Love Short Story – Rose Bouquets!!!
Photo credit: jdurham from morguefile.com
Come on Rohan, its 7:30, wake up. You’ll get late to office- says Meera.
Uh..amm just 10 minutes..
No Rohan, you are already late, just wake up fast and get fresh.
He wakes up. Meera is as usually getting ready for the day. She is a house wife, and has dedicated last 4 years to her husband and home. She is standing before the mirror, wearing a red saree and her just washed hairs; the aroma makes his morning so pleasant.
Oh my, you are looking beautiful- He holds her from behind, kisses her on her neck.
I know, honey. Now go and get ready- she says while blushing and pushes him into the bathroom.
That’s her regular duty. It’s a kind of schedule for her and she is happy being a housewife to Rohan, who loves her so much. They had a long relationship since their college days and later got married. Rohan is an investment banker. He is one of the respected and dignified people in the society. Meera, on the other hand has done interior decoration’s course and after working for 3 years, she left her job for family. Even Rohan wanted her to continue her work but she wanted to enjoy being a house wife. They are an ideal couple.
Meera goes to the kitchen.
I am ready- says Rohan.
Breakfast is ready on the table. And don’t watch t.v. while eating.
Yes boss. Rohan agrees.
Meera enters the drawing room, sits before Rohan and says- By the way, Siddharth came home yesterday in the evening with Nandita. They were asking about the holiday plan we have for next month.
Oh yes. Thanks for reminding me. I have to book our tickets. I think this is going to be our best holiday ever.
Yes, I am also looking forward for the same. It’s been almost three years, we haven’t planned any vacation. You are always busy- she complains.
I am sorry darling. But this time we are surely going to have fun. Its winter and nature is at its best these days.
Yeah and the company of Sid and Nandita will add more fun to it- she tweets.
Just 15 more days to go and it will be fun time. Rohan is very excited.
But first you see time in your watch, it’s getting late for office honey. –she reminds.
Gosh. I am late. Bye.
Bye. Love you.
Love you too darling. Take care. Rohan leaves for office.
Meera gets involved in her day to day works. She wraps up her work by 2 p.m. every day and then it’s the time for her daily soaps. She loves watching these shows. Also she needs to kill the remaining time so she decorates her home, keeps the garden clean and green. She finds time for her hobbies like writing and painting also.
It is 2.30 in the clock. A knock at the door.
She opens. A man is standing out with a bouquet of red roses.
Mrs Meera?
This is for you ma’m- he says.
Who gave you that?
A man came at our shop today and ordered this. He told us to deliver it to your home.
Who was he? What was his name? She inquires.
I don’t know his name ma’m. He told me to deliver it. Please sign here on the receipt ma’m.
She signed and took the bouquet. It was so beautiful. There were 12 red roses. And nice green leaves were giving it a complete touch. There was a small letter in it. She opened it.
“For you my Meera”.
He must be Rohan. Oh my god. He is such an idiot. She texted Rohan- ‘I love you’.
I love you too darling- she gets reply from him in seconds.
She blushes and beholds that bouquet.
Its 8.30 now. Rohan might be coming any time- she bubbled.
Knock on the door and here Rohan comes. She opens the door. Rohan is there. He comes in, hugs her and sits on the sofa.
Oh, it was a long, tiring day- he says. He folds his sleeves up and sits comfortably.
I’ll get you a glass of water. She goes in the kitchen.
Oh wow Meera! It’s just so beautiful. Is it for me? He asked.
What? She replies from the kitchen.
This bouquet.
What? Come on Rohan. Don’t fool me. – She replied.
What are you talking about Meera?
I am talking about this bouquet. You sent it. Didn’t you?
Woo hoo. No Meera. I didn’t send this- he says astonishingly.
Rohan look I don’t like such kind of pranks.
I am not doing any prank sweetheart. If I wanted to gift you a bouquet, I would have brought it with me only. Why would I send it to you via some delivery boy?
