Climax episode – Chapter 6

Love Story – I am not the one to be with you forever – 6
Photo credit: earl53 from
The fortune and luck in Sagar’s life tested him one more time. Madhuri had her own reasons to say “No” for wedding. Sagar didn’t want to raise this topic again. He just waited for her acceptance; which he couldn’t be heard even after considerable waiting.
Though Madhuri too felt pain in hurting Sagar, She was satisfied with the answers given by her heart. There was no other reason stopping her to say yes; but it was her doubtful mind which plugged off her from this.
A pleasant evening; when Madhuri and Sagar were out to a garden nearby their guest house for a walk, Madhuri initiated the chat.
Madhuri: Hey Sagar, What a pleasant weather, no?
Sagar: Yes. It’s really cool weather.
Madhuri: We will leave for our City in next week Sagar. Dad has already informed you this right?
Sagar: Yeah… you will. I know. (He tried to control his tears rolling down)
Madhuri: I like you very much Sagar.
Sagar: Oh…. Thank you.
Madhuri: don’t you?
Sagar: what?
Madhuri: don’t you like me?
Sagar: would like to hear one last time that “I like you”? Don’t you know that I do?
Madhuri: I am sorry Sagar. You gave me life; but I left you with pain. Forgive me please.
Sagar: Hey we will get late to home; come, let’s go. (Trying not to make that even more painful)
Madhuri: Please Sagar. Tell me will you forgive me or not?
Sagar: What mistake you did to forgive? You have done nothing wrong. You just expressed your opinion that you don’t want to share life with me. That’s it right?
Madhuri: And will you forget me?
Sagar: That I can’t answer. You know the answer better than me.
Madhuri: Yes I do. I know that you can’t forget; even in your thoughts.
Sagar: Thanks that at least you know how much I am for you.
Madhuri: Will you be happy if I marry?
Sagar: to whom?
Madhuri: Stupid! Don’t prank jokes in this serious conversation. Okay. ? Tell me. Will you be happy if we both get married?
Sagar: I thought I was clear in proposing my love. Wasn’t I? Or were you just deaf when I did ask you.
Madhuri: No, Sagar. You were always clear. Your love made me to re-think about my decision. I had a fight with my heart always. You know what? I do love you more than what you do for me.
Sagar heard the last sentence but pretended as if he couldn’t hear it. He asked Madhuri to repeat the last dialogue again.
Madhuri: Hey Mad… I said, we can get married, she screamed.
“” Dressed in pink wedding sari, I am looking so gorgeous. You are stunned at me. The priest scolded you for not paying attention to his words. You battled you’re your heart to concentrate on wedding events. You are in white blazer suit. Everybody at function hall is happy seeing both of us. All are wearing a nitrous oxide dentine and watching both of us. Our parents grinned as they found both of us sitting on the stage decorated with flowers and dazzling lights…”
Madhuri murmured these lines in Sagar’s ear and smiled. Sagar too smiled as his dream came true finally on a fine day after 2 more weeks; Madhuri accepted him.
They both spent really a good time and a blissful life thereafter…………Every moment of their life was filled with joy and heartfelt emotions.
It never matters how long two people can be lived; but it always matters how long the love can be.
Love has its own definitions; its unconditional, expects nothing from others but just their happiness.
Though destiny has decided to feel Madhuri’s absence after few years of they wed locked; Sagar never allowed his heart to feel her absence. He always remembered her in his thoughts and in pursuing Madhuri’s passion of serving the society.
Whenever Sagar looks at “Sarayu” who always personified her mother, Madhuri in her chubby cheeks and cute smile; Sagar looks at Madhuri’s photo and says “You are the one to be with me forever; in my heart my dear Madhu”.
Thank you all for reading and providing your valuable comments and complements….