Love Story – Belated Spring
Photo credit: Stefanomas from morguefile.com
Shreya was standing in the bus stop. Her mother had just called her. Nishanth was getting married she had told. Shreya didn’t know what to tell. She didn’t even know whether to laugh or cry. She closed her eyes and memories started flowing.
The state entrance result had come. She had a good rank. Everyone was discussing which college and which branch she should take. Nishanth was at the helm of things. Nishanth was the son of Vinayan uncle their family friend and a good friend of Shreya. He was doing his MBA in IIM Bangalore after completing his B-Tech from IIT. The very fact gave him a superiority complex and he always thought the decisions he took for others were in their best interest. Shreya had loved chemistry since her high school days. She had a passion for it. So she wanted to take chemical engineering. But the moment she mentioned it Nishanth shouted at her.
“Shreya are you crazy? With such a good rank you’ll get electronics in almost all good colleges. Electronics is the buzzword today. All big companies are looking for electronic engineers. You will be placed in a company soon after your B-Tech. Don’t throw away a wonderful career opportunity by choosing chemical”
“But Nishanth” started Shreya. But her father cut her off.
“Shreya Nish knows better. He has been in this field for more than 5 yrs now. So let us decide that you are going to take Electronics.
Well it was finished. Shreya studied Electronics Engineering and as Nish had predicted she landed in a leading MNC through campus recruitment. But she knew that she studied Electronics just for the sake of studying. She had no real passion for it.
“Hey Shreya you alone here”. Shreya was jolted back to present hearing the voice behind her. It was Neerav, her colleague.
“Oh actually I am a bit early today. Having a headache, thought will go home ” replied Shreya.
“Ok then bye”, telling that Neerav walked away.
Shreya looked at him. Neerav was a silent lot. He didn’t talk much. But somehow in the few months they knew they had developed a good friendship, though it was just a hi and bye and a few words exchanged she really enjoyed the few minutes spend with him.
The bus came and she got in it. She was staying in a 3 bedroom flat with 5 of her other colleagues in Besant Nagar. Once the bus reached there she got down bought the usual groceries and headed for her house.
She entered the house and had a bath. Today it was her turn to cook. She was just thinking about what to cook when her mobile rang,
“Hello Shreya how are you? Are you feeling fine” It was Neerav in his usual soft voice whenever he seemed concerned.
“Feeling better yaar. Had a bath. Now thinking of cooking something”.
“Shreya better you take rest rather than work up. Ask your roommates to cook something. Don’t aggravate your headache”
She felt as if it was an order than a request.
“By the way Neerav I didn’t ask you why were you early today?”,
“Shreya that I have joined for guitar classes. Today I had class. That is why thought will get early today”
“Aha you didn’t tell how long u have been going”.
“About a month” replied Neerav.
“Ok yaar will see u tomorrow” told Neerav.
What an abrupt way of ending a call thought Shreya. The guy was a mystery to her because at the same time he appeared both caring and indifferent. The same person who had called her now will completely ignore her if he is in a group with other guys.
Now back to work she thought and went back to kitchen. Suddenly the calling bell rang.
“Oh my God. I think Diya and Neha are back. I haven’t even started cooking. Now they r gonna to cook me”.
She opened the door and her guess proved true. Soon the house was filled with a cacophony of voices. Then as usual both of them teasingly shouted at her for not cooking the dinner on time telling that they were extremely hungry. Once they were in Shreya forgot about all her worries as they together prepared the dinner while happily discussing tid bits of office gossip.
Days went on. It was usual. Work in software field was boring and repetitive. Shreya thought. She was fed up of coding and testing the same application again and again. But her job paid her good and was rewarding financially. But at times she was feeling a emotional void in her mind. It was as though she has lost something. But even she couldn’t figure out what.
These days she was talking to Neerav more frequently. She had a habit of going to pantry in the office to take short breaks whenever she felt like. Mostly she went alone. Since the pantry had a balcony it was good to stand there alone and simply look down. Neerav was similar to her. Sometimes he too frequented the pantry just like that. He too had told her that he loved to stand in the balcony. She didn’t know whether these days they were deliberately going there, as each knew when the other person would be there.