Then who sent this. This note was there in it. She showed that note to him.
He reads that note. He becomes bit worried but smiles and tells her to forget about the sender.
They had their dinner and then they went for a walk. Meera was still puzzled about this anonymous sender. She was quite afraid of him too. Rohan sensed her sadness. He held her hands, kissed her and told her to get that sender out of her mind. He hugged her tight.
They headed towards home. She thought it may be a prank of some friend, but couldn’t forget about it. Rohan was slept, but sleep was far away from her eyes. Who is he? Why he sent me this gift? And most especially why he wrote “My Meera”. She just spent her whole night thinking about it.
After 4 days, it is a simple morning; everything is going in usual way. She woke Rohan up, and got involved in her daily works.
Rohan left on time for office. She was free with her daily soaps.
Ting tong! A bell on the door.
She was scared as if she’ll unbolt the door and a monster will enter in her house. She opened and again the same scenario.
A big bouquet of red roses. This time it was bigger and more beautiful. She was frozen. The delivery boy gave her that bouquet.
She asked- who gave you this bouquet?
Ma’m I just work there. I don’t know who came and ordered this- he replied.
But this is the second time, and I still don’t know who is sending these bouquets. Where is your shop? Give me the address.
He gave her a card.
She took the card and bouquet. She put that bouquet on the table. There was a note.
“Meera, don’t get scared of me. I love you!”
Oh my goodness. What is this? Who is he? Why he is sending this to me again and again? I have to do something about it. Should I inform this to police? They will do what it needs- she questioned to herself.
No. this will make a bad impact on the society. And Rohan will feel bad about it. May be Rohan is teasing her by all this. She thought and then decided not to give much importance to it.
In the evening, Rohan called her to inform that Sid and Nandita are coming at our home for dinner tonight. She got involved in the preparations to welcome her friends.
Sid and Rohan are childhood friends. They work at the same place and share a good and strong friendship. Their wives Nandita and Meera also have become very good friends and use to spend time together doing shopping, watching movies, and a lot of gossiping. Nandita is a working woman. She is an event manager at a big organization.
Rohan came home before time tonight to help her in the preparations. Both of them are working together to welcome their guests.
Its 8.15 and they can arrive at any moment now. The preparations are also done. Rohan and Meera are ready to welcome them. Home is looking beautiful and both of them as well.
Siddharth and Nandita arrived. After chatting for a while, they set down for dinner.
Oh my, this stuffed tomato preparation is just so delicious- says Nandita.
Yeah and chicken is just fantastic. It made me feel hungrier- says Sid.
Well, friend that’s the magic of my lovely wife- Rohan appreciated Meera’s preparations.
Actually Rohan helped me so much- Meera clears.
Nandita- Oh really?
Yeah. He is such a darling husband Nandita.
Evening was going so good. Friends, music, nice food and talks made the weekend so beautiful and memorable.
Oh wow. What a lovely bouquet! Rohan your choice is awesome- Nandita says.
Hey, it’s not my choice- Rohan.
Then is it Meera’s choice?
No my friend, it’s the choice of an anonymous guy, who’s choice is Meera- he teases her again.
What? – Nandita questioned.
Yes Nandita, there is a new Romeo in the town. And my Meera is his Juliette in dreams- he giggled.
Come on Rohan, it’s not funny- Meera said.
What are you talking about Rohan? What exactly is it? Sid and Nandita asked together.
Let me explain- Meera took the initiative and told them the whole story.
She added- I am sure it’s Rohan but he is not telling me. He is just trying to tease me, and I am not all liking this at all.
No Meera, it’s not me. I mean why would I do it? Rohan replies.
It is Unbelievable friend. How someone could threaten your wife like that? -Sid.
Even I don’t know this. So I decided, not to give much importance to this- Rohan says.
How can you be so relaxed Rohan, after all it’s about your wife- Nandita.
