Love Story – I am not the one to be with you forever- chapter 4
Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
Chapter 4
Madhuri tried to call him every day but there was not even a single day, she could hear to Sagar. She was literally worried. She had no others pointers to reach him. She remained thinking about him even when she was talking to her family members. She couldn’t answer them when she was asked “why she was dull”….
Madhuri had sleepless nights thinking only about Sagar. Though he gave her a bucket full of surprises, he never tried to tense her. He always wanted her to be happy. But this time he made her cry, he made her tremble with fear. She only wanted to know his presence. With weaves of unpleasant thoughts running in mind she tried on his number one more time.
To her shock, it was picked this time. But it was not Sagar who picked the call. It was a lady’s voice who told that Sagar got injured due to a road accident a week ago. Her cheeks were damped with tears. She was unresponsive. Slowly she gained strength to ask which hospital he was admitted. As soon as she got the answer, her sobbing mind didn’t allow her to listen to the voice on call furthermore. She cut the call and ran to the hospital.
“Could you please tell me which ward Mr. Sagar is admitted in? “, Madhuri enquired at the reception.
“Sorry ma’am. He got discharged last night from here.” said the receptionist.
“Oh! No. I want to see him at any cost. Do you have his house address in your records? Please check, “Madhuri pleaded the receptionist.
“No Ma’am. We can’t share patient’s personal information. We are sorry”, told the receptionist.
The so called receptionist proved that nothing is impossible to get in this world, if one can shell out few flashy notes of currency. Madhuri rushed to Sagar’s residence. Seeing his beloved Madhuri after a long week, Sagar was so excited. He was on cloud nine to see her.
As Madhuri was reaching him, he expected her to touch the wound dressed with a broad white band and ask him if he was fine. But he was slapped hard. He was shocked for a while and realized that it was his Madhu who slapped him so hard.
“Are you mad? Can’t you be careful? You know what pain I had gone through?” Madhuri cried out loud.
Sagar: hey Madhu, I am sorry.
Madhuri: How are you feeling now? Is it still paining? (Asked touching the wound.)
“To be frank, I felt good about the accident pains than your slap. It was so hard.” Sagar said tossing his eyes.
Madhuri: Oh! I am so sorry. I was worried, so I did slap.
Sagar: You have all the rights reserved. J J
Madhuri: Stop being poetic man. Who helped you all these days? You should have informed me right?
Sagar: “I managed somehow, I didn’t tell my home also regarding this accident.”
Madhuri: oh. Okay. But, who was that lady, gave me the news of your accident? , said in a suspecting tone.
Sagar: That lady?! She is so nice. She is very kind hearted. She….
Madhuri: I didn’t ask you to praise her. I asked who she is to you. Stop beating around the bush and tell.
Sagar was enjoying Madhuri’s possessive nature and eagerness to know who the other lady was. He happened to be silent for some time.
Sagar: Okay. The question is back to you… Will you stop beating around the bush and tell me that you like me?
Madhuri: Go mad! Okay… leave it. I don’t mind who was with you. (Controlling her tears to flow down)
Sagar: Are you sure? You don’t want to know about her? JJ
Madhuri: Yes… I said I don’t want to know.
Sagar observed a layer of tears she was trying to control and said, “Hey Madhu, I was just trying to pull your leg. I can’t see you crying. “
Madhuri: Hello! I am not crying and I don’t need to, said in a fake courageous tone.
Sagar: Okay… but I need to answer. That lady is my maid. She helps me cleaning the house and utensils. She picked the call as I was dressing my wound that time. My plan of making you fun got diverted unexpectedly. Hope you don’t slap me now, said smiling.
Madhuri: You!!!… I wanted to slap again. You missed it…
Sagar: Hey Madhu, shall we get married?
Madhuri: Same question again?
Sagar: Only till you answer it. If you don’t like me, it’s fine. I will not bother you. But my heart says you too like me.
Madhuri: You know what situation I am in right? You know my health condition right? I just don’t have plans of marriage. I can’t even think about it.
Sagar: So you guarantee that I will hit a century? Who knows what happens when? I just want to be with you till my last breathe.
Madhuri: Don’t be foolish Sagar. And try to be practical. Don’t be filmic okay?
Sagar: Okay…. Cool. So you like me?
Madhuri: That doesn’t matter Sagar.
Sagar: No Madhu. Your opinion matters a lot to me.
Madhuri: Better we speak about something else. You take good rest please.
Sagar: Okay…. I don’t want to trouble you discussing this, though I don’t want to skip this topic.
Madhuri: That’s like a good boy.
Days passed by arranging for a surgery to Komali and taking care of Sagar’s health. Madhuri felt as happy as doctor said Komali’s heart operation was successful. It gives you real strength in your life when you see someone’s eyes gleaming because of you. Madhuri experienced this pleasure and glad in the eyes ok Komali’s family. They thanked her many times. She was humble as usual.
