Photo credit: earl53 from morguefile.com
“Do not leave my hand Zeba , we will soon catch the next savari and then we will be away from this unendurable and insufferable situation”.
Although he was next to zeba but she would hardly listen to his voice in such a rush where each life is fighting to just board a ride for refugee camp. Situation these days were very togh for Yazidi’s , being obscure religious minority they were deprived from basic human needs. Genocide was like a new game for ISIS . Bombs were dropped in Zumar , women’s were raped and killed , children were forcefully enrolled in military . ‘JIZYA’ were collected from all non-believer leaving them in jeopardy condition .
PM Nouri-al-Maliki has sent Iraqi air force to fight ISIS in northern Iraq announces the only radio carried by a bald , over-weighed man who could hardly adjust at his place. Not only lives , but even corpse were crying for land for their burial . All where there was diseases like typhoid , dysentry , malaria , children dying during birth time only. There was only one piece of bread which they would get , to share among their family followed by muddy water to drink .
Next savari will be after one hour announces a sharp female voice on mike . It gave goose bump effect to her and she could feel the same inside her belly . Your husband is a real solicitous man said a women standing next to Zeba in line carrying a two year baby in her hand . And this line reminded Zeba of their first meet , her first kiss and her unforgettable burden she would feel in her belly . It took her heart miles away from all inimical environment to day when her parents decided to throw a party for recruitment of their son in Iraqi air force to serve his community and announced to invite each family surrounding their house .
It was first house where Zeba knocked the door and a boy named Farhan opened it , she came to knew his name as his mother came bawling behind him to know who is on the door . While coming back and closing the outer entrance Zeba stumble upon him. her heart bgean to race on seeing his tall slender figure . His blue jeans white shirt with top two hook unbutton , messy f**ked hair and powerful scent made Zeba lost her world . His chiualrous attitude and muscular body left her astonished. Zeba thought him a kinman of house .
Party at Zeba’s home was full of enthusiasm and knowledgeable discussuion . Prince Taheen , has requested in an ‘urgent distress call’ to help people in Sinjar said one of the male figure while all were discussing various things happing in city. All females were entertaining them in another room, each wearing burqa on command of their husband, While Zeba’s brother Jamall was showing his new uniform to his friends.
When party was at edge ,Zeba asked Farhan about him. oh Ridhwan! he lives nearby he is a froend of mine not kinman. Another day Zeba find Ridhwan waiting for her at turn of gali, his first gaze only left Zeba titilllating.”Do not laeve my hand Zeba” shouted Ridhwan while they were on an amusment ride in a mela. This was the first time she was out with him alone. Otherwise Farhan would always be there so that no one could point a finger on them.
Time creeped by and they share many kisses but this was the first time she got courage to share a bed with him. They are out for today, have taken keys from Farhan said Ridhwan while handing glass of water to Zeba. He gently placed the glass aside and switched off the light. Zeba would feel Ridhwan body sliding inside the blanket,his hand moving over her lips,neck,breast,naval and then down there. He unbuckle his belt and she throw off her bra.
It was five in evening when Ridhwan dropped Zeba back to her home. Farhan just wouldn’t sleep that night. When Farhan had entered his room his saw blood on his bedsheet and discerned that Zeba was no longer a virgin.
My periods are missing and i am pregnant said Zeba lying her to Ridhwan sholuder. We should do nikah as soon as possible .Do not leave my hand.
Zeba, we will together decide our fate tomorrow said Ridhwan with full lenient and benevolent kissed her head and drop her home back.
Girl’s of your community are not meant for nikah. how would you think of tying knot with me. Go find some donkey of your minority and teabag him. You devil worshipper dreamed of marrying me, a sunni Muslim. Ridhwan word’s echoed in Zeba’s ear and she allow two big, black giant to haul her through street. They are taking her to central chauraha to chop her head so that other girls of their community should dare not to engage themselves in any relation with boys of our purest religion. She seduced him, forced him to marry and blackmailed if not,she would ask her brother to took Ridhwan away and convert him to transgender.
Farhan listened from behind the wall, the whole story his mother was narrating to her neighbor . She is my wife,Zeba saw Farhan from behind her hair, her eyes still shining on her grease coated face. Her womb crry my child,dare not to touch her.
Militant seeing Sunni male left Zeba swooning on road and whole chauraha which earlier was shouting and throwing stone on her came to a halt. Sitting in Farhan’s room Zeba saw the bedsheet full of her blood of day when she lost her virginity lying in corner of the room.
Farhan entered the room , Ridhwan was right i worship Tawsi Melek another name of shaitan said Zeba looking down at her finger not making a single eye contact with Farhan. He just handed over the medicines and ointment he had carried with him and left Zeba alone in the room.
Early morning Farhan came knocking at the door, Zeba was sitting near the end of room close to window. She could not sleep whole night in the room where she went intimate with Ridhwan . Neither my family nor militant would allow us to stay here, we should leave for refugee camp, we don’t have any other option, we have to leave this very moments.
“Do not leave my hand” and suddenly Zeba was on savari sitting next to Farhan with her hand in his and her head on his shoulder.