Love Story – Affaire de Coeur
Photo credit: earl53 from morguefile.com
A love affair or affair of the heart is hard to know. James Saw her working in old men home as a cooking girl along with a dozen cooking staff there. James is a young man with a medical Supply unit, running well in the city. He earns a huge amount and he is somewhat accurate in guessing things correctly.
“A certain selection and discretion must be used in producing a realistic effect. Our James has these qualities as a gift” James friends say about him.
James enquired about her. She has come to the place ten days back. The clerk in the old men house is Green who secure order of medicines for the Medical Unit run by James, said that she is from a remote village and she is lonely as she lost her parents in the village.
Green is the kind person and he is thinking about the future of the girl. If she works in the old men house, she will become old soon. She must secure a good place to live.
“I advise you to have a girl like this as your house maid who will take care of everything with lot of care.” Green left his advise as a sweet gift to James.
“Of course, in your position of a nice adviser and helper to everybody, I understand how valuable this advise is. You are in contact with This strange and good girl. But here, I need some time to decide and tell you, so that you can convey her later, rest for her to decide.”
James said in his business man style and as Green did not expect this from James, he kept quiet. He thought his best idea and he even expected that this girl will be soon the wedded housewife of James home, as he knows that James is a bachelor.
“What is her name?” James asked.
“Britney” Green said.
James liked the name and the girl.
He is looking at her who is busy cutting vegetables. She did not notice James, but James is so much attracted towards her that Green thought, what he expected will happen.
‘It always means an affaire de Coeur. No doubt. But here we may take it that there is a love matter, but that the maiden should not be angry or perplexed at him when he expresses his first love.’ Green thought inside.
After two weeks, James asked Green to know if Britney is interested to work in a bachelor’s house as housekeeper. Green explained Britney that James is nice man, so she should not doubt him because he is a bachelor. He advised Britney to join. So Britney accepted for this.
James welcomed her with the easy courtesy for which he is remarkable. She introduced herself as Britney and Green asked her to meet him.
“Do you not find,” he said, “that this house appears as a little disorderly that needs someone like you to take care?” James said as casually as he can.
Britney’s fear is gone and her astonishment upon her broad, good-humored beautiful face is well seen. “You’ve heard about me, Mr. James,” she said in a low voice, “else how could you say so simply all this like this?”
“Yes. I saw you working there, cutting carets and onions few times.” James said.
“Thank you for giving me this job, sir.” Britney said.
“It’s okay. Now on, I forget about the house, just take care of the needs. I will concentrate on my business.” James said.
“It’s my pleasure sir. I do my best of my duty entrusted.” Britney said.
After Britney has come, James was really very busy. He got more contracts and he finds no time to spend some time at home. Even on Sundays also, He is busy outside with his business.
Britney is very sincere housekeeper. She takes care of The tastes of James and accordingly she arranges things in the house, arranges food as he likes much. When James is out of home, she attends the calls and note on the Book of Calls with every detail. So James knows everything without asking her who said what.
James returns home lately and by that time Britney will be sleeping in her room. James does not like to disturb her, so she will have her privacy without disturbed. In certain days James will be at home and she will take care of his needs in time, like arranging food etc and she will not disturb him. If he needs anything, she will call her in the intercom, so the things are going like this. There is nothing like rambling are inconsequential in anything going on in the house of James and everything is peaceful.
James likes Britney very much and he is taking time to ask if she is interested in marrying him. But some modesty is the only hurdle. He likes her so much that he is unable to ask even smallest of personal things.
One day, Britney came to James and said in simple serene way.
“Thank you for your courtesy all these days I was very happy here. I am going to my native place for few days, I have my family there, my parents, my father and mother are farmers in west Plymouth.”
West Plymouth is a village in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States. James knows that It is located beyond the new Colony Place retail development and the Plymouth Industrial Park off U.S. The only confusion is one thing, why she did not tell all this in the beginning. What Green told him is that she lost her parents and she came for living here.
“Why you did not tell Green that you have parents in west Plymouth?” James asked.
“Green is not as important as you. When I did not tell about my family with you, sir, how I can tell this thing to Green? You are, so important for me than Green.” Britney said.
James wondered for this answer. He liked that she keeps certain personal important information as secret. But only thing he could not understand is something as core point, what made her come lonely to this place and why she is telling this now to him. He asked her the same thing.
“And I don’t know yet, what could have happened? And why could you not tell me about your parents? How you are so much attracted towards your family?”
I asked this as I know, It will drives me half-mad to think of it, and I also know pretty well that I can’t sleep a wink at night if I cannot see her back here.
“If you say no, I don’t go. I know, I should ask you to permit.” Britney said. Her half smile is to come out.
James looked at Britney after he could not expect the answer like this.
“I shall glance into your case for us, and I have no doubt that we shall reach some definite result. Let the weight of the matter rest upon me now, and do not let your mind dwell upon it further. Above all, try to let your life partner know completely about your family.”
“Then what do you say to me? Shall I go home as a girl or as a …..” Britney stopped in between.
“You will leave that question in my hands. I should like an accurate answer and we both go to meet your parents.” James said spreading his hands wide.
Britney went into the hands grip and it lead to a warm, hot and memorable hug.
In the vacuous face of Britney, there is something noble in the simple faith of her towards James which compelled great respect. She waited to find how much true it is towards her. James and Britney are wedded. When she is advised to summon her parents, she smiled.
“I have no parents. What you heard from Green is right. My parents in Plymouth is a trick to know if I am something for you.” Britney said with a smile.
Britney found a look of infinite languor in the face of James which prolonged as a quick action. James ventured a remark upon Britney, which seemed to surprise her.
“Yes, this is a affair de Coeur. It started when I saw you cutting carets in old men home. It brought you my home first and it made my home as our sweet home”