Love Story – Hii, nice to meet you, because there is no such thing as the end.
Photo credit: ChasC from morguefile.com
(Note: Image does not illustrate or has any resemblance with characters depicted in the story)
Perspective is like a prism, you know?”- She said, starting the conversation.
“It’s like a white beam splitting into seven colours, but very rarely can people see both.”You know why??
He nodded an interested NO.“It’s because you got to be the prism, or you got to stand from a distance to see both ends. When we are too close to too many things we miss on seeing so much, on either side we will see a white beam or a seven array of colours, or even blots and patches if you are staring too much. We can never appreciate the disintegration or integration of one another”.
She had a brilliant aura of imperfection in her, for her name was Chaos. He had the depth and the storm of the Mariana trench in him, for he was Order. In that old British Café, De kettle, was a man and woman sitting on a table of two with six other people.
Six? Yes, because chaos and order were accompanied for coffee by their three demons each. Chaos had super ego, wanderlust, honesty in conversation with Order’s ego, reality and practicality. Each of them was a huge fan of the other. It was funny how each of the demons saw traces of one in the other. How imperfectly they were exploding with connectivity of dissimilarity veiled as similar.
Chaos’s super ego had deep beautiful brown eyes complimenting the depth of Ego’s soul. He had the eye for her, and in that moment of staring and observing her he said “I like eyes, it’s like looking into one’s soul, and he knew he wasn’t only talking about himself or for him”. She was mostly flattered in his aura and over shadowed and quite. For she was super ego, she never knew how to gratify herself but be in awe of others ego. She was internally very jealous for she always desired to be like ego, calm and compose, dominating with thoughts and always balanced. She secretly knew she lacked “it” despite being super. He was enchanted by the green in her, not the envious green but the mesmerizing one. He found her melancholy mysterious and he wanted to know more about her, he wished he was not held back.
Wanderlust was a free spirited demon of chaos. She was born in the arms of the imaginary chaos, free to roam she made a home of everywhere and even nowhere she’s been. It was a little later after knowing wanderlust that, Order’s demon surfaced up, Reality came crashing in like the realest thing. Wanderlust was naïve and thought that she was carefree (she was not). She had a great deep crimson streak to her, which reflected in the red plain band of ring she always wore. Wanderlust was not rooted.
“I want to watch and experience rather, the northern lights while sipping the Irish beer” she had that internal heartfelt desire while saying this. “And when do you want to go there?”reality asked as a matter of fact.
“Whenever! That does not matter, it will happen, and that’s what matters”.Reality had a mocking smirk on his face. “Well the strangest part is, even I want to go watch the aurora borealis someday, myself.” “But, it will be when I’m settled and had achieved a certain something in life, like my many other dreams will wait till then.”Wanderlust, extended her hand to hold his, “You will, don’t worry. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Sometimes it’s as simple as inhaling and exhaling.”
They really hit hard on each other, not the flirtatious way. But the getting along hitting hard, Strong, dominant in their voice and opinion, neat and smooth like the Jack Daniel chaos and order had asked for.Lost, deep in the discussion about life and the many other things wanderlust, super ego, reality and ego had faced, Order said, “You should stop being so carefree, stop procrastinating yourself and introspecting situations/circumstances, chaos. It’s not right”. She smiled. A confident smile. Honesty had surfaced up- “If I stop doing that, whose going to tell you about your male chauvinistic ego, that it is harsh in its words and arrogant. You see that’s the thing with you, the thing you don’t get about me, the thing that makes us similar but markedly different from each other. You live in hundred and one shades of grey. Sometimes nearer to the white tone and sometimes the black, in toto it always remains grey. But, love, for me I understand and live grey but see everything in black and white. Sometimes there is no in between.” “Imagine what if there is no grey. Eventually they are just tones of black or white. So why complicate??”
Practicality was smitten. He never knew somebody could not only read but understand him so well before. But he had his boundaries. He always liked honesty but could never be practical about that.Time passed and it was time to shut the bar and café. Chaos had exploded with Order. The demons were separated from their conscious, into their deep sub conscious. Chaos picked her maroon coat from the hanger and headed out. Order opened the door for her. As they were standing out in the snow, chaos asked, “ So, how long will it last?” Order had the twinkle in his eyes and melancholy on his lips, “ as long as we want it to last for.”The Big Ben stuck twelve.
It was then when Chaos woke up the drizzling sound of the rain. OHHH jees , she slept on the terrace door again. A pack of cigarette on her sides and her diary. Wait, what did she dream about. She was startled when finally the dream made sense to her. She lit up her cigarette and said “Order, nice to have finally met you”