Love Short Story – My Love
Photo credit: Penywise from morguefile.com
“Girls look more gorgeous in sarees” Shiva commented on a girl.
We are in a national conference on ‘Current trends in biotechnology’. Attending conferences and presenting papers is mandatory for life science students, but we normally attend conference to propose girls who are presenting papers. vinay is an exception because his brain doesn’t think about a girl.
Girls choose this field because its safe for them and their career.There are two reasons why boys choose biotechnology, first reason, holistically are girls and the second thing, this is the only course which is not that much dependent on maths. In most of the colleges the population of females and males in Life sciences course will be in a ratio 3:1.
“Is this the way to auditorium?” shiva asked a girl who seemed more attractive, she might be the coordinator of this event,because generally beautiful girls are selected when a conference is held. While vinay was registering our names, I looked around the campus which was filled with trees perfectly slotted with buildings between them.
I heard somebody’s call “Excuse me” .
The girl’s voice was so soft that my lungs were already filled up by her aroma. I can feel adrenaline surge through my body like cars in F1 race. At these situations boys’ brains act too smart as it starts animating the girl’s figure and her beauty only by hearing her voice. With more expectation, my eyes made contact with her eyes.
“How much is the registration fee?”
With my blood vessels contracting and heart pounding at a higher rate, my lips started to shiver on seeing her but somehow i managed to say its 1000. She looked like a artistic imagination come true. Even having hundreds of flaws in them, boys judge girls’ character by their appearance and dressing style, accordingly I felt even in simple outfits she looked mesmerizing , she is a just a perfect wife material.
“Alex, its already time they have started the conference” Vinay forced me away from her. My eyes would have jumped out in search of that girl but i managed to get into the auditorium.
“Entrants are asked to give their soft copies to the registration commitee” a girl announced from the highly decorated stage with the banner showing “Current trends in biotechnology” spoiling the whole costumes of the stage.
“Dont search a girl like a dog, search them like a detective” Shiva advised me and turned my face to distract my sight.
Miracles do happen within minutes.
When a beautiful girl is detected there arises the problem. Surely there will be thousands of detectives after her from school days till now. Some detective would have even marked a valuable place in her heart. Thousands of questions were circling my brain, which could even fill this auditorium.
“I’ve chosen the girl for today” Shiva exclaimed. I was shocked and asked him to show that girl. He showed some chinese girl, her dress was made up the bits of patches that the garment company would throw in waste bin. She is a good recylcer.
The conference started and girls started presenting the papers, we started creating our dreams. We were already half slept.Vinay used to take notes, he is one among the toppers in our university.
“Next scholar to present the paper is hasini” announcement crossed my ears but it didnt enter.
“Gud morning to one and all present here, I’m hasini from VR institute of technology,Chennai”. Every word she uttered started painting happiness in my heart. With smile in my face and craziness in my actions i stood to look her.
“Dont act like stupid, sit down” Vinay yelled. And a couple of heads turned towards me. In conditions like this, the only way to escape is to pretend like searching a pen which has not fallen down . Usual custom of a conference is giving the participants a pen and a notepad.Lunch is the only worthful happiness that we enjoy in a conference to equalize the fee amount we pay but this time my heart was exposed to a real feeling called love. Every second i heard her voice, my DNA started to code by changing its alphabets from ATGC to LOVE.
This is it i’m in love, watching her stand on that stage is the most amazing scenary i have seen in my life.
“Dnt judge girls by their appearance, they seem to be pretty but when u get closer to their hearts they will be totally different” Shiva told softly in my right ear which started degrading my confidence.
“Love is a stupid feeling its similar to getting addicted to someone, dont try to get into it. Losing control on ourselves and gaining control over the other, this is what love nowadays” Vinay told in my left ear.
These guys are really creepy, without even my mouth uttering that i’m love they have noticed it. Friends are like parents sometimes.I gave an innocent smile to both of them.
“In hunginton’s disease, the defected DNA produces proteins which are responsible for the cause of the disease. For example if parent’s character is not good it will be surely translated to the children.”
Her voice breaked twice while she explained this, why could she use an unrelated example for this,i wondered.
“Thank you for patiently hearing my presentation, if u have any doubts you can clarify it now” Saying so she examined the whole auditorium with her beautiful eyes. litreally She was tearing my heart with her sight. Hands started raising as though she called someone to share her lunch box.
I was sure not to do the same mistake by not exposing my love to her which mostly all will do. With confidence in my hands and love in my heart,I raised my hand. Vinay and Shiva stared at me as though i have commited some murder.
