This short story is participating in Write Story from Picture India 2012 – Short Story Writing Competition.

Code: WSPI-2012-01
Photo credit:
“Absolute beauty…!”
“Yes Ram, this place is really beautiful. All these days I think nature is the only beauty. No, Humans can create beautiful things. Like these buildings. ”
“And like you. You know, your father is a great creator.”
“Hey raaaaam, don’t start again. “
“Flirting. ” Although I told Ram to stop flirting. I always wanna hear these things from him.
“Ok yaar. I wanna take a picture of you here. It will be my best picture. Without you this place is not that good. I miss you yaar. “
I don’t get a word to describe my feeling at that moment. All five languages that I know are not helping me. Ram is missing me. I’m happy. How much I don’t know. I too miss him. Three days without him made me realise something. I want Ram. Till the end of my life. Only he can fill my boring life with happiness.
“Miss you too Ram. “
My computer screen shows Ram is offline. I have to wait five more days to see his smiling face. I look at the picture he sent me. Yes, I will look beautiful in this frame.
Next three days went slowly. When you wait for someone you love time travel backwards. Mind is flooded with memories of him. I wait before computer screen. It shows Ram is offline.
Three days gone. I ran towards the ’beep beep’ of my phone.
“On my way to airport. Finished work one day early. Wanna meet you and say something really important. Will wait for you at park tomorrow 11am. Miss you yaar.”
Thanks Ram for shortening this waiting period.
I reached park 10:00am. This time beauty of the park failed to attract my mind. Why this minute needle is not moving. I cursed my watch. It can’t match its speed with my expectation. After that long hour I saw my love, Standing 10 meters and 30 seconds away. I look at the traffic clock. 30, 29, 28………. I look at the clock like it’s a rocket launching countdown and I’m the scientist. All this time I can only see is the countdown, his face and his beautiful smile. May be he also feels like me? He crosses the road looking me. He doesn’t see a fast moving bike coming through the red signal. Only thing I remember is my love is coming towards me.
Two years gone….
I’m sitting alone in the place where Ram wanna take my photo. I self-timed the camera and placed it on a stand.
A flash came from my behind.
“Only photographer can give life to picture, Dear..”
“No Ram, viewer’s mind give life to the pictures. Show me the picture. ”
“As you wish dear. You have long hair. It looks really beautiful. It’s my best pic. “
“Do you know why? Everything looks great in your frame.” Two minutes I silently watch the picture.
“I wanna say something. “ I said.
“I’m listening. ”
“I need you, Ram. Till the end of my life. Only you can fill my boring life with happiness. I look beautiful only in your frame. Will you marry me? “
“I will. You know how long I was waiting for these words. I love you yaar.”
“All these days I thought about you. You don’t have to marry a girl who lost her leg on an accident. I think I was wrong. “
“Yes, you are wrong. If that bike hits me I know you won’t leave me. “
“Sorry Ram. “ I said. Took the stick and move towards him.
“Hey don’t move. Let this camera took world’s second best pic. “