the number. I remember because when I was playing one day, some people outside was crying. “Hey, don’t let the number 5 touches the ball.” I didn’t find the sport shoes I was looking for. I took those I saw, for my brother. He couldn’t notice because he was sleeping. He was even not able to notice that I was awake already. Those shoes were behind the door in my bedroom. He was such a lazy bone. He couldn’t be able to wash his shoes without someone to push him till there. So I knew where he used to put his shoes. As he was deep asleep, I had the best opportunity to take his shoes.
The remaining was the short. Which one to take, I wondered. The short was just on the door. I should have taken one for my brother again because he couldn’t notice. That was the reason that I didn’t want to sleep late. I could get up late.
I heard some noise in the living room but I couldn’t care.
As I was opening the room’s door, “where are you going in this time?”
“As you can see,” I said.”Guess yourself.”
“Aren’t these Bruce’s shoes?”
Bruce was my brother.1 year older than me. Same height, same kind of walking, same way to speak. People thought we were twins. The one who was asking me all those questions was my young sister.
“What are you doing?”I asked. ”You are supposed to be asleep by then.”
“I don’t sleep,” she said.
“Why?” I asked. “Remy troubled again your heart?”
Remy was her boyfriend. They used to break their relationship for a while then restart…break…restart. It was like a game.
“No,” she said.
“Anyway,” I said, “it is not my problem.”
She went in her room without answering even one of my questions. ”you will never change.”
“What are talking about?” I said.
I stilled have the shoes in my hands. I went in the living room to look for keys. With a cat step, shoes in my hands, keys were on the cupboard just in the eating room. I took them and with same step I found the way to get out.
The door from behind was the easiest way to not be noticed, by the kitchen. I opened it silently. There were some people who used to sleep in the living room. Fortunately, they didn’t notice, only my sister knew. I opened it quite silently. The next step was for the main gate. Both keys were at the same keys holder.
Anyway, I took keys for the main door. I opened it. I didn’t really have choice either to take back keys or not. Maybe my brother would be awake. I let them on the main door’s gate.
The street was so empty. You could just listen to some dogs barking from far, see some lights or understand noise you cannot know where it was from.
Just in front of the main door, there were stairs. My house was located in between for others houses. 3 of them were just around. The last was at the right side and were separated by a small way. That way was mainly taken when people wanted to get the main road. You had to climb some stairs before you get there.
I started running from there till up. About ten minutes to climb. That was just to make me in a good mood of running. I felt tired at the top of stairs of course. I took some seconds before I continued.
It was a little dark but some guards were outside stilled keeping their houses. I met some dogs running here and there. Although the time was not ready for big businesses as everyday but I could see some people cleaning their grounds. Others were just washing their cars. I had 30 minutes to reach the targeted point.
I could see some boutique still closed, but I didn’t take care of all that. My aim was to reach my point and come back as quick as possible. The road was continuously half empty. I could feel my heart beating at a certain point as someone who found his wife lying down with another. Sometimes, I decided as fast as possible from 2 points. Sometimes I was trying to do some exercises when running.
I reached the target point. It was a round point. Most of time I used to wait for some time for break then continued. This time, I hadn’t much time to waist. I turned around directly and I went back.
As I was going back, the situation had been changed. It was a bit bright. Numbers of people grown up a bit. Some small shops were opened. Some bikes were being ridden. As when I was coming, I didn’t talk to any. So I did.
I did one hour and thirty-five minutes for that France tower.
I got home, everybody stilled in bed. I took some minutes outside doing some physical exercises just to extend my muscle. My temperature was higher so I decide to stay out for a while. My clothes were wet. I removed them, putted them on the string outside where we used to put washed clothes in case to get dry. I got inside to take back my brothers’ shoes. Then I went to stay outside.
I could see the sunrise, the sun coming up slowly. It was nice. The nature was stilling covered by fig which was going away slowly. I started thinking about the exam. Not about what I studied, what I read but the exam itself.
I stood up when I heard some noise inside the house. It was my mother.
“Hello mum! “ I said.
“How are you? “ She said. “Where were you? “
“I was running,” I said.
“You have an exam today I thought, aren’t you? “ She said when trying to catch the bucket.
“Yes of course, “ I said.
“Ok I will pray for you and everything is going to be well, don’t worry, “ she said. “Thank you mum, “ I said.