Oh Nandita, it’s ok. It happens and it happened. I didn’t want her to get tensed about it.
But you should have informed to police about it- Nandita says impatiently.
‘Oh stop it Nandita, you are over-reacting.’ -It was Sid this time.’ She is already upset about it.’
He said and looked at Meera. He had a cunning smile and Meera was not expecting such a strange response from Sid and Rohan. She thought they’ll take it so seriously and will relax only after finding that nameless guy. But they took it for granted and at some point, it hurt her.
Well she managed to skip from this topic.
They stood up to left their home.
Don’t worry Meera, we’ll do something about it- Nandita tried to cheer Meera.
That’s so kind of you Nandita. Thank you.
Sid came to her- Meera, don’t be sad. In fact you should feel good that some one likes you.
Meera was speechless and surprised. Why Sid is behaving like that? Is he that anonymous sender? No, why would he? She ignored her inner voice.
It was a great weekend. Haan? Rohan asked.
Yeah Rohan, it was.
Have to get ready for the race for next seven days. I am sleeping darling. Good night- Rohan.
Ohk honey, good night. I’ll sleep after a while- she replied.
She went to the balcony. She spent some time there alone in the dark. That mysterious guy was still in her mind. At the same time she was feeling bad about Rohan’s perspective towards this. Rohan should have done something about it, at least a single try. It was the first time their post marriage, when she felt this way.
She was alone at her home, her phone rang. She picked up.
Hello Meera.
Who is this?
I hope you liked those bouquets.
She was shocked. She asked- who are you?
I am the one who loves you the most- he replied.
Shut up. Look I don’t know who are you and I seriously do not care. Let me tell you one thing..
Oh come on Meera- he interrupted. Don’t dramatize. I know you liked those bouquets. You love red roses since college days. Remember?
Oh my god. She murmured. How do you know that?
I know each and every thing Meera. He laughs.
She disconnected the phone and was almost frozen down. She was oscillating with fear.
She was not having even a single clue about that guy.
‘You love red roses, since your college days’, that sentence was spinning her head. He knows me since my college days. She was puzzled. Suddenly something blinked in her mind. She searched her bag and got it.
‘Delight flower decorations’, new Jahangir road, Parvatpura.
She made a plan to visit there next day.
Now everything will be crystal clear- she tells herself and takes a deep breath, a breath of relaxation.
Next day, after completing all her household works, she was ready to find out who is the sender.
She took a taxi to delight flower decorations. She reached her destination within 30-35 minutes. It was a big shop or can say a big outlet. There were flowers everywhere. All kind of flowers and that lovely fragrance made her feel better and lowered her temper. A lovely breeze gave her a refreshing mood. She was looking at all the corners.
She went to the reception.
Yes ma’m, how can I help you? The receptionist there was a young guy of about 28-30. He had a charming personality and humble manners.
I want to do an enquiry. Can you tell me who ordered you for two bouquets to deliver on this address in past 2 weeks? She gave them her address details.
Sorry ma’m, we don’t have the name of the sender.- He told after checking his records.
How can you take a delivery order without knowing the name of your customer? She got a little hyper.
Ma’m actually he didn’t ordered us directly. He would probably tell this to the delivery boy by paying him a nice tip.
Can I meet your delivery boys?
Yes ma’m. The receptionist called all the delivery boys. There were four. She recognized the one who came to her house.
Oh he is Deepak. You can ask him about the sender. The receptionist allowed her to enquire.
Deepak, look I want to know who told you to deliver those bouquets to my home. Please tell me.
Ma’m he was a tall man. He didn’t tell me his name- Deepak tried to recall.
Did he take any name or any different kind of thing, action or something by which he can be identified?
I don’t remember that ma’m, sorry- he said.
Oh my god- she mumbled.
Please do me a favor, next time whenever he comes and orders another one, please ask his name. Please. By any means I need to know him- she requested.