It has been two months since she had gone home. She had no plans of going also anywhere in near future. She knew what she will have to listen if she goes there. Her mother would talk her ear off. She was guilty of rejecting the most eligible bachelor in town.Yes, she had rejected Nishanth. An, IIT, IIM working as a consultant in a leading US firm, what more could a girl ask for her future husband.Tears started rolling out from her eyes. As she wiped them, again the memories came back.
Nish and she were chatting online as usual
“Shreya my parents are thinking about my marriage and they asked me whether I have any preference”
“So what did you tell” asked Shreya
“I told if they had no problems I would like to have Miss. Shreya Menon as my wife.. They are pretty happy about it. So Miss. Shreya Menon will you marry me”
Shreya felt like a shiver running through her spine. She sat there dumbfounded.
“But Nish I have never thought of you like that. I have considered you a good friend and guide, not my life partner”
“What is the harm in considering now Shreya. Or do you have anyone else in mind”
“Nish I don’t have anyone in mind. But I don’t think we will be compatible as a couple.”
“Well Shreya you can think it over. I think you are acting on impulse. Maybe a little angry for telling my mother before I told you”
“Nish we will speak later. Bye” and she logged out
As she came out of her room her mother was standing there. The look on her face itself told Shreya that news had reached there. So Nish’s mom has called.
“Shreya get ready fast. Vinayan uncle and aunty are coming. Dear I hope Nish has told you his decision. You are lucky child. Not every girl gets a husband like Nish.”
“Mama I have told Nish my decision also, that I cannot see him as my life partner.”
Her mother looked at her in shocked silence.
Her dad came and the first question he asked was “Shreya do you have anyone in mind.”
“No dad. It is not because I love anyone. It is just because I feel we are not right for each other. Ours won’t be a happy marriage”
Her parents couldn’t understand her justification.Vinayan uncle, aunty and Nishanth’s sister were equally shocked by her decision. Even her friends were shocked and told her she was crazy to let go of such a good proposal. Her mom and Nish’s mom coaxed her, her mother even tried threatening her. But nothing worked. Shreya was firm on her decision that Nishanth was not for her.
“Shreya you crying”. She was so much engrossed in her thoughts that she had completely forgotten that she was sitting in her office pantry. Now Neerav was looking at her, his eyes full of genuine concern. Shreya wiped her tears.
“Nothing Neerav. I am having a bad cold, that’s why my eyes look red. “She tried in vain to smile.
“Why are you lying Shreya. I was standing here for the past 10 min and you didn’t even notice me. You were completely lost in your thoughts. What happened? Problems in your project.”
He and his work. The only problems he understood were work related. Emotions, Sentiments, Love and things like that were not his cup of tea.
“It’s ok Neerav. Let me go. I can handle it. I have got lots of work to finish.”
“Sit. I will get a coffee for you.”
She didn’t want to say a no to him. So she sat sipping the coffee and looking away from him. She was debating with herself whether to tell him the truth or not. Finally she decided to tell. As she poured out the story she was crying in between. He was simply listening to her. After she had finished he spoke.
“So Shreya do you feel now that you have made a mistake”.
“No” replied she.
“Then why are you crying?”
“It’s becoz everyone blames me. They say..”
“Shreya I didn’t ask what others are feeling about your decision. I asked how you are feeling”
“I feel I was right”
“Then you were right. Now don’t cry. Get up and wash your face. Go home. Have a nice time for Nish’s wedding and keep your eyes open. Who knows maybe you will meet your soul mate there.”
He was smiling. She also started laughing. When she returned to her seat she felt light hearted and relieved. It was the first time someone was not blaming her for rejecting Nishanth.
Parithraya the Cultural fest in her office was approaching. Shreya had joined for Solo Music. Shreya was an immensely talented singer who had won many prizes at State and Interstate level competitions. But irrespective of that her parents never encouraged her to study music professionally or think of it as a career option. So her singing was restricted to the school/college/office competitions.
This time the festival was going to be organized in Chennai and they were having a high-profile person like Shankar Das who was a famous film music director in the South as judge for Eastern solo.
