Love Story – Bollywood wala pyaar
Photo credit: dantada from morguefile.com
Bollywood has so much influence on our life, from morning tooth brush which is endorsed by sharukh khan “ dad look sharukh uncle is saying to use pespodent for 2 min, I want this same tooth paste” from dresses wore by karina, madhuri, Katrina in some movies specially around wedding season “ plz brother stitch the same blouse which was worn by kareena in movie called heroine” the poor tailor will start thinking which dress n which scene… he would not have enough money to send the kids to school but he will make sure to catch each movie on Friday just to see what’s the actress are wearing, to love at first site.. somewhere 16 yrs or 18 yrs or 25… hello ladies its 2013 16 yrs gone are the days now the latest is people get in love at an age of 30 or 35 where our parents at that age would have settle down with two kids.
This love happen to our very own aunty very very sorry didi…(the one who doesn’t get married never becomes aunty even if they are 30) vasundhara 35, 5 ft 4 inches, curvy, hot and unavailable. She doesn’t believe in marriage or I should say never found any man interesting that could entice her, love her and marry her, from very beginning she was very focus person, even during her college days when all her friends were dating she was busy preparing notes. She was not a boring person but she never found her age men interesting.
Parents as usual very worried about her, vasu’s father sneaking from one corner of the newspaper “my dear daughter what are your plans for marriage” before she could answer Vasu’s mother walked out of the kitchen in full motion with breakfast plate in her hand “what plans for marriage, why you keep on asking her plans, just find the boys on matrimony dotcoms and show her the profile”
vasundhara “mom I am fed up of you, daily paratha, why?”,
“eat my sweetheart, you will not get fat ”
irritated with her mother’s reply vasundhara got up from the dining table with one apple in her hand and said bye.. her mother was running behind her with aloo ka paratha but before she could reach vasu sat in the car and left for the office.
Away from facebook n whatsapp she was never in contact with any of her friends, for others and even for her parents she was a serious no nonsense person but to our surprise rather shock she use to change her route to office every Friday to see which is the latest movie and use to buy a cd or down load from net as and when its available and would see at night when everybody sleeps. She was a movie buff but never watched any movie in theaters and never ever told anyone that she loves watching movie. She loves listening music while she takes bath and act just like the bollywood actress, use to buy latest dress and wear in her room and do a ramp walk in front of the mirror and then keep it in her closet. People around her never dared ask her about her views on her mr. right but for Vasundhara her Mr. right should only know how to love her n care for her, rest she has everything. Lakh rupees in her account, a flat in gurgaon and a suv on her name.
Vasundhara was working for company who manages the art exhibition for painters, writers and sculptors. Being the project manager she has to see that everything goes smoothly. It was month of December, freezing cold in Delhi and season of love but our Miss Vasu was busy in organize an art exhibition and during that time she met a painter, while she was guiding one of his teammate to how to display paintings.
The painter without any permission just barge into the conversation “madam do you know the p of painting” aata hai” vasundhara “sorry” painter “ oh I guess your command on english as well as painting is weak that’s why you don’t understand what I meant”
vasundhara “I am the project manager and I am been doing this work for past 8 yrs”
painter “a long way to go, 8 yrs is nothing to understand the painting or the painter. Every painting is saying something and whenever you display any painters painting see if there is a story in his paintings and then display. It will give a meaning full impact to the people who are coming to see”
vasundhara “ may I know who you are and how come you know about painting so much”
painter “my name is rangresz and I am the painter and this is my painting” before she could say anything he turned and he left. Vasundhara didn’t want to put much attention to his advice but she still made a note of it and tried to understand each painting and displayed.. Somehow after a lot of struggle the exhibition started.