My mum was passionate with praying. I didn’t like when she was choose to pray in ceremonies, or whenever it was requested because she used to take many times. At a certain time you realize that you are tired, very tired.
As she said she would pray for me I was happy and glad. I went in the room. My roommates were there, in bed. I could hear their roaring. I removed my short and I went in the kitchen to take a bucket. I filled it with water. I took my washing clothes and I went in the bathroom.
Mum was already out the bathroom. I get inside and started the battle. A thought crossed my mind. What if I had been married? We would had been two in the bathroom.
I wanted to get married because it is impossible for a married person to get alone the bathroom. There is someone who must help him to wash his back. In whispering something in his ear like I love you. But no one was there. I did it myself. What a pity
It took me ten minutes to finish that work. I got inside the house stilled sleeping; I did what I could do to make me ready. I searched for my receipt and my ID card. Everything was ready, I went to school for my exam.
The exam
Fifteen minutes before I get the university. I was studying Management of Information technology. I was in the last year. I always got there early morning to have time for study before the class has started. I wanted to be good in the lecture because my father spent much money for it. I didn’t want to disappoint him.
In my way, I didn’t meet anyone I knew. I continued myself till I arrived.
The main gate was already half opened. But I can also say half closed. I opened it widely and get inside the university area. 10 steps ahead, I reached the big ground in the middle of the university till the other side studying building. There were few people on the first floor of the building sitting outside because lectures hall were pack. I didn’t know what to do because I have forgotten my notes intentionally home. So I had either to get inside one of lecture hall or stay outside.
There was a place called accused bench where people used to sit when it was launch time or when tired with classes. I saw a guy from my class, I decided to get there.
“Hey, “ I said, ”how are you?”
“Hey, “ he said with a strict look at me without continuing.
“How is your study?” I said.
“Good,” he said.
I took some times as thinking, “Can you give me some of your notes? “
“Are you serious? “ he said with a furious face.
“Why? “ I said with a bit smile. “Why do you ask me?”
“Don’t trouble me, “ he said.
“Why should I trouble you? “ I said. “We have the same objective, to success this examination.”
“You know why, “ he said.
“No, “ I said.
“Don’t do that please, “ he said.
“What man? “ I said. “Come on man!”
“I know you are ready for the exam, “ he said, “but you want just to disturb me. “
“No of course not at all, “ I said.
“Then you have no chance to get me as a target, “ he said.
He was right. Most of time, I was ready for the exam. The exam is something I had to prepare days before, not the day of the exam itself. I was studying every day, revising every day. When I decided to go to school for the exam, I went without anything else than my ID or receipts, of course with a pen and some papers.
When I met someone reading I did like I forgot to study home and I didn’t have notes. That was to show them that I knew nothing. Because I was not bad in some lessons so I was a well-appreciated student. Doing that was the way to tell them don’t ask me anything because I didn’t study.
My classmates were lazy in studying. In the exam room, they were disturbing me every time. Hey Voyant 2nd question… 5th question… 8the question. It was annoying. To show them that this time was different, I used to do that, like I didn’t study.
The problem was that everybody knew that I couldn’t go for an exam without studying. So asking for notes was really a trouble.
“Please just one page, “ I said.
“No I won’t, “ he said. “and do not insist.”
“So you want me to fail? “ I said with a serious face.
“Yeah you can fail I don’t care, “ he said.
That one was already excluded in my list of people I could give answers. I had to try to find another target. So I could be free when doing my exam. I took a look around me. From far, I saw another guy. But he had a bad handwriting. He was tall, usually with headsets. Of course if I had asked him, maybe he would have given me his notes without asking anything in exchange. Then I would have lost some points, the chance to be free in the examination hall. So I decided to look for another just near. Just at my right side, 4 steps ahead.
“Hello friend, “ I said.
“Hello Voyant, “ she said. “I was looking for you.”
I just looked where I came from to see if someone had noticed something.”Hmmmm! really. Why didn’t you call me?”
She was a girl. No… no a woman, married one and a child at home. I couldn’t ask her notes because she was not in most lectures. Maybe she was even reading another course instead of what we had for exam. We had been together from the first year till then. Most of time we were together in the practice sessions because our first names started by the same letter S. My name was SIRAAF P. but I was called Yoahn by friends. Her name was SIFORAH. I took a second looking at her, ”So are you ready for the exam?”
“Yes,” she said after a second looking at me.
“Can I have a look in your notes for a second?” I asked.
She looked at me again for a while, “Yes, why not?”