“What’s your question sir?” She asked in a polite way. That was when i knew even sweet Words can be used for stabbing someone’s heart which will be painful than stabbing in knife. As i stood silently, i found four eyes aiming a clumsy look toward me.
“Sit idiot, why are doing like this” Vinay said grabbing my arms.
“Asking questions will not impress her, say sorry and take ur seat” Shiva turned red and he left the auditorium. Why should i impress her i will let her know my heart.
“Sir, what’s ur question” Her voice again. my heart said Dont wait for chances, make them …..but my brain protested she might think bad about you…. Following heart is too tough but in love its better to hear your heart’s beat than the dumb tangled brain.
Clearing my throat, seeing her eyes “My heart is filled fully with my parents love, its too heavy for me to carry, i need your heart to share that love and yours will be filled with my love, will you marry me?”
Her eyes shuttered in such a high speed, i could really hear her sound of eyelids in the silence created by all the members in that auditorium. She kept quiet for a long time and replied “Sorry… sir… this question is not related to the topic”. She left the stage. Voices started raising for 0 decibel, all started scolding.
“Come lets move, what have you done” Vinay pulled me towards the entrance. He took his mobile and called shiva to come near the gate.
“We have to leave this college, before they identify our college name” vinay shouted like a mad man.
We reached the main entrance, shiva came running “It seems,There’s some problem in the auditorium, come lets go and check it out”
“No need we have to leave this place fast, that problem was created by alex”
“What happened?” shiva looked puzzled
“Come lets move on, i will explain it later”
Conversations of our friends get muted when we are in love. I was still thinking about my girl, my love and of course my life.
We started to our house.
“What the hell, you are really the craziest person in this whole world but i must admit its an interesting proposal” Shiva gave a hug elevating my guts.
“This is insane, expressing love must be within two hearts not like a campaign” Vinay is correct i should have proposed her privately but my heart could not wait even for few seconds.
“Love at first sight, that’s not a true feel surely you are attracted by her appearance as you rate all girls” Vinay made my eyes moist by uttering words like arrows tearing my heart.
“My eyes can be attracted by her appearance but not my heart, merely it doesn’t have eyes to see it can only feel” with my voice breaking i said to vinay.
“Oh com’on guys dont make this worse.cheer up, lets start searching that girl who deserves alex’s love” shiva hugged us.
“What?…. Alex is in love?” sound traveled faster than anything, and words like love could easily reach parents ears. My mom came running towards my room. My parents are the perfect example for true lovers and their marriage is the perfect example of a successful love marriage.
“No aunty, we were just teasing him” Vinay managed her and asked her for a cup of tea. We all are addicted to my mom’s tea. anyone’s bad mood gets dissolved in her single tea. Thats her trick to make others happy. It was already 9pm, we slept in my room after having a good cup of tea. Love not only steals our heart, even our sleep. My eyes were out of my control it was not that paining for me because ,she took my heart’s control.
Facebook got frustrated on us for typing a single girl name thousand times. The keys H,A,S,I,N started crying.We tried all possible ways but we could not find her. Every night i end up crying thinking about her for hours together.
Inauguration of some workshop in our university so we were asked to come in suit. Shiva came running towards me “its her she is here, sitting in our microbiology lab, you wont believe she is searching you”
“She wants to talk to you”
But how, how did she find me without knowing my name. Shiva with a naughty look in his face” I gave my number to that chinese girl in that conference and she is here too, hasini came with her”
“But why u didnt say this to me all these days.”
“So that i can say it now, bring her to you in real”
“You are gonna be killed tonight.”
I started running towards microbiology lab, my god she is looking like goddess in blue saree with simple jewellery. Her eyes more confident she came near me. I could not believe such an incident is happening.
“I’ve been searching you all 14 days, ended up crying every night”
She remained silent, i could merely hear the sound made by her throat. Normally tough decisions are taken when people do like this. Lab was empty because all were attending the inaguration held at the auditorium.
“What have you decided” I asked
“Even me, i was also searching me” she said
why could she search herself my brain reacted but my heart already knew she is in love with me.
“My heart was empty once but i was promised by someone that it will be filled by his love ”
if some had taken ECG for me now they would surely seen mount everest in the result.
“I love you” She shouted which echoed in the empty lab.
I felt living a very nice dream. i thought Wearing a suit seeing a gorgeous painting with blue saree is what love is all about.
She hugged me as my tears rolled down from my eyes but then i realized it was this tear drop love is about.