Vasu boss “vasu you did a great job”
vasu “thank you.. I am best in this and nobody can do this better than me”
While she was standing in the lobby area rangrez came and said “it’s a long way to go, the journey has just begun for you”
vasundhara “sorry”
rangrez “why you often say sorry, you keep on doing some mistake or what”vasundhara in disghust turned her face and rangrez said “you did a good job but it’s just the starting” vausndhara said thanks abruptly and was making her way out rangrez stopped her way and asked for coffee.She refused and he like a Romeo again came in front of her and said “macha you got angry, ok I apologies, now atleast agree for a cup of coffee with me” vasundhara refused and she walked out. Rangrez was standing there with a hope that she will turn back (quite ddlj type) and she did turned back and saw him and then walked out… rangrez “she is not the one who she tries to be, quite superficially strict and discipline girl”
Next day in office while she was working a knock on the door “come in” rangrez came in and sat on the chair.. vasu saw him raising her eye balls from her spectacles and said “what, you don’t have any work that early morning u r here”
rangrez “coffee, tea or ice cream”
vasu “nothing of the three”
rangrez “ok drink water if you like but plz say yes to my invitation”
vasu “why you are behind me, I don’t like all this”
rangrez “ are you married”
vasu “ why you want to know but for your information I am not”
rangrez “ that’s why you are so frustrated because you don’t have a human name husband whom you can fire with your words and anger every now n then, listen lady you are crossing the age of marriage and if you will not go out with any men how you will come to know who is Mr. right”
he didn’t said something which she doesn’t know but if she goes out with him people will talk wrong about her.. vasu was concerned about all this because when she was eighteen yrs old and one boy use to roam around her house and one day he asked for friendship. Vasu said yes and they start meeting each other, she being the innocent person took all this her first love… bollywood famous song ‘phela nasha” started playing on the background. One day they both met and he proposed her, bending down on his knees with a rose in his hand, again the famous bollywood style “heyyyy aahaaa” the dil toh pagal music was playing in her ears, she said yes and he hugged her and tried kissing her
Vasundhara’s neighbor was seeing everything and she complained this to her parents.
Vasu’s father“ vasu where were you and what took you so long and who is this boy you are meeting secretly” she was shell shock that how do they know all this
Vasu mom “your spoiled our image in the society” vasu started crying and said she loved him and he also loves him. Listening this vasu parents went to the boy’s house to meet his parents, the boy refused everything and his parents disrespected them. Seeing all this vasu was in pain and for long time she couldn’t get out of this but one day she decided that she will not fall in love and will focus on her studies and carrier.
Many years passed by men at work area tried to approach her and she refused all of them but this time things are different, she said yes to rangrez and the meeting was set at 3 0 clock in costa at ambience. Rangrez agreed and they both went differently at the same place.
Rangrez while placing n order “you should drink cold coffee as it will calm you down”
vasundhara some how agreed to this meeting but was feeling fish out of water with him. She smiled artificially and ordered cappuccino and rangrez ordered lemon tee.. vasundhara was breaking her knuckles and was seeing around, rangrez was continuously seeing her and came close to her and said “relax.. no one will catch us together”
vsundhara with a fumbling tone “ catch us, who will catch us, what are you saying and I am relax and m not afraid of any one” she was shock because he was speaking her heart.. howz that possible?
Rangrez.. “so ms vasundhra what do you do other than your job as in do you watch movies, listening music or painting ?”
vasundhara answered without showing any interest in his question.. “after work I go home, have dinner and sleep”
rangrez “ do you stay with humans or you don’t like them”
vasundhara “I live with my parents”
rangrez “hmmmm” “you are like this or the adversity in life has make you like this”
vasundhara “I am pretty normal person and there are no adversity as such, I am disciplined person that’s why I am at this position and successful, what you have”
rangrez “ you are too filmy, I have a house, car and money what you have.. just like the famous dialogue from amitab bachan movie “I am sure you watch movies”
vasundhara “ how can you say that”
rangrez “ I asked you for coffee so many times just like any hero in the film, and after so many no one yes , you are trying to be the person you are not”
vasundhara got irritated with all this and stood up “look mr I am going I don’t have time for your nonsense” saying all this vasu left and silence was allover the place..