The day of her competition came. Well she was not seeing Neerav anywhere. She had expected it, he was not going to come as his project was running on a tight schedule. But as she was just to go on the stage her mobile gave a ring. It was Neerav’s missed call. Hurriedly she scanned the crowd and she saw him waving at her. She waved back . So he had come. She felt very happy and she couldn’t understand why she was feeling so happy about it. The competition was over and finally it was time to announce the result. Shreya got first prize for eastern solo.
After the award ceremony was over she got a call from Shankar Das telling that he wanted to meet her. She was a bit apprehensive when she went to meet him. But the meeting was not very high profile as she had expected it. Shankar Das spoke to her in a very friendly manner but she was stunned by the offer he made.
“Shreya Menon you have a very beautiful voice. It’s a pity that you are wasting this talent. If you think that you will be happy in making a career out of music come for an audition to my studio next Friday. You have a very bright future ahead. Think and make the decision. I will call you on Monday and I expect a positive reply.”
Shreya could hardly mutter a “Thanks, I would let you know”. She ran out the room. Excitement filling her very being. She made a call to Neerav asking him to come to pantry very urgently.
When he came through smiles and tears she told him the whole thing. They talked for some time and as he left she made a call to her home to tell them the happy news. But the moment her mom heard her news, her only question was
“Shreya will you be able to come home this weekend”.
So Shreya went home that weekend.What she got there was a very cold reception. Nobody asked her anything about the offer she had got. She was puzzled. Finally that night her father called her to his study. He told her,
“Shreya dear I am happy to know that someone has really acknowledged your voice. But dear we don’t want you to go to the world of glamour. Film industry is not for us.,
“But dad I am not going to act. I am just going to sing. What is wrong in that?I love singing. If everything works out I would like to be a professional singer.
“That is what I told you. We don’t want you to be a professional singer. Our family has an illustrious tradition. Going to showbiz is considered an unworthy profession for a person with such a family name to go into ,and I don’t want my daughter to go for it leaving the prestigious career she already has. I don’t want any argument on the same.”
Shreya sat there tears streaming down her eyes. Her dream was shattered into pieces. She knew how much she wanted to sing. But she also knew that she couldn’t defy her family traditions.
Monday she didn’t feel like working. Though she had a deadline for her project her head was simply not working. She thought and thought what she would tell the office. Just as she was thinking Neerav came along and asked her whether she was coming for coffee. She welcomed the break.
“So Madam when is your audition. Did Shankar Das’s office call for confirmation”
“Neerav I am not going to sing. My parent’s don’t want me to. They have a social stigma attached to the film world.So when they call I am going to tell I am not interested in the offer.”
“Shreya but why?I know you want to sing very much.Then times have also changed. Ther’s not much social stigma attached to singing. Shreya don’t throw away the chance like this”
“Neerav I belong to Kerala, which is a bit more conservative, compared to your Pune. But that’s it. It’s the end of the dream”
“Shreya I don’t want that dream to end. I want you to pursue it and make it a reality.”
Just as they were talking her mobile rang. Before she could pick it up, Neerav picked it and he was talking.
“Yes Madam. This is Shreya Menon’s number. She was expecting your call. Actually she is in a very important meeting now so she asked me to give the confirmation that she will be coming for the audition.” What time Friday 5:00pm. Ok we will be there in time. Thank you.
“Neerav what did you tell. I am going to call back and tell that it was a mistake and I am not coming for the audition”.
“Shreya you can do what you want. But just listen to me. I think I spoke your mind. I will accompany you. Don’t suffer like this. Everything will turn out to be all right. Sometimes you will have to live for yourself Shreya. Just tell me that we’r going”
Shreya looked into his eyes. For the first time in her life someone was acknowledging her needs. She didn’t want to disappoint him. She said
“We will go.”
That night she couldn’t sleep. She was tossing and turning in her bed. She was not afraid of the consequences that will follow if she went for the audition. It was as though she felt she could challenge the whole world. The fact that Neerav was with her was giving her immense courage. She never knew she could be this bold. His very presence gave her the security. For the first time she acknowledged her true feelings for him. Without knowing itself she had fallen in love for him. Yes Neerav Bharadwaj was the guy she wanted as her life partner. He was the one who was allowing her to be herself. But then did he feel the same for her. She was not sure. Finally she fell asleep.