“I think this is economics?” I said when taking her notes for reading.
“You didn’t study?” she asked.
“Life is difficult, “ I said.
“So we are in the same situation, “ she said.
“Same situation?” I said.
“Yes, ” she said.
“How that?” I said.
“You didn’t study, “ she said, “I also didn’t study. “
“So what?” I said.
“We have to help each other,” she said.
“How?” I asked.
“By sitting together in the exam hall,” she said.
I was trying to find the way to escape but I couldn’t find it. I didn’t know what I have done, the prayer I have pronounced when suddenly the first bell rung.
The ground was already packed when it happened. As to say time to be killed, for some of course. The list of student enabled to appear for the exam was written on the valve. Everybody took the direction to the valve before their respective exam room. My name was written. I could see it even from far. I immediately took the direction to the examination class. I could see most of people there complaint because their names were not been seen on the valve. They should go to see some people before they get the examination class.
In front of every class, there were teachers standing in order to not allow anybody to get inside without showing proofs. The name on the valve was one thing, the ID as proof was another thing.
I remember one day, I had forgotten my ID card as we were getting inside the examination class. I was obliged to go back home to search for it and come back as quick as possible. After, they even didn’t ask for the ID.
We made a queue in front of the class we had to be in. That was the rule, to help checking the eligibility for the exam. I was last in the queue. Everybody with his ID on hand, a teacher standing in the middle of the door trying to verify IDs when a person with a perfume that everyone could smell passed by there. Just the smell of the perfume made me looking for the person. I couldn’t be able to notice that but when looking behind, I saw someone just passing. I couldn’t be able to see her but it had seemed to be a presence I used to. Her walk had been noticed by everyone. I saw her just from behind, but I could memorize clothes she was wearing.
It took me some seconds just watching how she was going far from me when a voice woke me up. “SIRAAF. ”
I looked behind, it was the teacher. ”Come, it is your turn.”
I approach. “Where is your ID?” I showed my ID and got inside the class where another teacher was placing students. All the examination class changed into a huge desert. I couldn’t be able to concentrate on it. It was hard like a bus had just dropped me in a desert, where I saw a girl from far but impossible to approach her. As I was approaching, she was going far from me again and again. The image of that girl stayed inside my head. It was just like a video that had been played inside me. I had to pass and pass it many times. I was about to forget that it was the examination class where I was. I didn’t even understand what the teacher was saying. I just took a seat where I wanted. The teacher stilled looking at me for a while, waiting for me to finish my act. “Hey Yoahn, go there. “ I felt pushed as to request me to be awake.
I took the direction the shown place; it was on the first line. Alone. With my ID in hands, I walked till there. It was like that girl had wished something to me like, “Let this guy be disturb by my beauty.”
The teacher stilled looking at me. As he noticed that I had been changed into a I don’t know what, he approached, “And I will be on you. “
I just looked at him, “Ok good luck. “
“Be here my friend,” he said.
I was awake, “I am here Sir.”
“That is nice because I am going to kill you with my exam, “ He said, ”so I want all your strength to challenge me.”
All my exams were like a challenge between teachers and me. I think they even set their exam questions according to what ability not the ability of all students. I knew with that I had always to work hard to win. This time, it was economic, I was not really interested in economy but as my brother did it, I used to challenge with him at home. At last, I realized that I can be good in it. So I started working hard in economy. Teachers thought that I was really interested in it but the truth is opposite.
“Be ready,” was the latest words of the teacher before he disappear to another student. He was a funny teacher and I liked his teaching. I took the place and waited for the questionnaire. I was sitting there, alone but not really alone. Many student were around but from others classes. I couldn’t speak not only because I didn’t know them but because it was not allowed to speak in the examination hall. The teacher was every time coming where I was, to disturb me of course.
“I will stay here, ” he said, “on you. ”
Some times after, another teacher brought papers where we had to write answers. When he was dispatching them, another one came with questionnaire. They dispatched the papers. And the questionnaires came a bit late.
All the questions were easy. According to me, I can say. I couldn’t take much time for that exam. It was economy and most of questions were about authors. J. M. Keynes, Adam Smith the Father of modern economy, he wrote The wealth of nations about free trade, morality of private enterprises and market competition, Kark Max, the revolutionary advocate of communists, Milton Friedman, and others.
