Photo credit: imelenchon from morguefile.com
Jake. I thought. Looking at my maths text book, I couldn’t concentrate. How hard does it seem to solve a simple geometry question?. Ever since I met my next door neighbor Jason, I never focused on a particular thing, I become more nervous around him even the thought of him did things to me that would warrant my mother to take me for a confession at our family catholic church.
“You need to focus, Mia”. I told myself. I glanced at the book again and decided to end my misery.
I moved from my reading table to my window. It has been a normal thing for me ever since Jake Hardin has moved next door. Luckily for me, seeing him does not necessary have to do with eye contact.
To all girls in Alberta, we can testify to the sexy and handsome guy Jake is. His smiles were enough to make a girl say yes to anything without a second thought. His 6’2 height might look intimidating from afar but anyone who knows him can testify him to be a softie, well at least to me.
I can remember the day I was with him. Though he might refer to it as a mistake but to me it was the best I ever had. It was as if he knew what I thought, he knew my body more than I do and the attraction made it more interesting.
Bumping into each other six months ago was my idea. I had been a shy girl who hide behind my books since the nineteen years of my existence but for that one sexy dark haired guy, I was ready to take the fall. Feeling the electric sparks shooting up my arms, I had deluded myself into thinking it had affected the both of us but looking back I knew I was the bigger fool.
All it took him to take my virginity hours later was just a smile, drinks and a passionate kiss to follow him to his apartment and do the deed.
Shaking my head to get rid of that thought, I looked in time to see him holding a blond bimbo by her waist while she continued running her hands down his arms, the same arms that held me protectively that night.
I saw him glancing at window before he looked away and drove off with that bimbo he held. It took minutes before she had realized the tears streaming down her face.
“Mia, we are having dinner with the Hardin”. Her mother shouted from the door of her room and retreated her steps.
As if the sight of Jake’s girlfriend wasn’t enough to break but I will have to see him in three hours time.
I walked to my closet to pull a black knee length skirt and white short sleeve t-shirt. I laid on my bed before I dashed straight to my bathroom to clean up.
“Why are you doing this Mia?, the ba**ard does not love you”. My friend, Lacey said.
I called Lacey when I was in the bathtub telling her about the impending dinner, only to have her lecture me about how dumb I was.
“I know Lacey but I can’t help trying to impress him”. I said.
“Mia, I understand. Just don’t lose more than you have okay?”. And we hung up after I agreed.
Three hours later, I looked at myself at the mirror and saw a sophisticated me with my brunette hair pulled into a ponytail and my hazel eyes looking directly at my reflection. “Don’t act stupid, Mia”. I said at myself at the mirror.
“Mia, it’s time”. My mother shouted. I took a long breath before going down the stairs. Immediately I landed and looked up, my breath caught in my throat.
“Let’s have our seat, shall we?”. My mother, Karen said, playing the perfect hostess probably oblivious to the tension between Jake and I.
“Sorry, can I please talk to Mia for a few minute?”. Jake said flashing his beautiful smile.
“Of course”. My mother said while motioning for the parents to have their seat.
I took Jake steps away from our parents watchful eyes which indirectly signifies my room. “So what’s up?”. I said trying to be nonchalant about it.
“Why the tension, Mia?. I thought we both agreed it to be a mistake”. He said, his fist clenched by his side.
“I did but…..”.
“But what?”. He said moving closer to me as I stepped backward trying to still stay in my right sense.
“I love you okay”. I shouted, unable to hold it any longer but when I looked up in his eyes was when I knew that was my worst mistake because he would always be an unrequited love.