Love Story – Ek Pyar Ka Nagma Hai Moujon Ki Ravani Hai
Photo credit: Penywise from morguefile.com
Valentine Day – 14th. February 2015.
A grand festival for the teenagers in love with someone – the lover and the beloved exchanging their love in form of good wishes for each other by presenting invaluable gifts. It is celebrated enthusiastically whole week starting from 7th day and ending on 14th. day of February all over the world – everyday with a different mood and mentality as Rose Day, Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Propose Day, Kiss Day and lastly “Valentine Day” – in all eight colorful days with colorful occasions to share love, only love – the language of hearts merely through eyes, none else.
It is the day of expressing love in whatsoever form or fashion it may be, but only love – love that is inborn quality of human beings bestowed by the Creator free of cost, love that is traditional, love that is cultural, love that is magical, love that is attractive, love that is sensual, love that is sentimental, love that is reciprocal, love that is responsive, love that is expressive, love that is distinct, love that is persistent, love that is virtual, love that is truth, love that is ideal, love that is methodical, love that is logical , love that is scientific, love that is perceptive , love that is preserving, love that is universal, love that is eternal. Love that is divine, Love that is virtual, love that is spiritual, Love that is logical. Love that is ethical, Love that is social, Love that is meaningful. Love that is sensitive.
Love is inborn quality of human beings. Love is an expression of feeling, Love is a behavior, Love is a trend.
Love is just like an innocent smile that glitters on the lips of the couple the moment they are face to face, the moment they see each other, the moment they embrace each other, the moment they peep into their eyes and delve deeply into their hearts, the moment they kiss each other.
Smiling comes from love. Happiness comes from love. Without love none can survive. Love is as essential as food and drink. Love is just like a catalyst that energizes the heart to feel in and the mind to think about. Love is just like a system in which the lover exchanges his with hers. It is the linkage of a pair of two different hearts. It is a knot tied with one heart with another.
Love is a passion. Love is a stimulation. Love is an excitement. Love is an emotion. Love is the value of life. Love is the philosophy of life. Love is the attitude of life. Love is the aptitude of life. Love is the altitude of life. Its mission is to give as much as you can to all you love without any consideration even to those who do not love you at all. It is much more important to love someone who hates you even.
Love is an attraction. Love is a devotion. Love is a dedication. Love is co – operation. Love is co – ordination. Love is an attachment that links heart to heart. It is phenomenal. It is linguistic. It can talk. It can transmit the message of one heart to another. It has got eyes to see. It has got years to hear. It has got tongue to express. It has got heart to feel in. It has got mind to think about. It is so powerful that it wins the race in life. It is so fast that it can reach its destination within a very short span or period of time. It is missionary. It is purposeful. It has some aim or objective to fulfill. It is colorful like the rainbow. It is fragrant like rose, lily, lotus or sunflower. It is the colorful wing of butterfly. It is a magic that can hypnotize. It is a sweet tune of a song. It is a musical sound that echoes in one heart to another. It is lust like a melody that soothes worry or anxiety.
It is as true as the revolving of the earth round the Sun. It is as true as the gravitational law. It is as fair as the sunrise. It is as free as air or wind that surpasses over our heads. It is as frank as the chirping of birds. It mobilizes our life. It symbolizes our race, our culture, our tradition, our blood or creed. It does not discriminate nor does it distinguish one heart to another. It is judicious. It is just. It is immaterial. It is abstract. It is deeply inherent somewhere in human body. It is aroused all of a sudden. It is just like fire, once burns, none can pacify it. It is perpetual.
Love that is defined by the great authors how they take it:
1 : Pablo Neruda – a Novel Laureate in literature (1971) states about love as follows:
“Love is a feeling of expression that comes from within our hearts. Snatch my bread, if you want, snatch air even but don’t snatch your laughter from me, don’t snatch the rose from me, I have struggled hard. I come back with tired and heavy eyes. But when you burst into laughter, rise up to the sky in searching me and open all the doors of life for me. Someone’s love to be so much important in one’s life is the love.