While Madhuri was returning home after Komali’s discharge from hospital, she got a call from her father. She happened to tell her dad how she managed to get Komali operated. She was so happy to share this with her father.
“Hey! Madhu, we are really proud of you dear… we have good news for you”, your mom is eagerly waiting to share”, added her father handing over phone to her mother….
Hoping that her mother won’t come up with marriage proposal, Madhuri waited for her mom to speak.
Mom: Hello Madhu. How are you?
Madhuri: Fine mom. How are all at home doing?
Mom: All good. Do you remember Yamuna aunty, our old neighbor?
Madhuri: Yes I do. She used to tease me with nick names. (Oh god, this aunty should not have a son)
Mom: They have a proposal for you. Yamuna aunt’s son….
Madhuri: Mom, please….
Mom: you hurry girl, let me complete. His name is Karthik, working as a doctor in a reputed hospital. His profile suits you best. They are well settled and he too earns good. I will mail you his photo. Have a look dear.
Madhuri: Mom! I am sorry. I am not ready for marriage yet.
Mom: Don’t speak like a kid… you are at the right age to get married. What’s the issue? He looks good. Just see his photo and then tell your opinion.
Madhuri: Mom…. Please understand me.
Mom: Okay… tell me one thing. Do you like any other guy? Tell us. We will speak to his parents. We just want you to be happy always dear.
Madhuri: Come on! “Does a No mean, I like someone else?” I just don’t have a mind to get married now.
Mom: Oh my sweet heart. It’s common for every girl that she doesn’t like to marry someone and leave her parents. But at the same time there should be someone in your life right?
Madhuri: you and dad are always there in my life. Why someone else mom?
Mom: don’t be too smart my child. We hope you can understand things much better.
Her father grabbed phone and asked her if she had any guy of choice in mind. She gave the same answer as to her mother, told that she would come home next week to discuss on this and cut the call.
“” Dressed in pink wedding sari, you looked so gorgeous. I was stunned at you. The priest scolded me for not paying attention to his words. I battled with my heart to concentrate on wedding events. I was in white blazer suit. Everybody at function hall was happy seeing both of us. All were wearing a nitrous oxide dentine and watching both of us. Our parents grinned as they found both of us sitting on the stage decorated with flowers and dazzling lights… “, Sagar said like a child chanting rhymes preferably “twinkle twinkle little star “with action.
That’s good. At least keep dreaming, Madhuri giggled.
How sweet dream it was. No? One day it will happen for sure, Sagar said in a confirmative tone.
Madhuri: Hey Sagar, My parents called me. They got a proposal from one of our family friends.
Sagar: you said yes? Oh…. No. God please make me deaf.
Madhuri: You, idiot. You are too imaginative.
Sagar: Hey you can praise me later. But tell me what did you say your parents? You simply nodded your head?
Madhuri explained the entire conversation with her parents and said that she would be travelling home this week.
Sagar: Hey, Madhu, Shall I join with you home? I would also speak to your parents.
Madhuri: No, I will manage it.
Next week Madhuri left for home. During her journey, she made a rehearsal of what to speak and how to. She was not much tensed. She begged god to let things go smooth.
Madhuri’s father came to pick her up from railway station. During her stay at home, she eagerly waited for her mom or dad to raise the topic of her marriage. Unexpectedly, neither her dad nor her mom opened the topic. She felt a desperate urge to tell the truth. To her disappointment, none in her house was free enough to discuss. A day before she planned to leave for city, she thought to start a conversation with her mom and walked into the kitchen.
“Mom, Can I help you in kitchen? “, Madhuri said blinking her eyes.
“I can manage dear; tell me what the matter is? Would you like to say something? , asked Madhuri’s mom guessing the reason for her sudden visit to kitchen.
Madhuri explained her mom about her health condition; the reason why she didn’t inform them regarding this earlier; and the days she had to bear this pain all alone. She hugged her mom tightly and cried out loud. “Mom, I am least bothered about my situation, but you and dad should be strong always; that’s the only wish I have, Madhuri added making herself comfortable on her mother’s lap. Her mother couldn’t utter even a single word. With sobbing heart, her mom kissed on her forehead and said “you will be alright my dear “.
Just then, Madhuri’s father arrived in and got to know about this. Gulping down the unpleasant facts has its own difficulty. It was the same with Madhuri’s father. He became unconscious for few minutes and drooped down onto the chair. Madhuri’s home was dead calm for rest of the day. Our cheerful junior doctor couldn’t bear this calmness and tried to initiate a talk. Her plans went in vain. She failed to see a heartfelt smile.
It was 2 AM, while Madhuri was in deep sleep; her father and mother sat near her bed and were just staring at their lovely daughter, Madhu. They signaled each other not to disturb her sleep. After sometime, Madhuri woke up suddenly as if she was called by someone and rubbed her eyes to confirm if she was dreaming her parents. No. It was not a dream. Her parents were there beside her.
Madhuri: What happened? You people are still awake?
Dad: We are sorry dear. We spoiled your sleep.
