My Last Affair – Short Story Love
Photo credit: hotblack from morguefile.com
It was my first day at office; I always dreamt to get recruited in this firm which has turned out to be reality, I ensured my shirt is properly tucked in I reached at the security gate of IP Solutions, a leader in consulting. I showed the offer letter to the security guard on my smart phone and made entry in the incoming register. This was the first time I took risk of not taking offer letter printout in guise of my forgetfulness but it was evident that technology being percolated till lower level that really show the culture of an MNC unlike family run business in which I worked. Huge campus and tall buildings amazed me because I was seeing it for first time. I enquired at reception the receptionist navigated me to the seminar hall.
‘Welcome aboard’ a lady in well-dressed formal attire greeted all of us convened in the seminar hall. Whole day all of us went through a systematic orientation program; at the end of the day we were given our reporting manager’s number and were asked to contact them for project details. I collected my I-card from administration department and boarded in the company’s bus back to guest house.
Next day, I met my manager he introduced me to entire team, he was amicable and jovial person he briefed about the responsibilities and expectations I enquired about job related information. There were more than 200 employees sitting on same floor, entire floor was decorated with festoons to celebrate Diwali. I went to my assigned desk which was big enough for single person I raised some admin request just with a click of mouse it was an amazing experience indeed to request prerequisites and essentials by sitting at the desk.
‘Hi, I am Manish I sit adjacent to your seat.’ A tall man with thick moustache aged around late-twenties came at my desk.
‘Hello, glad to meet you.’ I replied shyly.
‘Are you hungry? Shall we go to munch something?’ It was an immediate connects of friendship with him without any hesitation which I am used to I said ‘Yeah sure let us go.’
‘We walked through the lobby into the lift to tell you there were 6 elevators in the lobby each one playing soft instrumental music a relieving moment though for me.
‘How many employees work in this campus?’ I asked Manish by matching his walking speed.
‘Approximately thirty thousand work in this campus.’
‘Oh! Incredible’ I could see majority of personnel were young recruited across the nation through campus placements from empanelled T-schools. In that crowd I saw one pretty faced girl which reminded me of my friend but was not sure. She looked straight into my eyes which sufficed to make her distinctive in the mob. She smiled and went past behind me. At that moment everything around me stood still and jammed.
‘Hey, why are you standing here? C’mon’ Manish gently pulled me.
We discussed over current opportunities, scope and trivial issues in the project while in canteen.
Manish seemed to me knowledgeable and smart we became good friends as the time past. I worked in 9 am-6 pm general shift with a holiday on Saturdays and Sundays. Consulting profile is a lucrative one. One has to be on the toes to deliver and functionally sound; my job was going smooth enough after spending 6 months in office. Every day a troop of young people, the average age of the company is approximately 27 years, come to office they work and go back to home. I wonder how these guys would be spending leisure time during office hours because I never got spare time in my last job; over here people have time to read newspaper in the lobby, gossip on others’ walk, talk and looks.
The other day Manish and I were sitting in canteen he asked me
‘Do you have a girlfriend?’ I tried to dodge it, he asked me again.
I said ‘No.’
‘Crush on somebody?’
‘No, I never believed that I could have a girlfriend.’
‘Do you trust your conviction?’
‘Yes, one can only achieve if one believes that it can be achieved.’
‘Hmmm you are being philosophical eh?’
I grinned. There is no rocket science involved in philosophy one needs to be a good observant of actions. We walked out of canteen and got in to the lift. I could hear few girls behind me whispering fervently. I was waiting for my floor to come.
Team was good to work with, everyone in the office were agile
Project leader came at my desk and said ‘We have a client call today you need to be part of it.’
‘Ok at what time?’
‘At 9 pm’
I was amazed listening to that; unable to digest it somehow I said I will attend. I came at 9 am and now I have to wait to till 9 pm and tomorrow I have to be back on time. It was already
6 in the evening most of the executives have started to pack up for the day. I passed by the bus lobby, I could see at least 70 odd buses parked in systematic manner. Each bus had a number placard on it for identification purpose; a white board was placed at one corner it displayed the arrangement of the buses. As I strolled across the campus I could see many architectural master pieces one resembling pyramid other one like opera house and each had its own uniqueness. Around the corner there was a garden restaurant which gave me a feel of a hill station with artificial fog and waterfall I pulled the chair and picked up the menu card. I could see a gang of girls blabbering sitting diagonally opposite to my table. I apparently end up meeting them some or the other place in campus. Some time I felt they were eavesdropping me.
‘Hey what are you doing here?’ Manish enquired
‘Hello Manish I was just strolling across this sprawling campus now I am tired and thought to sip some Espresso; if you are not in hurry you can join me.’
‘Yeah! Sure why not.’
We placed the order for one Latte and Mocha. Manish received few calls and looked restless till the order was served so I asked him
‘What happened Manish everything alright?’
‘You know girls are difficult to understand’ Manish expressed his displeasure. He seemed to me had some skirmishes over phone with someone.
‘What happened to you and why are you so upset?’
‘I am committed and our relationship has turned sour over past few months.’
I cleared my throat and asked him ‘usually I wouldn’t ask the reason but this time you are much of depressed, so would you mind to share the issue with me?’