just after storm silence takes over the place… rangrez to his self “ something I fishy, need to deep dig in to understand this lady”
rnagrez got busy in his work and didn’t contact her for days… vasu try to concentrate on her work but couldn’t.. He came across the man in his life who read her correctly but she couldn’t handle all this that’s why she walked out of costa. After many days again an art exhibition was being conducted by vasu’s company and rangrez painting were part of it. This time she made an effort to place the paintings in the story format. While she was doing her work, rangrez came and stood behind her and said “you work pretty hard” seeing him she was quite happy but she hid her happiness. she was hiding her happiness from him or from her own self
Vasundhara “I am sorry for that day, I don’t know what happened
“rangrez “enough stop asking for forgiveness.. Dinner.. but this time at my place so that if you want to shout and insult me you shout within four walls and nobody sees anything and I am a good cook”
something was interesting about this men that vasundhara was not able to control her emotions. She was feeling this for the first time.. while conducting an art exhibition she never stayed in that room always waited at the lobby area for the exhibition to end but this was the first time she was standing in the exhibition hall and was seeing rangrez from far. His curly hairs which ends in the pony tail, cartier specks, un ironed pants and kurta, no match at all, the tension free walk and the wicked smile which, but still he was the most interesting men in the hall. After the exhibition end she got home and informed her mother about her dinner out..
Mother “with whom.. before this you never went for any dinner parties” vasu “company’s official dinner ” vasu didn’t want to tell lies but a lie came out of her mouth automatically.
She took a scented bath and background music “my heart beating, keeps on repeating” dressed in gorgeous red anarkali same as karneena wore in qurbani movie.. This is the first time she was wearing this.. but when she stepped out of her room something happen she turned and went back to her room, change the dress into white shirt and jeans.. her usual out of office dress… when she was about to leave her mother said “don’t you have any other dress, when you will come out of this white and black shirt”
vasundhara ignoring all this sat in the car and made her way to rangrez home. Switching over to fm channels she was thinking what she will do and she will say to him by the time she could figure out something she reached his place. Rangrez was living in a bunglow, door was open, scented candles and painting on the wall was either hanged or the walls were painted.
As she entered rangrez shouted from the kitchen “come in the kitchen I am here”
vasundhara “ hi, nice aroma, what are you cooking”
rangrez “ let it be surprise, first you eat and then decide for yourself that whether the dish is good or not”
vasundhara “ok.. do you live alone”
rangrez “why . are you afraid of you being all alone in the house with me” vasundhar smiling “ no.. just asking”
rangrez “my parents are living in Canada and even my birth and brought ups are from Canada but for art I have come here and india has so much beauty in her lap that I I want to paint it all on my canvas, by the way do you cook?” vasu “with a laugh no not at all.. I hate cooking”
Completing his kitchen work he showed her his house and all her painting, she was listening with all piece on her tongue, then they both sat in the drawing room with a drink rangrez “you know vasu, I have so many painting on my name but my master piece is still left, by the way you lok different today?”
rangrez “so why change the dress”
vasundhara with the erect spine “change of dress, no”
rangrez “don’t lie, you change the dress but forgot to change your earrings which are not matching with your jeans and also the shimmer lipstic.
For once vasundhara felt like smashing him because he observes her so much and why he shouldn’t, he is painter and eye for detailing matters.
Vasu shying away from him “yes I did change the dress because I thought my parents will come to know that”
rangrez “that you are dating a guy”
vasu “dating.. plz this is not a date”
rangrez “okkka.., come on vasu, you are 35 even if your parents come to know big deal” vasu was just seeing the confidence in his eyes and before he comes to know that she is seeing she got up to make another drink for her self.