I did my exam silently. That day was different because I was alone from my class in the area. No one was near to disturb. The teacher was always coming to see what was going on, to verify if I had finish or not. I was concentrated. I didn’t get time to look behind or somewhere else. I completed all the questions on the paper. I took time to verify all answers before, “Excuse me sir. “
“Yes Mumber, “ the teacher said.
MUMBER was my father’s name. It comes from another language. It means priest. Teachers called me Mumber, friends, very close friends called me Yoahn and others called me SIRAAF.
“I have finished, “ I said.
“Oh really! “ the teacher said.
“Yeah, “ I said.
“Ok it’s up to you, “ the teacher said.
“Are you sure?” he said.
I could have said, “If you want to continue you can come and do it.” But it was not polite. So, “Yes,” was my answer.
He was the political economy’s teacher. He was very good in memorizing theories, very clever and ready for every kind of demonstration about some formulas. He was such a kind of teachers who was able to memorize a book entirely and teach without looking anywhere but the problem was that he was not able to go out of what he had read.
I stood up after he has taken my paper. He had a look on it and allowed me to get out. I took my pen and ID and the direction was the main door.
“Hey Mupe, “ he said.
I looked behind to see where the sound was from. It was the teacher after a deep look on my paper.
“You forgot to write your name, “ he said in asking me to go back by his fingers.
“Really? “ I said.
“Yes, “ he said. “Come. “
I went back, everybody was looking to me. I think some had to chit because everybody was not concentrated. I took my pen. The teacher gave me my paper. I wrote my name in full. I had a last look on it to assure that everything had been covered. It was all right.
“That’s it, “ I said.
A little bit, I was out. I took the direction to the accused bench.
The meeting
I noticed that I wasn’t the first to finish the exam. Many people from my class were there, discussing about the exam, the answers. I was not that kind of student. I always did my exam and let the teacher correct himself. If I failed, I would have no problem. The teacher is always right against students who knows, against intelligent students.
I remember I was teacher some days before. I had a young student respectful, clever, intelligent and polite. He was the youngest student in the class. He used to ask me questions about the lesson I was giving. I was proud to teach that student. He was a bit afraid or something I couldn’t understand to him. As I was reading their names in the morning for the attendance, I knew his name by occasion. That name stayed in my mind. As he was intelligent, I used to correct his paper carefully in case not to do a mistake. Even when he failed, I said he is more intelligent he cannot fail to that question.
So the teacher is the only referee. Of course he could also do some mistakes but not often. I just looked at the way they were crying and disagreed and agreed about answers and I took my direction. I didn’t go to them. But I heard them talking about one question. They were right. I failed on it. It was about the Keynes’ theory of total spending in the economy and its effects on output and inflation. I could say Keynesian economics was developed by the British economist John Maynard Keynes during the 1930s in an attempt to understand the Great Depression
I didn’t care.
I wondered either to go home for rest or stay there and wait for some friends. I couldn’t decide so I stood up there. I looked around, every corner in case to notice a person I know. But no one was there. I took my time. The entire bench was full of student already. There was no place to sit.
I felt that someone was calling me but I couldn’t notice from where he was calling. I looked around but no one was there. Am I full or what? I wondered.
There were a group of people in front of me who decided to get away. So it was my chance to have a place. I took a sit.
Just when I was putting my back down, the first thing I saw was someone special. She was a girl, sitting on one of the accused bench, alone. It was like a light through my eyes. Like a sudden turn behind was made, like someone was calling me in a huge enlightened space with a straight small street where at the extremity a hand is asking you to come. A beautiful voice saying, “come in my hand, darling…darling…darling.”
There was a girl, I could even say a creature. I could notice that her hair was brown and it plunged over her shoulders. Her body, from far was imp-thin. I could by then remember images in my head by her clothes. I started imagining her in my hands. She was really the representation of the beauty itself. It was my first time to see her. But I have been told that there was a beautiful girl in the campus.
Most of time, I was just coming from my home to school. After school, I went directly home to study. That’s why most people said that I was shy, solitary and didn’t want to talk to others. But that was not the truth because I had many friends but only from my class. Information about other classes was not under my control. So when people were talking about things, I was just listening and closing my mouth. It had been said that one girl was so beautiful that some teachers were trying to seduce her, to lay with her, and this and that. I didn’t lose my time to listen to those kinds of bull shit.