Friday evening they went for the audition. The audition was a great success. She got her first assignment. It was for a tamil movie. She was going to sing 3 tracks for the same. She called her home and told that . Her father was extremely angry.
“Shreya I didn’t expect this from you. You have betrayed my confidence in you. All my life we had given you what you wanted. I had never questioned you even when you said you won’t marry Nishanth. But this is extreme. You have disgraced our tharavaadu by going in the showbiz.. Shreya better you stay there itself and do whatever you want to do. Don’t come here. I will think I never had a daughter like you.”
“Dad I am not coming there. But dad I want to live my life. I want to do something which will give meaning to my life. I have decided on my career and I am going to pursue it.”
Well that was it. Her family ties were broken. Her parent’s didn’t call her. She became an alien to them. But then Neerav always assured her.
“Shreya this is the first outburst. Don’t feel too much bad about it. Let your first film get released. Once fame and glory acknowledge you they will be proud to tell that you are their daughter. That’s the way the world goes.”
So finally the movie was out. It was a big success so were the tracks. Appreciations started pouring from all sides. So were the offers. She got offers from 2-3 more music directors. But her parent’s didn’t call. She felt like crying.
That evening she told Neerav. “I am quitting Neerav. It’s enough. I love my parents. I will go say sorry to them and be the good daughter they want me to be.”
“Don’t give up so fast. It will take time but soon they will realize the talent of their daughter and they will acknowledge you.
“By the way tell me what is happening in your career front. You citing any onsite opportunity”. She asked him
“Not for another year or year and a half. I am tied up in a project that doesn’t have an onsite opportunity. But it gives ample opportunity to study a lot of things. So I thought I will stick with this for the time being so when I get a chance to go onsite I will get a real long assignment abroad. Well then there should be someone to take care of you here. Otherwise God knows when you will quit singing telling that your parent’s are not talking to you. By the way me got going. Lots of work.”
As he walked away she stood looking at him. If only he had told her that he wanted to take care of her for the lifetime.
Shreya started getting assignments in singing in both Tamil and Malayalam. She felt that she couldn’t go on in the company and yet pursue her career in music. Since she was enjoying singing she decided to resign from the company.
“Neerav I am resigning”. She told him one evening when they were having coffee.
“Good. I was thinking when you would tell this”
So she gave her resignation and in another month she became a full-fledged playback singer. Her parents haven’t called her yet. Now she ignored it. Neerav called her frequently and she too called him whenever she got time in her busy schedule. Now Shreya Menon was a common household name. Her songs were popular and her schedule was packed with recordings, concerts, stage performances and travels. She also attended music classes to improve her knowledge of classical music.
Then she got a good offer. The movie had only classical songs. The heroine’s character in the movie was that of a classical singer. There were tough classical songs in it and one of it was really tough. Shreya really had to work hard on it. She spent days rehearsing it before she went for recording. But even with so much practice even 5 recordings she couldn’t sing it to perfection the way the music director wanted her to sing. Finally he was exasperated and told “Shreya it’s going to be the last recording after lunch. If you can’t sing the song to perfection t this time, I am sorry to tell then I will have to replace you with someone else”.
When she went for lunch Shreya couldn’t eat anything. She knew she had to sing it. When the time came for recording she thought no one else but it’s Shreya Menon who is going to sing this song. She was very much determined when she took the microphone that when she sang it her voice reverberated in the recording room. When it was over the music director came and congratulated her.
“Shreya it was wonderful. I just wanted to bring the best in you. I am sure this year’s National Award for best singer is for you.”
Shreya laughed at his comment. But whoever who heard the song including Neerav told her that she stood a good chance for winning the honor. Anywayz she was among the nominees in the last round for the award.
That night Shreya was just reading a book. Suddenly her doorbell rang. When she opened the door she saw a host of reporters in front of her and cameras were beaming at her. Then through the crowd she saw her music director coming out.
