A Love Letter – An epistle from a stranger..!!
Photo credit: cohdra from morguefile.com
Dear Veena,
My deep gratitude for considering to have a glance in this letter from a daft intruder. I have spent an ace part of my life sailing the high seas and trekking around the globe. Now before I get back into the ocean, I thought I should write this letter to convey something to you.
This happened erstwhile ago; during my schooling, prior I started sailing out at sea. It was when I changed school for my higher secondary. I was in the new school and about a couple of months went by. One day just after midday, I checked out a journal from the library and strolled to the school park, grabbed a seat beneath some shade from the tree. I was then flipping the pages of that journal languidly. I could breath the fragrance from the orchids in the garden. Strands of sun rays which could penetrate the thick leaves lighted the foot path in patches.
Gradually the aroma of orchids turned sweeter, which enthralled me towards its bearing. There from inside the library arose an Adonis. She came towards me leisurely. Every time she walked into the strands of sun rays, she squinched her little eyes. She just walked past me. But she ensnared my heart with her. The exact words I thought then was “ee school’noge eesaga pasuntha onthu henna..?” (such a beautiful girl in this school..?). I felt my heart ballasted with a load then. But I never had the courage back then to say these things to her. We hardly spoke and I still remember the very exact words we exchanged when we did spoke. The last day I met her, she was in a traversing car and she gave me the most incredible smile I have seen ever and my heart almost sank in despair. I never heard from her and I could not muster my courage those days to pursuit her.
My dear Veena, the reason I am writing this to you is that because, I perceived the same feeling, that my heart ballasted with a load for the second time in my life after a span of almost a decade, when I see you (of-course in Polaroid shots). I don’t want to be a twit again by not expressing the way I felt for you. So I mustered my valor at least this time to write my heart out.
Just to be honest, I tried some desperate attempts to come in contact with you. I used all available means of networking to get an acquaintance with you. I got hold of some software to hack into your accounts for connecting me. I almost went to your college to squeeze out some specifics about you. (It is like now I can write a thesis on you). And even as a last means I went to a distant aunt’s house in your town, and planned find out your home to meet your folks. Don’t get worried, I didn’t executed any of those plans. I figured out that doing any of those would be cowardly. I decided that this time I would be gutsy and get in touch straight with you.
If I had known where you live now in Bangalore, I would have handed this letter in person to you. Though I knew your office, I didn’t want to come there to meet you even without having an acquaintance. I understand that, for a girl of your gauge, you would get half a dozen of letters of this kind every fortnight. But still I considered to write to you on this special day. Because you are the one who leave me speechless, yet still inspire me to write my heart out with words of love. I searched through books and leafed through cards for words that would convey what I felt in my heart, but none of them did have them. I hope you understand the words of a famous writer that “best and the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, they can be only felt”.
I understand how would one react when getting letters from strange persons. I am not begging you to love me. I’m not really even asking you to do so. But isn’t alright if I cherish that hope in my heart? If I dream of just holding your hand, it will hurt me, not you.
But all I ask is that to accept my friendship.
All I ask is that we get together for some little chats and we’ll understand each other’s ideals.
All I ask is that don’t renounce me even before being acquainted with me.
All I ask is that look into my heart and see what I am saying, for my heart speaks the truth.
All I ask is that look into my heart and see what I am saying, for my heart speaks the truth, and now it says….
Your’s lovingly,