Ok ma’m- he assured.
She took the same taxi to reach home. On the way, she is confused.
She looks outside of the taxi. Market was full with crowed. There was a big fish market there. She looked at the fishes. Some of them were still alive and dithering so badly.
She was also feeling the same for past few days. She loves Rohan so much and he loves her more than she does. But because of this unwanted guy, her life was badly affected and she wants this guy to get out of her life as soon. But nothing was in her control. She arrived at a conclusion to collect some strong evidences and meanwhile, stop deliberating about that guy.
Only 3 days to go for our trip- Rohan said exhilaratingly.
Oh yes- she peeped.
Let me check for tickets so that we will not have to bother at last moment- Rohan asked.
Yeah. You check this and I will complete my piece of work- she said happily.
Ohk I am leaving for office. I’ll enquire about the tickets, good bye sweet heart.
Bye honey.
She started her packing to finish soon. She prepared and ironed her and Rohan’s clothes. She completed every important thing for their trip. After a long time, we will be on vacations. It’s been a long time we spent time together. And Nandita and Siddharth will be good company.
After oxygen, water and meal, Friends are the most needed thing of life. Isn’t it? Ok let’s be reasonable, clothes are little more important but for sure, after them, friends will be the next need. I mean whom will you show your new and branded clothes.
She was talking to herself.
Phone rings. An unknown fear makes her shiver, but she dares to pick the phone.
Hello Meera. My Meera.
Oh my god. He is again calling. She said- who are you and why are you doing this? I am a happily married woman. I love my husband. And he also loves me so much.
Meera, don’t lie. He doesn’t love you; otherwise he would have done something to find who I am.
She was speechless. What is he saying?
Look I don’t want to scare you. I love you and want your love. I just..
Shut the hell up!!!! How dare you. Look, it is the last time I am warning you. Stop calling me and sending me bouquets and flowers. Or else I’ll go to police for help- she warned him with a high pitch.
But one thing is for sure.He giggled- You have started thinking about me. A big portion of your heart is acquired by me these days.
She cuts the phone and threw the receiver on the wall. She cried and cried for more than 2 hours.
Phone receiver was broken down, so as her heart. He was right.
If Rohan love me, then why he is not doing anything?she asked herself.
Something needs to be done for this. I have to talk to him. She came on this conclusion.
Rohan will be late from office today as he informed her by message. She was helpless. Her negative thoughts were beclouding her love. She entered in the balcony. Saw her plants getting withered and faded. Her favorite Chinese palm tree was getting drooped.
Oh fish. My plants- she got alert.
She took some water in a bucket and a cloth. She watered all the plant pots and cleaned each of them. She dusted all the creeper and watered them. The sweet incense of soil worked for her and she felt a little better. But it was just a sandbag in the desert. She was alone. She dialed Rohan’s mobile number. He picked up and said- darling I can’t talk right now. I am in meeting.
She looks at the plants. She is also fading like them without the love and care of Rohan.
She went to her living room and took up the receiver from the floor. It was still working. She placed it on its place.
As per her expectation, there was a ring after 5-7 minutes.
She picks up.
Hey Meera, you were waiting for my call- says the ‘now not so anonymous’ guy.
No- she replies.
Are you crying?
No. she says and moves her head in yes.
Oh Meera, don’t cry, please don’t cry. I can’t let you cry. Please don’t.
It’s because of you I am feeling this way. Who are you and why are you doing this- she was broken down.
Look Meera..
No you listen to me. Everything was very good; my life was happy and suddenly from nowhere u came and changed everything.
If you want me to go, just say it.
Yes I want you to get the hell out of my life. There is no any place and love in my heart for anyone else- she was serious.
Ok Meera, I’ll go and never come back. But if you had some feeling for me, even for a single moment in last few days then do come to meet me.
No ways. I don’t even want to see your face- she replied without being late.
But I’ll wait for you. Tomorrow, 6 pm at hotel princess. Please do come.