Madhuri: Tell me dad! Why are you looking so tensed?
Mom& Dad: Sleep now. We can talk tomorrow. Good night darling.
Madhuri: Please dad! Tell me what’s that bothering your sleep? Is it my health?
Dad: Madhu, could you please stay back with us? We can’t leave you alone. If you feel bore sitting at home, you can open a clinic here, in our town. We would feel much better if you are with us, you too right?
Mom: Yes Madhu. Please….
Madhuri: What’s this mom? You know what my passion is right? I have to meet my goals before something happens to me. I can’t sit idle at home. Please understand me.
Dad: We can understand you dear. But at the same time, we can’t leave you alone in this situation.
Mom: Madhu, is it fine for you if we come along with you to city?
Madhuri: Oh! Come on mom, I get hurt if you ask like this. It’s your daughter’s place. You can come anytime. To be frank, I would be on cloud nine if you both come there.
Dad: that’s like a good girl. Mom will join with you now. I have some work here; will be there in a week time. Okay?
Mom: I am ready with my luggage.
Madhuri: J Good! Good!
The same day, Madhuri and her mom started to city. During their journey, Madhuri called Sagar and told him that her mother is coming along. She requested him to make some arrangements and cut the call. She was blushing all the time while she was on call. Madhuri’s mom observed this and felt happy seeing Madhuri cherishing.
“Welcome to the city! Namaste Aunty! How are you? How is uncle doing?” said Sagar grabbing the luggage from Madhuri’s hand.
Madhuri’s mom: “Hi Sagar, I am fine. Your uncle might come here next week. How are you doing?
Sagar: Doing well. Aunty… Have you been to this city before?
Madhuri’s mom: Yes Sagar! We came here thrice. But not even once we got to see the city. As we will be here for long time; hope we can go for a site seeing this time.
Sagar: You are going to stay with Madhuri? Oh! That’s sounds really interesting.
Madhuri’s mom felt good about Sagar, for his humble and helping nature. She admired him for his jovial and lively behavior.
Days passed by visiting some good places in the city, watching first show movies, involving in medical camps for Sagar, Madhuri and her mom. They became good friends. Neither Madhuri nor Sagar expected that they could gel with each other in this short span of time. On the day, Madhuri’s dad came to the city; Sagar was invited for a lunch. Madhuri called Sagar to check with him if he had started from his place.
Sagar: Hey Madhu! What’s up?
Madhuri: Sky. Sky is up.
Sagar: Good joke.
Madhuri: Coming for lunch today?
Sagar: How can I forget it? Hey Madhu! ………….
Madhuri: yep… tell me Sagar.
Sagar: actually… there is something something…. But you say nothing always.
Madhuri: what’s something?
Sagar: Yes/No? Huh?
Madhuri: Hey Sagar, do you know mythological character “Nakshatraka”?
Sagar: what an irrelevant question. L
Madhuri: No Man. My question is completely relevant. Tell me do you know that character?
Sagar: I heard his name. But don’t know much about him.
Madhuri: You exactly personify that character. (Was laughing continuously)
Sagar: Hey Madhu. Give a pause to your beautiful laughter and tell me what that character has got to do with mine?
Madhuri: You keep asking me “yes/No”, right? Even Nakshatraka does the same with Harischandra, another mythological character. He asks same old questions till he gets his answer, said Madhuri and laughed uncontrollably.
Sagar: Oh! Thanks ma’am! But I feel it’s a big punishment for my small mistake.
Madhuri: That’s my specialty. Okay. Enough jokes now. Come soon. We are waiting for you.
Initially, Sagar hesitated to join for lunch, fearing how he would be received by Madhuri’s father. He never happened to mingle with her father much. He heard many times that Madhuri’s father loves discipline and punctuality. The former character; discipline could somehow be managed; but the latter one; Punctuality, is not Sagar’s cup of tea. He failed to be punctual at many times in his journey of life. Though he was cordially invited for lunch, his cardiac muscles repulsed with great force. After wrapping up all these thoughts, he reached Madhuri’s place just to see a cute smile on her face; of course for delicious food prepared by his would be Mother-in-law, he thought. A warm welcome and open minded nature of Madhuri’s father took no time for Sagar to be comfortable.
In a span of three to four months, Sagar had good count of visits to Madhuri’s house. He had fewer interactions with Madhuri during all these days. Madhuri hardly responded to his calls. For early few months, he convinced his heart saying that “Madhuri must be busy with work or must have extended her support to help the underprivileged”. His heart no longer took this answer and started thinking in other way.
“Is she avoiding me? Doesn’t she have feelings for me? , Can she be without talking to me?” a series of questions disturbed his mind. He felt a deep pain in his heart. An arrow of negligence was bowed at him; yes it was Madhuri who pinched the arrow. How painful it is when you feel avoided by the person whom you love the most. A ray of ego entered his heart sowing the seeds of forgetting her, though that was not easy.
To be continued…