Anyway, maybe it was her. I immediately tried to reject all images I had in my mind because whatever I was trying to do, I had already felt. I was not her kind. Of course, I was not her kind. She was really beautiful; I was really… no I can’t even find a word for my description. As it had been said, she was reach, I was her opposite. I was her opposite in everything, except one which girls like the most, I was a bit tall and a well built body, strong, intelligent, good player and famous in mathematics and programming. Of course all that was bull shit for her but I was also someone.
“When I looked at her, she looked at me, I felt in paradise, ” many people had said before.
She was just sitting, her phone in her soft right hand. The left hand was holding up her chin. The way she was every time moving her long thick wavy brown hair, with her legs crossed made me feel like an earth-quake had passed for a moment. Her sight was a king of magic request. You could sell or give her your house. It was not that kind of girls you could reject or refuse to give whatever had been asked. Long neck, dark blue eyes like the ocean, about 5’3’’, thin but curvy, she was really the perfect example well-created body.
A top model t-shirt that covered her delicious form, showed the image of her little breast inside with tiny waist and wide hips. I think she could even be a celebrity in Hollywood.
My entire genital machine climbed up just by looking at her. Of course from where I was. How she wore. It was like a beautiful girl you love was dancing on you.
It took me a moment looking at her. I wonder either to go there just to sit beside her and feel how she breathed or going somewhere else to avoid temptation. I couldn’t decide till her friend decided to come. I was saved.
She was with her friend. I was alone. I decided to go to sit somewhere else alone. I took my headsets and my mp3 player out because I didn’t bring my phone. I searched for a good song in scrolling down. I couldn’t find a comfortable one according to the situation. I was trying to look for something that could make me in my usual mode. I choose the French which said sometime we want love. But when we are ready to find it, someone tells us that it is not our turn. We have to come back another day.
I played it but…the image of that girl stilled. I listened for two or three minutes when I saw her friend going away. I thought she could also go with her but she stayed there. Maybe she was waiting for someone. Maybe I was that someone. Maybe it was my chance…maybe I was totally different…maybe…maybe… Many maybe came in my mind. I had just to take a chance to speak to her, just to know how she breaths, how she thinks. Yeah! It had to be a challenge, the beautiful against the unknown.
Ladies and gentlemen,
We are here today, it is a new day and you know what I have prepared for, A CHALLENGE, a elocution competition. This one will be special, delicious, and marvelous. THE BEAUTY against THE UNKNOWN.
Ladies and gentlemen, this one is AAAAAMAZING!!
That would have been the introduction of what I was going to live.
The fail comes once, I wonder. I stood up directly and went. About 5 seconds, I was there. My heart was beating at 2db per second as I was taking each step. And it was growing as I was approaching her well-built back. I wasn’t ready to collect the reject she would send to me. It was like no one was there, just her and me. I even didn’t take care of others people.
“Can I sit here? “ I said with a strict look at her as I was in trouble.
She looked at me for a half second and smiled. It was like a light showing you the really way to the paradise, with stars and angels singing for my graduation. I have never seen that before. It was magical. Of course I had many situations with beautiful girls but that one was totally different from all those I had met.
Only that sight and smile let me think about everything I could want in the world. I could ask God to give one thing, that smile in front anytime I would be awake. It should be the first thing I can see in my mornings. Attached to the sight I saw, my life would be not only a paradise but more. I wanted to ask God to give me just one day along with that girl. It is a situation you have to put in a museum. You have to immortalize.
She took her phone, opened it with a small password with 4 letters. She had to touch the screen four times before she started using. I guessed it must have been her birth date’s year or more, her boyfriend’s. I couldn’t accept this last one, her boyfriend’s.
“You are already down, “ she said.
Of course I did it to tell her pay your attention, I am here. Forget everything you are doing. I did it to make joke before I introduce correctly to her. I wanted her to know that I was there for her. I think she understood. But I couldn’t notice either she had understand or not.
Again that smile came. A little smile you couldn’t notice. You had to look at her carefully to realize that she was smiling. It was different from a girl I met before. She could laugh even people for about 2km could notice that there was someone smiling somewhere they didn’t know.
She turned her phone for a while, “How are boys?”
Where everything started…
The exam was for three hours and twenty minutes. I did it in eighteen minutes. I was out for one minute and half. The remaining half I was beside the girl. Everything was planned already, not by me but someone else, I even didn’t know. I was already to the place I was praying to be. We stayed silent for a while, she was looking at her phone every time, I was looking at my IPod just to look but my mind was outside.