Today when the life has been becoming an endless race in life, in such a situation someone’s laughter, it is none but someone’s love which can give a little amount of peace, a little amount of love. There may be some people for whom love is not necessary but without love life is not a life. That is why make a room in your heart for love. Give love to near and dear ones and laugh yourself too.”
I know Pablo Neruda since my school days. He is no more but still alive in my heart. The day he left for heavenly abode, I wept bitterly, the tear drops that dried up have left their shadows on my cheeks. I love him very much.
Some of his beautiful quotes from his sonnets:
1: Laughter is the language of the soul.
2: you are like nobody since I love you.
3: I can write the saddest poem of all tonight. I loved her, and sometimes she loved me too.
4: You can cut all the flowers but cannot keep spring from coming.
5: So I wait for you like a lonely house
Till you will see me again and live in me
Till then my windows ache.
6: Love is so short, forgetting is so long.
7: Let us forget with generosity who cannot love us.
2: Earnest Hemingway. He is another Nobel Laureate in literature (1954). I started loving him the day I came to know that he was awarded Nobel Prize in literature. I read his world famous book – “The Old Man And The Sea” many times. The book inspired me so immensely that I could stand by the adverse situations of life, continued my duty sincerely and reached the destination of what I aimed at. Still continuing.
I love Earnest Hemingway. He is my guide. He is no more but for me he is also alive somewhere in my heart.
Some of the unique quotes of Earnest Hemingway:
1: There is no friend as loyal as a book.
2: Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest I know.
3: All you have to do is to write one true sentence. Write the true sentence that you know.
5: As a writer you shouldn’t judge, you should understand.
6: My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the simplest way.
7: Every man’s life ends the same way. It is only the details how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man to another.
8: “But man is not made for defeat” – he said. “ A man can be destroyed but not defeated.” – Extract from his world famous novel – “The Old Man And The Sea” Written in 1952 and won Nobel Prize in 1954 in literature.
3: Bertrand Russell. He is also a Nobel Laureate. He was awarded Nobel Prize in 1950 in literature. In my syllabus I read his famous article “Annihilation” I was so impressed that I became his true devotee. He teaches me, assists me and guides me of what I write. Simplicity of language and literature I learn from him. For others he is no more but for me he is alive. I see him, I talk to him and earnestly request him to guide me. Out of sheer love and affection he spares his valuable time, comes down from the horizon, sits with me and teaches me the art of writing. It is he who teaches me to teach it to the needy kids how to start with writing beautiful letters, beautiful sentences and what not?- that can arouse love – true love of reading them.
How much we love each other and share peace (सुकून) and happiness (खुशी), only we know, none else.
Some of his beautiful quotes:
1: One must look into hell before one has any right to speak of heaven.
2: Science is what we know, and philosophy is what we don’t know.
3: Drunkenness is temporary suicide.
4: Extreme hopes are born of extreme misery.
5: I dislike communism because it is undemocratic and capitalism because it favors exploitation.
4: Rabindranath Tagore – another Nobel Laureate in literature (1913). He lost his wife and daughter whom he loved most at early age. Out of the unbearable pain he bore he wrote the unique book “Gitanjali”- one of the rarest collection of poems depicting the value of human life.
Some of his beautiful quotes:
1: You cannot cross the sea merely by standing and staring at sea water.
2: It is simple to be happy but it is very difficult to be simple.
3: Teach high, for the stars lie hidden in you. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.
4: We live in the world when we love it.
5: The biggest changes in a women’s nature are brought by love, in men, by ambition.
6: If nobody comes even after listening your call, then go alone.
