Sad Love Short Story – Will I get a chance?
Photo credit: colossus from morguefile.com
4th December 2010. 5 Years since you subjugated my soul, since I fell in love with you for the first time. Every moment besides you were not less than mesmerising the eventide under the blench brown sky. You were something that my heart pounced before to acquire. And when it acquired you, it was scared to loose you, very scared.
Although my heart did not wanted to let you go, but when did you perfectly judged my heart. It screamed, it shouted, it howled for the pain you gave, hiding the unsheathed scars behind the unvoiced emotions. It wanted to share with you, the love it persuaded for you, the emotions it had, the feelings it survived upon. But the pain you gave to it was sinewy than its own persuasion of loving you. It was doomed. It sat under the dimed spark naively, straining hard to cry, but could not do it. It decided to be strong for it loved you and love should be strong enough to to be hurted.
Every morning when the birds chirp mysteriously, I wake up only to feel you again. Your thoughts mesmerizes my mind, the aroma of your freshly applied scent satiates my nostrils with the feeling of you around me, it soothes my heart. But its just a faux notion of my mind. Why are you so beautiful that everytime I try to portray you on my canvas, it fades. How can a canvas with your picture can harbour the beauty of you? No crayon can limn the vividness of your eyes, no paint brush can depict the motley of your hair, no clay can delineate the curves your lips hold.
I am still clueless of the answer of your sudden departure. You should have not done that, you see I die everyday, inside me erupts a volcano of feelings to be shared with you. I want to love you again, this time with all my heart ensuring that you won’t leave me again. Promise. Will I get a chance? I want to taste your lips again. I want to cuddle you again. I want to fiddle with your enlaced hair again. Will I get a chance? I want to explore the world in your smudge less eyes again. I want to interlace my soul in you again. I want my fingers to be entwined in yours as we walk along the long assuasive paseo again. Will I get a chance? Please?
Long has been the distance I covered with out you, and my heart has adopted the habit of living without you, yet it wants you back. The pain is unleashed, scars still ushering the essence of it. Five years since you dwelled your mansion in my heart, yet my heart always peeks in your mansion to find you. Give me a chance to retrace my heart again. I will owe you. Promise.