It was like someone who wanted to say I don’t care about what you are or who you are. I was on my defensive. I tried to search something I didn’t know. A picture, a song to listen, or any I could. Just to show her that I was not there for her. I tried to search for message, I even didn’t read. Of course there were no messages. I even read those I had read months back just to show her that I have also friends who wrote to me. I just tried to have a look in my whatsapp account to see if there were messages but nothing just to have something to say before I get beaten. I have even forgotten that there were no things like those in that machine.
That was good for me. I knew she was really beautiful, I knew I was already sacked even before I have started. I knew that the only way to be killed was to tell her you are beauty. But I was wrong. A beautiful creature needs to be told that she is really a beautiful creature. Her perfume cluttered my nose. Her beauty had dived me in a huge ocean. Her But I even couldn’t be able to say something else than.
“Good watch, “ I said while showing her by my finger.
Just to show her that I was talking to her and she had now to look at me and be interested.
Of course it was a good watch. That kind of watch you could find somewhere only. That kind of watch richest girls bought in the weekend. That kind if watch you could gift your girlfriend and she could refuse because she was not that kind of girl for that kind of watch. That kind of watch I could spend my father’s salary for 3 months to get it.
I remember sister with that kind of mind. We were poor but she was buying everything under the sun. In her room, it was like a shop. Clothes were everywhere. You could mix up where the bed was and the place to keep clothes. Many rings, many bags, many shoes, many whatever. That is a girl. She wanted to be on time, on the top. She did that for her man of course. To still attractive so that her man have to stay faithful.
I knew a girl who once, got married. Her husband was about 10 years old than her. On his sight, she was too young. They got two children after a while. For a liable man, when a girl had already given birth, she no more a good choice. If a girl had already given birth, she had decided to remove some of her chromosome; she was not the same as she was. So that girl had been in that situation.
Once, she decided to got the market and buy some attractive clothes. I could say sexiest clothes. That was because her husband had been showing some kind of careless.
And also if you want that why some husband look for girl outside? The answer is simple; they are not satisfied by their wife. Their wives are not sexier at all as they met each other. So they go outside to satisfy their desire.
A girl must stay like that all her life to satisfy her husband.
According to the wife I was talking about, she went back home, after shopping of course. She decided to stay in the living room and wait for her husband to come back. After finished all house works, she took out those clothes and put on. There was nothing else to do, she just switch on the TV and started watching till her husband had returned back from work.
She was wearing just a small, very small short and a t-shirt. Her thighs were a little bit not covered. When her husband came, he immediately noticed that he was in front of a new person, sexy, beautiful. He took a place near her.
”do you want something?” the wife asked her husband.
“Yes, “ the husband said, “just water.”
The wife stood up slowly; with her half skirt she took the direction to the fridge. Bottle was on the first stage and the last while the fridge had 4 stages. She decided to take bottles from the 4th stage just because she had to bend. The TV on, “What are the news talking about?” the wife asked while pouring water in a glass.
“hhh!” was the words coming from the husband’s mouth.
He was not watching the TV anymore. Eyes were on his wife’s thigh. Every time her husband was looking there. At sometime he decided to send her looking for something above the cupboard. She went immediately without any complaint. To take things she stood up first, she didn’t flex her knees but her middle part. Of course to show her husband all parts she had. And to say I still the one you felt in love many years ago.
Of course a girl must be serious, responsible. But sometime, in front of your husband. No, not sometime but in front of tour husband, you have to respect the nature’s law. be attractive.
The girl looked at her watch and didn’t say anything. She continued using her phone. Is she able to listen or what? I wander.
“But you have also a good one, “ she said when looking at mine after second without a word.
She took some time after that expression to just scan all I was. It was things I am not able to describe. She looked at from my feet, fingernails inside my shoes to the head. I just looked on her face, it was staggering. Slender eyebrows, sea-nymph ears, a dainty nose, her fingernails were varnished, syrup-sweet lips. She had a sculpted figure which was twine-thin, a bit long. I even thought a sculptor would have made 2 years building just her face. Her ears, relating to her face, made her looked like God took specially 1 day for her. Just build her face and says, ”you will be the representation of the beauty in the earth.”
Her shoulders, with her neck, combined to the face, made a portrait that could even be engraved in my head forever.