5: Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay : A great novelist of India. The characters in Srikant – a beautiful novel has changed my life. I was so impressed with his art of writing that to recollect his memory all the time to come I named my eldest son as Srikant. He was so impressed after reading the books in his school days, he did excellence in his career. I love Sarat Da as my elder brother. I pay due respect and regard for his sincerity in writing. His world famous novel is Devdas. When I read his favorite novel, I find him sitting beside me. While writing a story about any woman, I feel his presence somewhere in my heart. It is Sarat Da who teaches me how nicely a woman is characterized in love stories. My famous long love story titled as “That Precious Period Of My Life” in Hindi “Vo Jeevan Ki Anmol Ghadi.” When I underwent CABG in Ruby Hall Clinic in Pune on 8th. April 2002 under Dr. PK Grant- Cardiologist and Dr. Manoj J. Pradhan M.Ch. so cool and calm Cardiovascular Surgeon and advised rest for three months, came into being and gained popularity among my readers. I got the plot of the story during the rest period and started writing the story since then.
Still I see Dr. PK Grant and Dr. Manoj J. Pradhan regularly. I love them most and feel their presence in every breath of my life. They renewed my heart and granted me a long life.
6: My Mother. I love my mother most. She brought me up very carefully even in odd days. I lost my father at merely about eight years of age. My mother became widow and helpless. My two younger brothers were only 5 and two years old. She struggled too much to feed us, to teach us how to love work and how to love the people in and around us. Whatever I am, it is the effect of her immense love and affection, proper guidance. She is also no more but she is still alive. She very often comes to see me. I realize her presence here, there and everywhere. Mother is the first teacher of child. She teaches me, “Do good and be good.” I do obey her in right spirit and letters.
7: Ramakant Jha: My beloved teacher: I love him too. In order to commemorate him in my heart I gave His name to my second son as a valuable tribute to him. He is no more but still living in my heart. I had no money for tuition. Once he taught me, “Books are the best teachers, go through them sincerely.” I use it as yardstick as a valuable guiding force.
8: Savitri, my childhood girlfriend. I met her after five decades and invited her to my house. She loves me most, I too. I disclosed everything about our love of childhood to my wife. I presented her a pair of silver anklets which I had promised to give her when I would earn money. She accepted it with sheer love and affection. Still we love each other.
9: I love my colleagues Mrs. Krishna and Mrs. Margaret who happened to see me in office and we used to peep into our eyes to express our reciprocal love. Once Mrs. Margret expressed her love this way:
“If I am reborn as a woman, I want to be your wife.”
“OK,no problem, I will be your husband.” – I replied gladly.
Mrs. Krishna became widow at young age with two kids. She got a job.
I used to search something in her eyes, so deep they were that I lost in its depth.
“Sir! Don’t love me so much, I have fire in my heart, I am afraid your love may burn therein.”- once she said to me.Once she invited me to her quarter. She was serving her mothor who was confined to bed for a long time due to paralysis she suffered from. The tragedy with her that his elder brother neglected and dropped his mother in her quarter.
I love one and all and feel peace of mind while loving them.
10: I love my sons who are employed with far-far away from me but I see them every now and then in the faces of those innocent engineering students who live in my boys’ hostel behind my house. I love them most, they too.
11: I love my grandson – Shubham Kumar – a BCA student of Asansol Engineering College, West Bengal who is virtually an editor of all that I write and mail for publication.
12: I love my wife, she too but we do not say it from our mouth but express through our eyes,action and attitude that we love most each other, our body language indicates how much we love each other. She has a list of women who love me and in turn I love them. I do not hide or conceal anything from my wife, she too for a peaceful and happy conjugal life it is a must. We trust each other, help each other in household work. She is the proud mother of five engineers – one in all or all in one.
13: I love Mrs. Soumya Tripathi – the Chief Editor of “yourstoryclub.com who inspires me to write short stories for her readers. I love her like anything. I pay due respect and mail good wishes in all auspicious occasions. I realize her presence sitting in front of me and guiding me how nicely I can write good short stories for my readers living at distant places in the country and beyond that.
14: I love my readers who read my stories with so much love,with so much affection and with so much interest and apprise me time to time of their valuable comments.
15: I love one of my old friends – CP Philips who presented me a golden Bible and taught me the preaching of Jesus Christ to love people – even the enemies.
16: Over and above I love all the members of the universe as it is considered as good as family.