I am not coming anywhere. What I know is that you are going from my life for good- she said and disconnected the phone.
Rohan came in a while. He was looking tiresome and irritated.
What happened- she asked.
Nothing as such- he replied.
Cumon Rohan, I know you, tell me what is wrong?
Nothing Meera, just work load. I had a good but tiring meeting. Oh am sorry I forgot to inform you, I had dinner with clients in office. You had your dinner?
Amm..Yeah. I had.
Ohk Meera, I am feeling so sleepy. We’ll talk in morning. One minute!! What happened to your eyes? They are reddish- he asked with anxiety.
It may be because of dust. I was in balcony for some time. It may be as a result of that.
Ohk , I thought you cried. Ohk good night.
She was buffeted. Rohan believed what I told. He actually knows that my eyes get reddish whenever I cry, but he…
She was broken down. She falls on her bed and tried to sleep. She doesn’t even want to think about anything. After some hour of abashment, the dark night took her in the arms and greeted her with gift of sleep, a gift that was needed.
We will be going on vacations tomorrow darling- Rohan said blissfully.
Hey Meera, come here.
Rohan saw she was looking a little down. He took her in his grip. Hugged her so tightly and kissed her forehead. He was feeling sorry for her.
I am sorry for last night honey. I was so tired.
That’s ok Rohan. I know you were tired.
No but please forgive me Meera.
You know what Rohan, even if you treat me the worst, I’ll never ask you to be sorry. Because I love you… No matter what kind of time and situations are, for me you were, are and will always be the most special, loving and caring person of my life. I’ve abdicated myself to you. Now it’s your wish what to do with your Meera- she busted out.
Rohan was now speechless and had tears rolling down to his cheeks. He didn’t say even a single word, just kissed her and wiped her tears. She also wiped his tears and said- you look idiot when you cry.
Both smiled. A deep silence. Eyes in eyes, hands in hands.
Ohk Meera, I have to go now. Boss must be waiting for me. You be ready with the entire luggage. I’ll inform Sid and Nandita also. Call me if there is need for anything. And please keep smiling.
Yeah Rohan. I will.
She was happy that even Rohan doesn’t spend good time with her daily but that love is still alive and she has to keep it alive.
I was wrong. It’s not necessary to advertise your love every day. He loves me and the tears from his eyes prove that. Now I don’t have to prove this to myself. Ups and downs are the parts and parcels of life. All we have to do is to make a balance between them. I was so wrong.
Trin trin………………….
She looked at the phone, ringing and waiting for her to pick it up.
Hey Meera. I’ll be waiting for you.
I am not coming anywhere- she says and disconnects the phone.
Meera, you should go. At least to know who is he and why he is doing all this. It was her inner voice.
I’ll go to see who are he and what he wants. I am a 21st century woman and I need not to be scared of such scoundrels. If I’ll step back then it will give him more courage to step ahead. I will not make him control my life.
But what if Rohan sees me on the way- she was in a dilemma.
I’ll say that I was going to beauty parlor. Yeah this will be a good idea. She says to herself. She wrapped up everything. Opens her wardrobe to find a dress to wear. She finds a blue colored dress.
Oh wow. It was Rohan’s choice. When he went to Kashmir last year, he brought this dress for my birthday. I still remember it was gift packed in a big red box. Rohan was pinched by a small pin while opening a tag of the dress. She blushes.
She gets ready wearing that dress.
She comes on the road and waiting for a taxi. After standing there for about 20 minutes, she asked to a nearby shopkeeper about the taxi.
Oh ma’m, taxi drivers are on strike for 3 days.
What??? Oh shit. Now what to do? How to reach there?
Then what can I get to go to sector-11? She asks the shopkeeper.
After half an hour the bus will come. You just missed one 5 minutes before- he told her.
Oh no. another half an hour! I’ll get late and Rohan will also take a half day leave today. He’ll be at home and if I will not be there then…it will be troublesome. Her mobile rings.
