My First Girl – Love Short Story
Photo credit: Penywise from morguefile.com
Love – A real heaven. I too had enjoyed a lot. I mean it really, because my heart was also attacked by love in my school days. This story is also a kind of school love and most precisely, THE FIRST LOVE. The whole story happens in South India. So why are you just waiting?
A pleasant morning is waiting for its dawn. Still one hour more for the clock to strike 6 A.M. It’s the month of January which makes the morning climate so cold and snowy. The roads were so chill, dark and alone with creaking sound of a slow moving bicycle.
Kiran was driving the cycle and Ram at his back.
“What a strange world this is? We didn’t get our results for 11th standard even, but coaching classes and tuition started now itself. That too early morning! Even sun is taking leave in Sundays, but we still have tuition today” cried Kiran.
But there exists only a pure silence from Ram.
“I’m talking to you only man. Hello Ram! Are you there?” he shouted again.
Ram smiled at his friend and sees the moon which is hiding itself behind the snowy clouds.
“Nowadays whenever I see the 5 A.M. moon in the sky, it remembers me, my girl” says Ram.
These words from Ram made Kiran to laugh aloud. Ram asked why and for that he said,
” I’m your close friend man and I know everything about you. So from where a girl comes in your life without my knowledge?”
Both smiled a little and Ram began to open his heart. He says that he thinks that he is in love. Kiran got shocked and asked him who the girl was.
In response Ram said that he likes their classmate Vaishu alias Vaishnavi very much. She is a good friend to both of them but the love matters of Ram and all she don’t have knowledge. Surely she won’t have any traces of love from Ram because he is so smart and shy typed young chap. He won’t speak well even to her.
Kiran was still in that shock. He stopped the cycle and turned towards Ram. There he saw that Ram was knitting his nails and doing all things in shy. Kiran spitted heavily in the road.
“What happens to you man? Are you saying that you are in serious love on Vaishu? Have you told her?” Likewise Kiran questioned Ram a lot.
Ram gets off from the cycle and both began to walk by rolling the cycle. It’s about 5.45 and they nearly reached their Tuition Centre.
Ram says that he had not yet expressed his love to her and he also apologized with him for not saying this to him at first itself. Kiran confessed him and said,
“Don’t worry dude. Surely I’ll make it easy for you soon”.
Both smiled at each other and entered into the class. It was a quite big room with four rows and five columns of desks. Ram and Kiran always sit at the third desk in third row which is so comfortable for them to sleep without the knowledge of their strict teacher. Yes, really their teacher Prof. Gopal is very strict and hard faced man who always dislikes misbehavior, indiscipline and mainly Kiran and Ram. Because both of them won’t listen to his class and always do only two things. One, they will sleep simply in the class and Two, they will comment on Gopal.
All the students were coming to class one by one. Ram and Kiran started to chat with their friends as usual. It’s been a huge crowd around them and always it will be like that only because both of them are so much lovable and jovial to all of them. Ram was kidding with a friend in the class and all were laughing. Volkswagen Vento horns aloud outside the tuition. Suddenly Ram stopped all his kidding’s and was staring at the door steps itself. No surprise because that’s the new car which was bought by Vaishu’s dad last week. She entered the class with a purity of silence. She looked like an angel dressed in white with loosened hair. All of them were in normal mode except Ram and Vaishu who were moving in slow motion. He was greatly amused on seeing her in that color dress because that’s his favorite and it suits her well too. She smiles at Ram sweetly like a flowering bud in that snowy climate.
“Stop it! Stop all your non sense!”- Professor enters the class with a shout. All the students stood up and wished him.
“Good morning young gooses!” wishes Gopal and began to turn the pages of his book.
All the students got settled in their seats. Gopal started his class by turning around facing the black board. Vaishu started taking her notes and pen. But she finds that her pen was out of fuel. So she opened her bag and was searching for another one. Ram with great attention noted her and was thinking what was she searching? She didn’t find any pen in bag and so she began to ask with one or two girls nearby. But she couldn’t get any from them. After sometime, she turned towards Kiran who was two desks behind her. Kiran didn’t answer and just showed signs that he has only one. Then she with little shyness asked with Ram. Ram, who is eager to give her, passed his own Parker pen to her. She got that from him and turned towards the board without saying a word. Ram really got tensed because he too had only one pen and that was the one he gave to her. On seeing this Kiran began to comment at him. Suddenly there was an itching noise at Ram.
”Shhh…. Shhh….. Hey Ram do you have one for yourself?” – She asked silently to Ram.
He just nodded No to her and asked her to give the pen that is out fuel. She gave it to him with a smile and surprise. Kiran who was watching all this stuff asked him –
“I know why you got that pen from her. Just to act like writing before master. Am I Right?”