17: I love Rupa , my girlfriend of school days. I address her as Rupa. We read in the same school. Her parents asked me to teach her. She was in class five and I in eight. Slowly and slowly we started loving each other. When we became grown up, I was in college, she in Girls’ High School, I used to teach her, some of her classmates too. Teaching is a very pious profession as I find and as such I never thought of making it dirty for otherwise. She loved me most. She expressed her love in action, in behavior, in dealing with and what not? She used to write love letters which I also used to respond. Once I warned her not to go beyond the limit as it could spoil my life and yours too, but she turned a deaf ear to. Girls are more sensitive than boys in love affairs as I have experienced in this short period of my life.
My mother came to know everything about our love affairs. Once she told me very clearly that I had had a bright career – to make it with hard labor, not to spoil it in love with Rupa. She came to know that her father needed three thousand rupees to pay as dowry for her marriage. She asked me to draw from the post office account and pay to his father for her marriage. I obeyed my mother and paid the amount accordingly. I was working at a distant place. I got the invitation to attend the marriage ceremony. I traveled whole day – whole night and reached home at about four in the morning. I saw my mother coming from her house after attending her marriage ceremony.
She said, “Hurry up, go there, still marriage going on, sinduradan not done. Rupa is awaiting.”
I kept the luggage and rushed to the marriage pandal (Canopy).
Her brother Nandu saw me standing in a corner. He called me and I sat in front of Rupa – face to face, eyes to eyes… so on. She felt my presence as fragrance of a flower immediately after Nandu addressed me as Sir. She didn’t hesitate to stare at me. She was annoyed with me.
It was not a suitable time and place that I could convince her.
As usual she was married and I came back to my house.
I didn’t sleep even for a few seconds after coming back.
I was so perplexed that I couldn’t see her off at her departure. In the evening when the sun was setting in the west and I was looking at it going beyond the horizon, the sky was almost empty- no Sun, no Moon, no clusters of twinkling stars, her younger brother, Nandu appeared and said to me:
Sir! Didi waited for you for a long time. She was annoyed with you. She was disappointed and disturbed like anything.
Here is a letter for you.
I opened the letter hastily and in a single breath I went through it which read as follows:
“I am more surprised than shocked to know that only to get rid of me, you got me married to someone by paying the dowry money to my father. What wrong have I done to you except loving you that you have punished me in such a manner for no fault of mine inasmuch as my love was not one sided?”
No longer could I hold her love letter, it slipped down from my hand and the cruel wave of the wind swept it far-far away from my reach. I had returned all her love letters except one with due love and affection as a gentleman so to say as a good lover and she too.
In order to pacify the burnt heart I opened that letter and finished it within a few minutes and the beautiful lines of a very romantic song that she wrote in the last para of her love letter reminded me what actually love is in one’s life. The couplet is as follows:
“ Tumehn Aur Kya Doon, Main Dil Ke Sivaay,
Tujhko Hamari Umar Lag Jaay, Tujhko Hamari Umar Lag Jaay.
(What I can give you except my heart, I wish you to live long, I am ready to spare my age even for you)
Dear readers!
I console myself by loving one and all I come across in my life and while doing so I get peace of mind in return.
I love all the poets – all the writers who wrote beautiful – meaningful songs and stories for us to enjoy every moment of our life without break.
Life is not stagnant, but consistent – it doesn’t stop – it goes on marching and marching in all situation and circumstance and we have to compromise ourselves to live and lead our life.
I Understand life in the real sense of the term and enjoy it by giving love much more in quantity and quality than I receive.
“ Ek Pyar Ka Nagma Hai, Moujon Ki Ravani Hai,
Jindgi Kuchh Bhi Naheen, Teri Meri Kahani Hai.
Kuchh Paakar Khona Hai, Kuchh Khokar Pana Hai,
Jeevan Ka Matlab Ko, Aana Aur Jaana Hai.
Do Pal Ka Jeevan Se, Ek Umra Churani Hai…,
Jindgi Kuchh Bhi Nahin, Teri Meri Kahani Hai.”
Writer : Durga Prasad, Date: 9th. Feb. 15, Day: Monday,
Time: 8.20 PM
A special issue on the eve of Valentine Day – Lovers’ Day.