Short Story Love – Poem By Destiny!
Photo credit: Ladyheart from morguefile.com
‘Don’t know where life takes you,
Down the lane away from acquaintance,
Temptation all around,
But uncertainty spread as well’
These words always revisited her thoughts.
Neither too pretty, nor too unworthy, is our plain girl. She prefers the lights outside limelight. She favors attention to the needed, and not seekers. Introvert, people call her, hard shelled-some others. She didn’t care, as she always waited for the chaste person worthy of her trust to let open her lid. She was charming, but she hid her charm under the shawl of plainness, where superficial beings found no worth.
But, she moved on, towards uncertainty, hoping…
‘Is there a real white horse? Is the cloud listening my say?
Though I await your presence, don’t make me wait till may…’
Hideously passionate, with longing eyes for that one missing element of her life, she waited, though- she knew it not, where she leads.
And one day, he came. She is shy, while he demands. She is polite, he is straight. Different souls, world sees no match, while destiny had other plans. Their difference was their celebration, their passion was their life. Inseparable souls, with true love in hearts, did they care of the world outside?
“I love your eyes,
did I tell you before?
And specially when they’re closed
The lashes making up the gone
Your look has innocence
Not the usual you
Can I always see you this way?
Treasured in my sweet world
I wonder if I am there
the dream you are part of now
I envy all though
making me passing by
You open your eyes and look
I melt at your sight
I am lost, but happily
Did I say- I love your eyes?”
But one day, he went away, leaving her perplexed and desolated . Why did he go, and where is his land? Didn’t he realize he was happy with me? Was our love a trance? Or was it always destined to end? What if the world was right? She heard the crowd’s mockery, they had warned her before. Their sympathy was their disguised laugh. She closed her senses, and herself indeed.
She was again on the path of uncertainty. Though she was in pain, she was happy that least she tasted the forbidden fruit of love, blessed she was, having experienced the infliction. He’s gone, yet she can never hate him, as he was the lost meaning of her life.
‘Calling you- my love, Though you seem far away..
If you have loved me for once
Do say- I care!
I’ll cherish your words, the unspoken ones too!
Calling you- my love, Though you seem far away..’
With the day, new hope was ignited as well. She saw him again, and this time, for ever! He now knew what he missed, and he missed it just like her. Time has parted them, and now, entwined again, to tell another tale of love and faith. Sarcastic world is mute, and happy by chance, to acknowledge the union of two parted hearts.
The story is short, yet life for someone, the words are known, yet destiny’s writing; so let it end with the dream of every girl, which says- ‘………. and they lived happily ever after!’.