Ram smiled at him and says that he got that pen from her for not to act before master but to keep it as a memory of her. Kiran really got his head rolling like anything on hearing this.
Before Kiran say a word to Ram, Prof. Gopal comes into business. He shouted at the class saying –
“Hello kids! Are you still feeling sleepy? It’s about 6.30 and you are still looking very sleepy and dull. What’s this? If you are going to continue the same for the rest of the class then surely all will get fail in Probability section”
All the boys began to say that section was really boring. So Gopal kept his book on his table and began to say a joke like riddle to his students to refresh them. He started.
“Once upon a time, there was a saint in a village who was very devotional to Lord Shiva. He one got up a hilltop and prayed towards Lord for a good fortune. He was in meditation very hard for many months and days. While he was praying, the god wished to test his prayers and so Lord Shiva brought heavy showers and the whole village was in floods. But still the saint was in his prayers. So Lord brought thunder and lightning too along with the rain. During this, one strong thunder hit the hilltop where the saint was praying. The whole mountain was in form of dust after the thunder strike. But still the saint was there without any damage to him and was still meditating. How it happened? How our saint still survived? Can anyone say?” – He asked to his students.
No one could find the answer. They are all simply blinking towards their master. Now Gopal began to say the answer.
“Because…. Because….. The saint was always saying Ohm, Ohm and Ohm and so the resistance of his body just increased and so no current affects our saint!” He says and began to laugh.
All the students were in great anger on their master for his very blunt joke. Only a few pity girls laughed for his comedy. Vaishu is also the one in that pity girls’ list. Ram and Kiran laughed aloud not because of their master’s joke but they kidded him for his crazy behavior. All stopped their laugh and Gopal started to continue his class. But still professor hears some laughing sound from the students. He turns back and finds that those two were still laughing. He got tensed too much and shouted them to get out of his class. Both got out and was standing at the door steps and acting like taking their notes. But even there, Ram was only sighting her girl. Vaishu felt so modest on seeing Ram. Her friend said her that Ram was seeing her only for the past few weeks. In response, Vaishu simply smiled in shyness and dropped her cute face down and continued the classes with smile.
The clock with great difficulty strikes 8 A.M. and Professor comes to his conclusion. He winds up his class for the day and also warned those two with a last chance. Ram and Kiran got out of the class and began to plan for the day. Kiran asked Ram to get ready sure at 10 A.M. to go to ground for playing cricket. Ram also accepted to come asked his friend to call at the time when he had to come to ground. They bided bye to each other and gone back to their houses.
Now, Ram house. Surely we should say about his house because it was a nice family not wealthy but still they are so happy with what they got. They lived in a colony like apartment which consists of two houses rental for two families. The house was nearby was the family of Mr. Krishnan who was working as a Professor in Government Arts College. He has one daughter who was about to get married to a well settled man very soon. It’s around 9.30 and Ram got already ready and was playing with a ball himself before his house. Ram while playing, noted that his neighbor’s house was fully crowded and was decorated in grandeur fashion. He was confused and shouted towards his mom by sending his voice inside the house –
“Ma! Why Krishnan sir house was so much crowded today? Was it any significance today at his house?”
His mom replied yes to him and she also added that it was the Engagement going on. Ram just continued his play and was seriously looking at his friend’s call. A few minutes later, Krishnan was welcoming some guests who came to his house. Ram didn’t notice who they are. He was simply interested in his play. It’s important for Ram to notice them because the guests were none other than Vaishu and her parents. They are there because Krishnan and Vaishu’s dad are schoolmates. All went inside his house and started to chat among themselves.
Vaishu felt lonely at his house because all the parents joined together and was chatting among them leaving her. She began to take advantage and started to roam inside the house and was staring at the house. On her roam she found a small cute boy sitting in a small chair and crying. She gone close to the child and had a talk with him –
“Hey hello young champ! What made you to cry so?”
The kid replied that it’s too boring right there and he wishes to play something. Vaishu usually likes kids very much and that too it’s boring for her also so she started convincing him and began to play with him.
“So what you wish to play champ? Come on say we can” – She asked the kid.
The kid said,” How we both alone can play? Are you mad?”
On hearing this, she got stunned and asked “Hey you naughty! Then what you want me to do?”
The kid replied that he seen some brother playing outside the house and so he wants to play with him. At first Vaishu refused to take him out because she afraid that might get into some sort of trouble due to this. But the kid was so adamant and so she took him out of the house and moved near to that boy (Ram).
Ram, who was not bothered about anything, was just playing still before his house.
“Excuse Me!” – Vaishu calls Ram with her sweet voice.