Of course it was just to say. Mine comparing to her was a mistake. That comparison was not for us. I bought mine $10USD less than. I am a boy. Yes I could sometime want to buy something special but… only if I had more money. I had many projects in my mind before I started to buy expensive things. But even if she had said, yours is ugly, bad, worst or whatever word she could use, for me it was a big step, she was able to talk to me. That is what I wanted from the beginning. I could even finish my project by then and go home, sleep without removing my shoes, sing all victory songs I knew. She had spoken to me.
You have also a good one was an expression to say I am ready to whatever you want me to do. I imagined how the situation could have been if she had decided to reject me at the beginning.
I know many girls who are like that, a very dangerous situation. Without listening to what you have to say, “I am sorry, you have no chance, and I am married.” Or “I am sorry, I am with another man.”
I was once standing with a group of friends in the road, a girl passed by there. She was a bit sexier, tall than me, brown hair, embarrassed and desperate face. That couldn’t stop me. I stood up and went trying to talk to her. She was walking, with a slow walk that made me catch her as quickly as possible.
“Hello, “ I said.
“Hello, “ she replied.
I could see that she was coming from school. I used that way to continue talking. I could even use another more interesting like the way she was walking, the way sad she seemed to be, her clothes or whatever else I could use than her coming from school.
“I can see that you come straight from school, “ I said. “Where do you study? “
No answer came, no look, nothing at all. It was like she had headsets in her ears. A moment of thinking, she changed into a new one. She started shouted at me loudly in the middle of the road.
“You are impolite, bandit, bad education you got from your parent and this and that, “ she said with a very loud voice so that people around realized that I was sacked. I just turned around immediately and went back where I was from. What a pity!
But when the girl said you have also a good one showed that I could continue without any doubt. I was in a good way; I could say whatever I thought about. Not really whatever but something which could make our conversation continuing as good as it could. Now, what to tell her? In order to stay good boy, not tiresome, not to make her bored with my stories, my thoughts or whatever I could be saying or talking about.
“You feel embarrassed, “ I said.
I thought that that you feel embarrassed could have changed her nature, her temper. Of course I was wrong. It made me continue my questions. It was a way to show her that I have joined her temper. I have joined her pain, her suffering or her joy, gladness. And by that I was also embarrassed because she was.
What I realized in life is that girls like something that makes them interested. They want someone who could be there every time joining their pain and joy, their failure and success, telling them I love you every time they want, telling them I love even when they don’t want, I love you anyhow, I would give my life for you, you are my angel, my light, my star, my first and last, my sunrise, my sunshine, my treasure, I lie all my life in you, without you I am nothing, if I could have just a chance, I could had stole the moon for you, I want to be with you in a place where we are only two, where I could look into your eyes and say, “I love you the way you are” , I want to take you to the place you have ever been before, I want you to be the one who could keep my children, you are like a Christmas for me, with your astonishing beauty my heart is now beating, as Arabic people say, ”I fighting for a reason”, I let you be the reason of my living in this world, …, etc.
That is it. You have all that in your mouth, you are the best boyfriend in the world. All these are theory, just speech. Of course you have to act just to prove that you are really in.
Some people have good speeches. At last, after saying that they escape. But some girls also like just listening to the speech and feel better. It’s like just speaking is a really and easy proof that someone loves them. In the world there are many guys who really speaking is their hobbit. I think those guys even not handsome they can be, they already have chance to seduce those kinds of girls. But there are also other kinds of girls who are really difficult to catch. You are not handsome, I mean really handsome, I can even say universally handsome, you have lost already. I really appreciate these kinds of girls.
Love story is complicated. I mean sometime.
But what I have never understood is when someone asks another, tell me something. How? It’s like a push you are doing. If I have something to say, I can’t wait till you remind me. I have something, I feel free to say… I say it. I don’t have to wait for a push. It is a manner of many people in this world. I can actually assure that girls are in my first position. Some time in a conversation, when the silence appears in both sides, the first words is, “I want to sleep now my darling, please tell something…”
“A little bit, “the girl said when moving her face as someone really sad with something that has happened in her life.
“A little bit? “ I said.
“Yeah! ” she said while moving her head as sign of confirmation about what she said.
“Ok, ” I said, “I can imagine your situation? ”
“Which situation? ” she said with a surprised face.
I think I did a wrong step. I couldn’t pronounce that sentence. The question which situation? pushed me into small hole but I could be able to stand again. The road was long so unnecessary to still down. I had to change that. But how? It is not easy to change the mood of someone just in small word, only elder people are able to change that situation. They are wise, they can understand easily in what situation you got in and can try to get you out from there just in some words.
