Love Short Story – TEARS OF A FLOWER
Photo Credit: www.cepolina.com
Being an investment banker in the busy city of Mumbai, I hardly get chances to visit my village to meet my relatives. The list of my relatives is not very long. It includes some of my younger siblings and their families and my Uncle and Aunt. At the tender age of 7, I lost my parents and since then my uncle and aunt bought me up. Also, my uncle and aunt had no children so they loved me and my siblings as their child. That’s why, I also love them as my parents.
However, managing to get leave I decided to visit my village to see them. In the morning, I woke up early to board the train LTT Express. After 6-7 hours, I reached Chapra Station. Yes, that’s my village. The beauty of my village is spellbinding. The mountains, rivers, kutchha roads give a majestic feeling. My Uncle was waiting to receive me in the platform, but I noticed tears rolling down his face. I was amazed to see my bubbly uncle crying and I asked the reason.
He told “Child! Let’s reach the home first then I will explain you”
After a walk of some 5 minutes through the beautiful surroundings, we reached our home. I found my aunt lying in the bed and it seemed to me that she was very ill. Uncle asked me to change my clothes and have some breakfast. After that, I again reminded him to tell me the reason for he is so sad.
He started-“Your aunt is very ill from several days. She has a disease. I don’t remember the name but the doctor mentioned that the disease is incurable. In this disease, the person’s own immune system starts to attack it’s tissues and soon destroys the body. I tried for every possible way to save your aunt. We went to big cities but they also mentioned that this disease is incurable. Now I wonder how I can save your aunt. The doctor said that only God can save her and I don’t believe that there exists any God, so I know that it is not possible to save your aunt but I would try my best otherwise I would like to die with her…”.
I gave him support and asked him to have patience. Days passed by and finally the day came when I had to leave. I didn’t wished to leave but had no choice. I went back to Mumbai and started working. I stayed at a regular contact with uncle through telephone. I was unable to focus on my work since my whole attention was towards my aunt.
I again took holiday and went to my village in night. This time the whole village looked like a disaster prone area. It was raining heavily. Huge thunderstorms cracked in the sky. I was nearing to my aunt’s house when suddenly…lo!..a thunderstorm fell in my aunt’s house’……
Was this a dream? Oh thanks God, it was just a dream. I was sweating profusely. I immediately decided to visit my village. Next morning I applied for leave and boarded the next train. I reached there till night and was amazed to see that it was raining there and the scene was exactly like a saw in my dream. I hurried towards my home and found my uncle’s dead body lying in the garden area near a beautiful white flower. The flower was majestically white with an orange center. And then I found my aunt’s dead body lying inside the house.
I started to cry and wondered how this happened. I wanted an answer to my questions. I was preparing for the cremation of my uncle and aunt when an old person came to me. He introduced himself as the neighbor of my uncle. I asked him if he had any information related to them. It seemed that he wanted to tell a lot to me.
He started-‘ I was the closest friend of your uncle. Your uncle never believed in God while your aunt had a deep faith in God. Even when it was found that your aunt is sick, your uncle refused to pray to the god because he was a kind of scientific person. But one day, while your aunt forced your uncle to visit temple he narrated his your aunt’s sickness to a priest who was interested to know about them. The priest suggested the name of a flower ‘ Mesua Ferrea’. This flower is a remedy for various diseases and the priest said that it might cure your aunt’s disease as well.’
I interrupted ‘Ya I know that uncle had the plant of that flower in his garden but this was unable to produce flowers’
He said’ Ya you are right. Your uncle tried all the scientific methods to save your aunt but he failed. So he thought that he should try this last way, so he started praying to God day and night to get a flower from that plant.’
I said “Why didn’t he bought it from somewhere?”
He said “This flower is very rare to find…There are just few places where this flower is found”
I said “Okay then…what happened next?”
He said “Today just a few hours ago you came, heavy raining started and thunderstorms started to crack.I saw him praying to the plant in rain just like he was unaware of the fact that it was raining. I went to my house to have a rest. Just after some time a huge sound came from your uncle’s house. I hurried to see what had happened and got to know that a thunderstorm fell at your uncle’s house. I went further and found that a huge and beautiful white flower had grown from the plant but uncle was lying dead. Also your aunt’s body lied inside the house.”
I immediately hurried to the garden and saw that flower again. This time I saw drops of water falling from the petals of the flower. I felt that the flower is crying for their true love story and the raindrops were just like the flower’s tear. They loved each other so much that they were not able to survive without each other for a single day. My uncle’s wish was fulfilled and he died with my aunt. Their true love resulted in growing of a flower in such a plant which didn’t produce flowers for years. My uncle prayed so much from his heart that even God was forced to show a miracle. Just like the flower, my eyes were also filled with water. They were truly MADE FOR EACH OTHER…..’