Ram was very much surprised to see her before him. Really it’s not an odd one that he got surprised, because Vaishu was so cute in the dress she wore. She wore such kind of devotional dresses always for the divine functions. Both of them got shocked to see them at that position. They were simply looking at each other with a huge silence. The kid got tensed so much and began to pull her dress and cried –
“Sister! I want to play!”
Both returned back to earth and started to talk at same time.
“Hey! Is it you? How you got here?” – Both began to ask the same questions to each other and just got a big laugh as its answer.
After a little while Vaishu began to explain her way out there and added that she came to him just for the child who was crying for a play. Ram got very happy about Vaishu and thanked God a million times within those few minutes. He called Vaishu to visit his house too and began to call his mom. But she refused that she had come with her dad that day and if he finds her in his house, then she’ll get into great problem.
“I want to play! Play! Play! Play!” – cried the kid aloud.
On hearing this only Vaishu come to know that she came there for the kid only. She smiled within her and asked Ram to take this child with him and make some play. But Ram didn’t answer anything to her and instead he asked the small boy,
“How we both alone can play? Is she mad?”
Vaishu got her nerves and shouted “Hey you naughty boys! All boys are same irrespective of their ages. I’m going back to house” and pretended to walk back.
Ram got desperate and ran behind her and asked her also to come to play. Vaishu thought to refuse but her inner feeling didn’t allow for doing so. Finally she accepted but for hide and seek only, because she doesn’t even knows to handle a ball. The play begins. The small boy tied a cloth around his eyes and was searching for the two players. In between all this, Kiran called Ram many times and still he didn’t attend. In order to inform these matters to his friend, Ram hid himself behind a wall as if he was hiding for the play. He called Kiran and said that he was playing with his girl. Kiran got shocked on hearing to him. Ram also asked Kiran that could he say his love at that time itself. But Kiran stopped him and advises that she might misunderstand him and threw off his friendship. While speaking with him, the small boy caught Ram and he got out for the next round. Now Ram ties his eyes with the cloth. The cloth is nothing but the kerchief that Vaishu had. So he forgot all the things around him and got dissolved in love. His round extended for about 15 minutes and he was still searching. Suddenly he hears the horn of Vento and got normal. He found that both left the place and were at Krishnan sir’s house. Vaishu’s dad got ready for home and so he horned for his daughter. Ram ran to his feet and mixed up with the crowd thereby. Vaishu got into the car and was biding Bye to everyone. Only her mind got prepared to depart not her heart. Her eyes searched for Ram and she finds him too. She bid Bye to him too waving her hands with reddish tearful eyes.
The car disappears in no matter of time. The crowd began to move one by one but not Ram. He stands still with the kerchief in his hands for sweeping his tears.
Suddenly Ram woke up from his bed and finds so dark in the room. He switches on his bedroom light and so disturbed her wife’s sleep too. She whispered harsh to switch the light off.
“Wait, Sita! I’m searching my specs. I’ll shut it off after finding it” answers Ram in a pity voice.
He finds his specs and took the clock for seeing the time. It shows 5 A.M. and now only he finds that all the happenings throughout now was dream. It’s the same dream that wakes him up daily at that time. And for your information, Ram is 60 years of age now and has one son who has a daughter of six years old.
Ram switches off the light and came out of his room. There he saw his son speaking in mobile to his friend about some problem in his company. Ram just went out and stood in verandah and was watching the sky.
“Why dad? When you are working for the family you got early. That’s right. But now even at this age too, why are you making yourself uncomfortable?” asks his son.
Ram simply smiles and says, “Habits can be changed my son. But Character…. It can’t be”
Again a phone call comes to his son. He got distressed to attend and so attended at the last moment and was answering –
“Should I go for that work? I’m really afraid to do so man. Yes of course I accept your words, it’s my work and I’ve to proceed. But still… Ok let me see. I’ll call you back”
Ram finds his son was so tensed because of his work pressure. He calls out his son closer.
“Cheer up man. There is still a long way to proceed in your life. Looking so distressed now itself? Be cool ok. But I advise only one for you my son. Do your work only with your wish and your decision. Don’t let others to take a decision for your life, whether it may be your office or family whatever it may be. Don’t hesitate to get your work done. Also be brave to take your decisions at right time. This is the only lesson I teach you from my experience. Because my experience teaches the same to me also” says Ram.
His son got impressed and said that he’ll follow his dad’s words sure in his life. Ram continues to fun at the sky again.
“Dad! I forgot to say one thing. Today I’ve a meeting at my office in the late evening. Could you pick up Vaishu from school?”
Ram smiled at his son signing him yes and turned back again towards the sky. I think still the 5 A.M. moon looks beautiful to him.
True Love never dies. It may not end in wedding. But still lives in every man’s heart till he/ she dies.