I took some time to make it corrected but I couldn’t be able discover which way to follow. I had just to argue in order to escape. I could even conclude that she was wise. Normally, most of people, related to that kind of question, it was like a joke. It was like I wanted to enter in their life. Who was I? I wasn’t either her brother or someone close to her. It was my first time to sit close to her, have opportunity to speak and at last I was about to drop all that down. Inevitably, I had to defend myself. Anyway, I tried it.
“Well, ” I said, “you are here, alone. Instead of going and find the one who lose yourself. You sit down and watch people passing by, with your phone in your hand. ”
I said that of course but I expected a strong and hard reaction that I couldn’t digest like who told you that I have nothing to do somewhere else? And a sudden standing up and go. Because my opinion about her sitting there was a kind of saying you have nothing to do. Most of beautiful girls are always busy. What I noticed, of course I am not against girls. They are late to everything, I meant most of girls, especially most of beautiful girls in most of situations, they are bossy, and they need to be seen. It is not only beautiful girls, also handsome boys. They don’t want to do something in order to remove color on their nails or powder on their skin. They are there looking after their body first. Even if she is already married and many children to keep, her body first then her children. Her husband is always in the third position. It can also depend on her herself, either she starts by her husband first but this takes always many times, then her children but first of all, her body.
But for that girl, it was different, I didn’t see her opening her hand bag, looking for some materials I couldn’t even be able to name and start adding on what was already. It was a natural beauty. No need to add something that was not there.
Somebody told me one day, if I wanted to see if I really loved my girlfriend, I had to wake up early morning and try to watch her when she woke up. How she is. The way she wore. If I realize that I loved her as she appeared then it is a true love. That was because most of time guys love a girl because of how she appears after taking shower, after a long period in the bathroom. She was naturally beautiful.
The fact that that beautiful girl as others was there, sitting, nothing to do somewhere else showed that really she had nothing to do. Or they have always nothing to do. Just to impress. Without saying about selfie.
My young sister who I talked about was a kind of that. I took this experience from her. She had new clothes every day. And every day she used to call me from my room when I was sleeping, just to help her to take her a photo. I couldn’t understand. But the end I realized that it’s the age that pushed her to do that. I imagine a married woman who is doing that instead of going and taking care of her husband.
My young sister had a phone full of pictures than documents to read or something else. And every day I was asking her where are you going with all these pictures? Are going to make a museum?
“It’s needed sometime, ” the girl said.
“Sometime you said, ” I said.
“Yeah sometime, ” she said.
I was weighting my words to avoid pronouncing the wrong at a wrong time. She looked at me for a second. I think she was trying to see exactly what I was looking like. But it was late. Some girls when you meet them, they start scanning you from the head to fingers, from fingers to the hair. In some seconds, all your body is in her heads. By then you feel ridiculed. You want to find somewhere to hide but no place, somewhere to escape from that scan. I had a chance because we were sitting down. Impossible to be well scanned. All she had to do was just to look at me for a few minutes and admire my face, my strength, the way I was sitting, and my legs curved in 90 degrees, my elbows on my knees, a soft smile and a declined face to her.
As she didn’t say anything after the scan, I could conclude that I am not bad at all. And I was allowed to pursue my way to the destination I was expecting. I couldn’t find something to else than that question.
“Why did you look at me like that? ” I said after her scan.
“No I was trying to see how you look like exactly, ” she said.
“So, ” I said, “how am I like? ”
“You are like… , ” she said.
She didn’t finish.
She took some times to think about what she had to say to avoid a wrong step. I expected her to say like a zombie or like deadpool in the movie or like an alien or like Hulk. I could understand all those answers from her. It was an opportunity for me to have a chance to continue the conversation till where it could go. It was her opinion on me. Of course it is not true. I can really look like a zombie in her opinion but I looked really like Leonardo Dicaprio in titanic for someone else. The beauty is relative. It depends on the one who loves you.
Of course there are some who are really beauty in front of all, everybody. That is called universally beauty.
I stilled looking at her. Waiting for her opinion, for her whatever she was going to say about me.
“…like you., ” she said.
I think she choose the right word, universal one. We all look like ourselves. No one can contest. She chose that not to hurt me. Even if she could hurt, no problem if she had to stay there and listen to my boring stories and me.
“Good observation, ” I said.
“Thank you, ” she said with a angel smile.
“My name is Johan, ” I said.
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