“Congrats Shreya, Winner of national award for best female playback singer”
She didn’t know what happened next . There were host of interviews and she was all over in television. She didn’t get time even to call Neerav and speak to him. He had called her to congratulate her. The happiest thing was even her parents called and they came over to Chennai to attend the interviews and tell everyone how proud they were to have a daughter like her. Finally her parents had acknowledged her. After the initial euphoria was over she called Neerav.
“Neerav why didn’t you turn up here. My parents are here. You know the award ceremony is next Monday. I want you to come to Delhi with us.” Hearing no response from him she repeated “Neerav you there”
“Shreya” Neerav began slowly “I don’t think I will be able to attend the award ceremony. I have got a onsite opportunity. I am going to London on Sunday night. I got the information only today evening.”
“What.” She didn’t know what to tell. It was going to be the most important day in her life and she wanted to share it with the most important person in her life. She wanted the world to know Neerav. But then she knew what it meant for him to go onsite. A major career break..
“Shreya your parents are there. Even your friend Nishanth is coming with his wife. So you have your entire dear and near one’s. Enjoy. Have a nice evening. I will call you when I reach London.”
“All the best Neerav”. She could hardly tell that without choking her voice. When he kept the phone Neerav knew that Shreya was crying at the other end. If she had asked him once to stay back he would have thrown away his onsite chance. He knew that she won’t ask and she would not want him to throw away the oppourtunity for her sake. But then he wanted to be with her in her crowning moment. Though he had never told her he had loved her from the day he had seen her from their office balcony .But then he was afraid to tell the same. What if she didn’t feel the same? He didn’t want to lose the wonderful friendship they shared . But then he wanted to try to attend the function. He went upto the travel desk. Babitha the travel assistant of the company was there.
“Neerav what happened. I guess your ticket is okay and you are flying this Sunday”
“That is what I want to ask you. I have some urgent meeting on Monday here. Is there any possibility that my ticket can be arranged for Tuesday or if it’s Monday can it be arranged from Delhi.”
“Neerav you know what will the cancellation cost the company. Plus I don’t know whether you will get ticket also.”
“Babi don’t worry about the cancellation cost you can cut that from my salary. Just see if u can get the ticket.”
The note of urgency in his voice and his face made Babitha reply “Let me see Neerav. I will let you know.”
Shreya didn’t know when she slept crying. Her parents couldn’t console her. She didn’t even eat her dinner. She woke up startled when her mobile rang through midnight. When she saw Neerav callin she sat upright and answered it.
“Shreya how will you feel if I attend the award ceremony.”
“Are you telling the truth.” She pinched her arm to make sure she was not dreaming. “But then you have to go. Don’t tell me you are not going”
“I am going . But on Wednesday. Shreya I negotiated with the organization. I agreed to pay the loss to the company from my salary. To be frank I didn’t mind even if they didn’t send me onsite. I wanted to be with you to share the happiest moment of your life,”
“Neerav no one could have compensated for your absence and without you by my side the award would have meant nothing to me”
Neerav could feel her joy excitement and he blurted out. “Shall I ask you one thing Shreya. If you are willing to wait for me for another 18 months, shall I send my parents to your home”
Shreya couldn’t believe it, was Neerav really proposing her . She asked startled. “Say that once more. “ Shreya I asked will you be mine” replied Neerav.She didn’t know what to tell except a simple yaa. Then she was crying in the phone.
It was the award ceremony. As she went to the stage and got the award, they asked her to sing the song and also say a few words. She sang the song. Then she spoke.
“Today the nation has bestowed upon me this great honor. But then Shreya would have never been here to receive this award if it hadn’t for one person. I want the nation to meet Neerav Bharadwaj my friend, guide and now my fiancée. Neerav please come to the stage. This award belongs to you.”
As Neerav walked on to the stage there was all round applause and the cameras flashed to take the photographs of the couple.
After the award ceremony as they stood with her parents and his parents Nishanth walked to Neerav and told.
“Congratulations Neerav. Now I know she was right in rejecting me. I was her friend and helped her to get a life which I thought was right for her. But then you gave her the life she very much wanted to live.”
“Excuse me sir. If you could please..” one reporter was telling to Nishanth.
As Nishanth moved away the cameras started flashing again at Shreya and Neerav. It was not the end, but a beginning of new life to both of them.