Oh it’s Nandita- she deduces. Hello.
Hey Meera, I am on the way to your home. Are you there?
Ammm.Yeah. I am at my home. By what time you’ll be there?
I guess, within 15 minutes- she answers.
Ohk. Your black coffee will be ready- she says and smiles.
Awww.. Well then see you soon.
Ohk Nandita.
She slams down the idea to go to discover that anonymous guy.
This is life. May be this is the decision of the god not to let me see that man. He will wait and then go. I was late to rise, late in my work, the taxi strike and the delay in bus, all of this is not a normal thing. It’s my god telling me perhaps to stay at home. And the final hint is that Nandita is coming. I can’t do anything. She looks up in the sky and says- ohk bappa, I surrender.
On the way back to home she was thinking about the man. What he’ll do? What If he calls back?? ehh. Forget about it.
She opens the door and enters the house.
Nandita arrived after 10 minutes.
Oh my my, your dress is just wow Meera. Were you going somewhere? – Nandita.
She thinks for 2 seconds and says- NO. (She felt so relaxed)
They started talking. It started with criticizing their neighbors, then that topic was replaced by a leading actress’s pregnancy news and the talk goes on. The clouds were cleared and sun was shining bright with new ray of hope and positivity.
Scenario 2 at the same time (at sector 11, hotel Princess):
Its 6.50 pm. It is getting dark and cold. The restaurant is full crowded.
Waiter comes to a table.
Sir, what can I get for you?
A coffee- he replies.
But sir you have already ordered six coffees in last 30 minutes.
Let it be the 7th one- he smiles.
Suddenly his phone rings.
Hello- he says.
Rohan, you were about to take half day no? Where are you? I am waiting honey.
Meera, I am coming in 5 minutes darling. And you know what?
I love you Meera.
I love you too Rohan. Now don’t you dare to let it be the 6th minute! Come fast.
Yeah I am coming. I am returning- he ends.
He is going.
Waiter comes at his table, picks the bill amount and tip Rohan left. There are tens of rose petals under his chair.
Waiter reminds.
Rohan was sitting and peeling each of rose petals one by one and chanting-
She’ll come, she’ll not
She’ll come, she’ll not
She’ll come, she’ll not..
Waiter heard him praying to his god- God, please do me a favor, and don’t let her come here. Please don’t come Meera, please don’t.
Rohan reached the home. Meera opens the door.
Rohan- she greeted him with a big smile.
Meera- he enters and hugged her.
What happened Rohan? Asks Meera.
Nothing darling. I just want to say I love you- he cried his heart out. Meera do not understand why he is crying. She just cupped his face with her palms. She kissed him and cheered him.
What happened Rohan- she asks?
He couldn’t tell the truth to her. How can he say that he was that anonymous guy! And he did this just to find out whether she is faithful to him or just to have a reality check for his love life.
Rohan, I am waiting for your answer. What happened to you honey?
I had a bad dream Meera. I had a bad dream. Please never go away Meera. If I make a mistake do punish me, never forgive me but please be there with me.
Rohan, what are you…
Just say yes- he requests.
Yes dear, for sure- she says. He closes the door. Not only of his house but the door of doubt, the door of insecurity in love.
Now here, I wouldn’t say that “and they lived happily thereafter”, because it is practically impossible. There are ups and downs in everyone’s life. There are moments when you want to check whether you are still that much important or not. Whether you are being loved or cheated. We can’t say that it is totally wrong. Nobody wants to be cheated, everyone wants to be loved, and feel secure about their love.
But it’s your duty not to hurt your dear one. You should take a deep breath and tell yourself that all the good time is needed to be revised. The happy and loving moments you shared. It’ll help you to understand why something is going wrong unintentionally. Or else you can go for a ‘reality check’.
“I mean, 2-3 bouquets will not be so expensive.”