Conversation was going on and on and they ate dinner also, vasu “hmm the food is good, infact much tastier than my mom” rangrez “thanks.. Actually you are bore with your mom cooking now you should change the cook” vasu sticking her lips inside understood what he meant. They ate the dinner and while vasu was leaving rangrez gifted her something which he requested her to open when she reaches home. She drives back home but her anxiety to know what is store for her in that gift is so much that she stops the car in between and open the gift… rangrez has painted her on canvas with open hairs and a bindi and written a line for her “life is too short to keep everything in the heart”.
When she reached home both the parents were waiting but did not ask anything and went to their room. She reached her room and jumped on her bed and was happy to see herself on the rangrez canvas and she slept with a beautiful dream, the dream which she is seeing past so many years that one day the man of his life will come, bent on his knees with a ring in his hand and will propose her but this time the man she is sure is rangrez.. When she slept with the painting in her hand she doesn’t know. Instead of getting up with the alarm she got up with the sound of banging on her door, Maa “vasu get up.. are you alright..”
she was late to the office. She got up, fresh n up and took bath, she opened her wardrobe and was about to remove the same old white shirt and blue pants then suddenly she saw the white chicken kurta and printed salwar.. the same kareena wore in bodyguard. She removed it and wore it. Standing infront of the mirror she couldn’t believe that she is wearing this to office but she is not wearing this too office she is wearing for rangrez.. but why rnagrez…? Any way dressed up and she stepped out of the room and hurried towards the parking area, both her parents were in state of shock seeing their daughter dressed in salwar kameez that too for office.. when she reached office everybody was amazed to see her like that, some of the male employees never thought that she can look so beautiful. All wanted to compliment her but her serious n no nonsense nature is something the staff is aware off. Don’t ask people vasu was in different world. She was only expecting compliment from rangrez.
Rangrez came to office and straightaway to her cabin.. He opened the cabin to ask for permission to come in her chamber but his eyeballs jutted out and mouth was open.. He was shock to see vasu in salwar kameez..
Come in rangrez vasu said..
rangrez “I think today the sun has rise from the wrong direction” with his hands expressing questions in the air..
vasu “you only said that listen to your heart, that’s what I am doing so I listened to my heart and this is what my heart says”
rangrez “so movie tonight”
vasu “with a smile ok”
After office both left for the movie “ashiqui 2” sitting in the corner seat, sometimes his elbow touches her or her elbow touches him.. They laugh seeing each other and when vasu cries he gives him his handkerchief to wipe tears.. Eating nachos from the same plate and sipping each other pepsi.. The whole movie went like this.. While returning from the movie rangrez asked “so how was the movie?”
vasu “it was good.. you know this is the first time I have watch movie in the theater and I love watching movies but I don’t go out I simply download them or buy a cd.
Listening this rangrez stop the car and cheerfully said “I knew it.. I knew it that you watch movies but why not in cinema halls”
vasu “I thought that I will like other girls and I am different from the crowd, but I guess I am no different from others”
rangrez “be the part of the crowd but make sure you lead the crowd” so from now onwards we will catch up for each movie”
vasu “sure.. I really enjoyed with you” seeing in each other eyes.. As if time was stopped for them and suddenly a car was honking they realized that they are standing in the middle of the road. First she left rangres at his residence and she reached her home. This time also the parents didn’t ask anything and went to their room. Vasu was on cloud nine, she entered the room and stood infront of the mirror.. “am I in love with rangrez” everything was just like movies for vasu, firstly she didn’t like rangrez as many heroines don’t like the hero then slowly they fall for them in the same way vasu likes the oversmartness of rangrez and now he is the apple of her eye…
Next day was Sunday and she was having breakfast.. Papa sitting beside her “plans for marriage” vasu just smiled and stood from the table.. ma was seeing everything and came to her husband.. “she smiled instead of shouting or frowning… I m telling you something is fishy”..
