Love Short Story – Hello. It started with a simple ‘Hello.’
Photo credit: octaviolopez from morguefile.com
Hello. It started with a simple ‘Hello.’ as you messaged me on Facebook after I accepted your request. Then, me, unknowingly sent you a blushing emoticon since from the screen of my mobile phone all the emoticons are seen as smiling ones, not knowing each one of it are different. Then, followed with you taking the seat behind in one of the subjects were both in. And, then comes the exchanging of numbers. Then comes morning till late evening of texting each other with random topics routine. And one day, you asked me out. I said ‘Yes’ after I pointed it out as only a friendly date. We set the schedule. We’ve already picked the movie to watch. You were anticipating for that day. I was, in all honesty, excited too.
Then here comes my friends finding out our exchanges, finding out our planned date and teasing me endlessly about it. And it’s my mistake for letting myself getting affected to the teasing. Suddenly, I stopped replying back to your messages. Suddenly, I started avoiding you. Then, I’ll be the first one to break our contact everytime our eyes meet. You started asking me those questions as I started distancing myself. ‘Why are you suddenly avoiding me?’, ‘Did I do something wrong?’, ‘Are you mad at me?’, ‘Do you still receive those messages I sent to you?’ and a lot more. And in every questions of yours, I always came up with excuses, answering you with half-hearted replies and trying to come up with lies that could spare from hurting you. And it’s my biggest mistake. It’s my greatest or worst regret in my life.
Few months after, I started missing all the things we used to do, all our exchanges, all those attention you’re giving to me and most of all, I started missing you. From time to time, I see both of us standing at the opposite sides of the room, acting like strangers, acting like none of those exchanges ever happened. And at the corner of my eyes, at the back of my mind, I silently watched you from the distance, hoping for you to look at me, hoping for you to talk to me, hoping for nothing but you.
Now, among this crowd, among these sea of people, I keep looking for you at the corner of my eye hoping to see you or even just to watch you contentedly from the other side of the room just like how you used to do. Then, I saw you from afar, your profile sticking out from all these people or maybe it’s just me having it familiarized by heart. At every steps you take closer to me, at every steps you take on closing the distance between us, my heart thumps louder and louder in my chest. Few steps away from me, our eyes met. I held my gaze and you didn’t take yours back. Then, bit by bit your lips turned into smile with me copying you like a reflection in a mirror. Then, you pass me by.
Tonight, eventhough it seems such an idiotic idea, I’ll wait for that little green dot next to your name in my chat and a message icon popping out from the screen. Tonight, even though it seems like a stupid idea, I’ll wait for that ‘Hello.’