‘Her expectations are more than what I can give. I cannot call her every now and then asking how she is feeling; how was your day? How well did you do in your work today? Did anyone shout for not doing your work? These are silly questions to be asked to anyone’
‘Did you spoke to her on this?’
‘No. If I tell her she will leave me.’
‘Why are you saying so?’
‘She has changed a lot because she doesn’t behave as she used to.’
‘Was this love at first sight? Or you knew each other before you got committed’
‘It was love at first sight.’
‘Who initiated?’
‘I proposed her.’
‘We hastily take decisions and then repent on it.’
‘What do you mean? I have seen her many times in the premise I found her suitable for me as a life partner and so we are in to relationship.’
‘Did you happen to see her in campus coincidentally or deliberately?’
‘First time was of course coincidence further all in deliberation.’
‘Umm I see any specific reason?’
‘Oh c’mon haven’t you found anyone gorgeous? Else you wouldn’t have asked this question.’
‘I don’t think that being gorgeous can be reason to fall in love the person has to be lovable; we should be ready to compromise, to condone other’s mistake only then relationship sustains.’
‘Yeah you may be right.’
‘It may be more of attraction than true love there is no harm but in such cases relationship ceases as the as one gets to know partner’s behavioral pattern and habits. It goes haywire when contrary events occur to our presumed image. Often we hear he or she has changed over time such inference may be wrong because of implausible reasons.
‘You are not empathizing, it is hard phase of my life; it is easy to comment but difficult to understand.’
‘You may be right my friend but you can take lessons from my experience I faced lot many quirks in my life; I was aware that my decision was going to affect four lives.’ I started reminiscing my college days.
‘Deepak was my best friend then he was very shy and introvert he hardly spoke to anyone in college. He was not so good in studies so I was teaching him in free time. Veena a smart good looking girl she was cynosure of the college. She topped every exam. She was hard working and studious contrary to her I was smart and jack of all trades. I knew to have successful career street smartness is must. My aim was to score 3.5 CGPA in all the exams and to be above average where mass of our class students including Deepak stood but Veena was topper in each semester of engineering exams. She always led the curve which made me ardent antagonist of grade point average system.’
‘Deepak use to stare her during classes he kept his emotions deep inside the heart. Ramesh an innocuous enemy was a macho man of our college we had a healthy animosity only for the sake of studies but it turned serious in our personal lives; he flirted and ditched many girls. I heard from my few friends that he was deeply and madly in love with Veena and could get up to any extent.’
‘We all completed our graduation and our paths diverged from there I was happy in anticipation that neither Veena nor Ramesh will butt in in my life. Deepak took over the charge from his father in his family business. Ramesh cracked the CAT exam and got admission into the most reputed management institute of country. Veena went to London with her parents and I joined IIT for masters in software technology. Deepak and I use to meet every weekend; Veena was in touch with me through social networking site even though she was just in my friend list I never poked or messaged her. I knew since college that Deepak was in love with Veena. He tried to express once but she rejected him. It was a pity he couldn’t befriend. He was upset that Veena rejected him and got committed with Ramesh I was stunned how girl like Veena could ever think of being in relationship with him. I knew someday he will ditch her and fortunately for Deepak and unfortunately for Ramesh it happened their distant relationship lasted for only six months. Deepak came to know that she is bit depressed of breakup and wanted to take advantage of this moment. He contacted her but found no luck. Later on I understood that the so called relationship was hyped by Ramesh.’
‘I could see Deepak was dying every day in her memories. I contacted Veena in the pretext of Deepak’s distress. She was happy to talk to me we chatted almost every day. She changed a lot since college. She became bold and practical. She went through lots of ups and downs. Every weekend Deepak and I were having discussions over it. I was happy to share with him as it was the only medium he could get latest updates about her.’
‘One fine day Veena called me from London it was too early for her to call in wee hours she asked for some time her voice was quivering. She stopped for a moment and took a deep breath and said I like you a lot; I wanted to tell you since college days but was afraid that you will not pay heed to my emotions. Will you be my life partner? I was completely dumbstruck I couldn’t utter any word. I said hurriedly I will call you later and disconnected the call. It was the judgment day for me when Veena said she is deeply connected through emotions and looking for a relationship with me. I had to decide – a Yes or No will affect lives of Deepak, Ramesh, Veena and me. A girl that has broken up with my enemy and which was adored by my best friend now the same girl has proposed me. It was an uncanny moment of my life.’
‘Manish, life is very unpredictable and so do relationships are. Relationship is like a bridge hanging between two mountains. Many people will walk over it to reach at other end. Heavy storm may make it swing but mountains will always hold it tightly. So you have to decide the onus is on you to maintain it.’
Manish gestured as if he was more interested to hear my response to Veena ‘But what was your decision? How did it affect others? What happened to Veena, and Deepak?’
Manish was too eager to know about my decision, I replied ‘Ramesh is an investment banker when I spoke to him he replied gaily that he never had any sort of interaction with her after college some people tried to spread rumors and spoil my image. Deepak understood that there is no point in wasting time in remorse. He is a successful business man today and having a joyful life with a wife and two children. I never called Veena back after that day I reckon she is back in India working in some software firm. I will tell her someday why I didn’t turn up.’
We finished our drinks and someone from behind stood aside and whispered in my ears in a soft voice.
‘Krishnan I am still waiting for your reply!’