Love story 2013- love of all kinds
Photo credit: Oleander from morguefile.com
It was a pretty rainy season… every element of nature was soaked in sweet water droplets… i don’t know really where to start from.. now it is almost three years passed since my being into a relationship.. As both of us belonged to stern middle class families, it was almost impossible to marry a guy who is inter-caste…
To start from the beginning, after completing my grad, i seek admission in a coaching institute. There I met my dream partner… tall, fair-complexioned, strong-built physique and those alluring eyes. I dont know what was dragging me towards him…but for the first time I felt warmth of love :) Now it became a daily routine. We used to steal glances and shy… And what was most lovable was that he used to sit just next to me doesn’t matter wherever I sit. He used to enter late because he was the relative of owner of that institution. He was very shy…
After a week or so, he broke the ice and asked a question to me,” do you know which place is that where there are no prisons?”
It was little unpredictable for me & if u ask me honestly it was soooo unromantic of him too.
I replied,” No.”
“Arunachal Pradesh.”… He replied softly.
For the whole day I thought of his sugar-mixed voice… omg!!!! I was in love… luv at first sight….. I cant believe that i was in love. It was a sweet pain to depart from him and think about him for the rest of the day..Now I was always dying to attend the class for the next day. Now we use to exchange peppy conversations while studying. We were love birds apart from this world.
Our teacher was also a jocular fellow so I was not a bit ashamed of him gazing us between taking lectures. He asked for my no. when I was unable to do a task and sought for his help…wickedly and satirically, I said something and gave him a slip where there was my no. Now after that we used to chat for the whole day and whole night… He a was a very simple, charming and unpolished fellow. Actually he was a rural brat… totally different from what I actually expected. But he was a truthful,lovable and diligent fellow.
His dying heart aim was to become a police officer… and he has achieved that now.Without any coaching, without any external assistance or guidance,he has done it and m reallly really reallllllllllllllly proud of him for that now…
He proposed me just after two months of our chats and he went away 300+ kilometres apart from me…to his home sweet home for the prep. As it was becoming a hard nut to crack to study here…to bear hostility of relatives.. still we remained in touch with chats and texts… he used to make frequent visits whenever it was possible…If u ask me honestly, he is the,he could be the dream man of any gal.. he possess all those qualities that a gal dreams of…his enlish is slight weak..or u may say disastrous…but still he is my inspector now.. what a dignified life it is to be called the wife of a inspector..the only factor that drags us apart is our being inter-caste… but I still have faith that we will be united..cos cupid wants it all. I really love him a lot.
I cant write each and every moment spent with him.To be precise,he was always there in my every part,every joy or sorrow. In the end, i just want to say, Jaaanu! its all just for u.. I owe my all love and dedication for u my first and last love.