Photo credit: Oleander from morguefile.com
This is a love story of a BOY and a GIRL.
A BOY loved a GIRL very deeply, but the GIRL didn’t love him rather she thought that BOY as her one of the good friend. The BOY always tried to love her and cared her feelings… The BOY got hurt or felt jealous if she gave any importance to any other BOY. Initially he spoke rudely to the GIRL don’t talk with other BOYs as I got hurt. The GIRL had no fault as she thought him only friends, nothing more. But there is a fault in case of that BOY as he thought herself as her girlfriend. Every-day the BOY hurt her and scolded her why she talked with others and ignoring him. But fault was on the BOY as he was quite possessive.
One day the GIRL asked the BOY…
GIRL: Why are so possessive about me? I am not your GIRL friend or wife… So why you feel jealous if I will talk with any other boy?.
BOY: Sorry… I don’t mean to hurt you…But I feel something for you which I can’t express.
GIRL: I know what you feel for me… Even I know why you get jealous?
BOY: (having a smile) Could I speak something to you?
GIRL: No, don’t do that, I don’t feel for you what you feel for me…
BOY: Please let me speak what my heart feels for you…I will be happy…You just say me negetive no doubt but please let me speak…
GIRL: Why you are trying to hurt yourself? I know if I said “no” you must be hurt deeply… So please don’t… I don’t want to hurt you…
BOY: (Tears in his eyes) I will be not hurt… but please let me propose you at least only once…
GIRL: No, not at all…
BOY: I don’t want to lose you… I want to live with you forever…
GIRL: Ok, We are friends and I promise you to live with you forever…
BOY: (weeping out his tears) Ok fine…
Then after some days the BOY had to go for searching a job to outside… He had gone by a bus and unfortunately the bus had breaks failed…The BOY had known about it and had sure about the result… The BOY tried a lot to connect with the GIRL through the call…He wished to god for the last wish of happiness…Finally after sometimes the call is connected to that GIRL…
GIRL: Hello…
BOY: Hello…How are u?
GIRL: I am fine…How are you and how is at home?
BOY: Leave all these things. I have very less time and I want to say you something…
GIRL: What?
BOY: I love you… yah I love you…. I can’t live without you… You are my princess whom I don’t want to lose…
GIRL: (having some feeling with the words of the BOY) Why you told like that? I know what I am? I am not so beautiful, I use hard word for you sometimes, while talking I don’t give you respect…
BOY: I don’t why but I still love you…Love doesn’t needs a reason why we fall in love with someone? Love gives eyes to see perfection inside imperfection…I promise you I will not irritate or disturb you further… But please be happy though if I will not be present with you at any moment…This is my feeling which tends me to do like this…
The phone had cut and the bus had stroke against a huge tree… The BOY had died and his phone fell under the seat…
GIRL: (Tries to call several times to the BOY) What a non-sense network? Why the call is not connected?…(Tears in her eyes… With full of emotions and feelings towards the BOY)…
Suddenly she found the BOY coming nearer her… He was right now at her room and the girl was surprised…
GIRL: Where you have gone and you know how much I miss you? When your phone had cut I was in tension… Could you feel my pain? I don’t want to lose you pagal…(Tears in her eyes)
BOY: Please don’t cry… Hey sweet heart don’t cry… I still love you… I come here to see you smiling and you are crying?…not fair… just make a smile….
GIRL: (Smiled… and Tries to hug the BOY) I love you…
The BOY vanishes…She tried to find out the BOY but could not get him… She thought that may be it was a dream…
But the next day she found that there was a bus accident and 60 people had died on this… She had called the BOY’s home and found that the BOY was no more…
Tears comes to her eyes… and she was speechless….