Next morning Rangrez called up vasu and said “ can we meet in the evening”
vasu “something important”
rangrez “yes”
Vasu with a million dollar smile said “yes”.
After work she reached home, went into her room and removed all her dresses as today is the important day of her life, the loneliness is going to end and she wanted to look the best. She scrub her face, twice the brush and mouth wash too, nail paint on her fingers, and wore a LBD.
She saw herself in the mirror and said “ you have no right to look so beautiful, drop dead gorgeous” while she was going her parents asked her “where are you going and what are you wearing”
vasu “dad plz I am 35 yrs old and I don’t think so I need to give you explanations”
Maa “we never asked you but we are your parents.. it’s your duty to tell us”
vasu “okay…. I am going on a date with a man” and before listening to them she sat in the car and made her way to rangrez home… music “ shining in the sun like the pearl upon the ocean come and feel me” vasu was very happy today because finally she is meeting her mr right and he will propose her in bollywood style, she was sure that this thing will happen but so soon was something she was not prepared, as in movies hero heroines meet so many times but her they met just twice or thrice, and when she will open up infront of her parents there would be big drama at her place about marriage and finally a big fat wedding. She reached his place. rangrez was sitting outside on the swing.. Seeing her coming towards him he stood up and said “you look gorgeous.. very sexy” vasu was happy with the compliments.. vasu “so what is the important thing you want to say”
Rangrez “ vasu you remember I told you that I haven’t painted the master piece but last night I completed and now I want to show you that”
confused vasu don’t know what to say thought he will propose after this, walked inside his bunglow with him. rangrez raised the butter paper from the canvas and showed her the painting. The painting was the surely the best painting of him and the women in that was very beautiful.
Vasu “indeed this is your best painting and the women you have painted is so beautiful, I really wish that she was a human”
listening this rangrez said “ thanks vasu I knew you will like it and she is very much a living person. She is my better half, my wife. She stays with my parents in cananda and I have a cute little baby”
Vasu with red eyes and the tears which can roll out of the eyes any time was seeing rangrez. “why didn’t you tell me before that you are married, and I thought that you love me and will propose me”
rnagrez with a shock “ vasu I never told you that I love you and I don’t think so my gesture has ever given a wrong signals to you. I respect you and I really like you as a friend”
vasu “stop this nonsense if you don’t love me then why u came close to me and tried changing me.. did I said that I have problem with my life style, you broke my heart not even my heart but my trust, why didn’t u said earlier that you are married”
rangrez was speechless and vasu hurried towards her car, she opened her car sat in and cried Banging his head on the steering for many a times… she removed the bracelet and earring and throw it in the car, and with a high speed reversed the car from his parking lot and drove back home.. rangrez ran behind her but could not stop her he was standing helpless and in a confused state cursing himself for no reason. When she reached home her parents were sitting in the drawing room waiting for her, this is the first time they asked her “what happen beta”
vasu hugged her mom n cried a lot. “ma for so many days I am seeing this man and today he is telling me that I m married, I thought my days of living alone are going to end but I think I will never get married”
papa “daughter it’s not his fault entirely.. You never welcomed any one in your life and when you welcomed u assumed that he loves u… living alone is not easy frustration takes over, family, love and care is required, for how long we will live.. I know life is not like bollywood movies always happy ending but you have to accept it… don’t take the bollywood movies seriously”
vasu with the shock “how do you know”
“sweetheart we are your parents and who has a un married daughter doesn’t get sleep… so forget this and with whom we will say get married n get settled”
vasu had nothing to say she simply walked towards her room and opened the door of the cupboard and remove all the romantic movies cds and threw in the dustbin, all her dresses she threw in the dustbin.. and accept it that what happen in movies is the bollywood pyaar which can never happen in real life and one has to come to terms with the reality of life.. next morning same routine same life… bollywood pyaar srif movies mai hi hota hai.. this is the influence of movies on our life.. many hearts are broken like and many lives are shattered…