Love Short Story – Love is a Feeling That Has to be Expressed Not Told

Love Short Story – Love is a Feeling That Has to be Expressed Not Told
Photo credit: ecerroni from
Arnav, 23 years, a keralite loved a tamil girl two years elder to him and who was working with him in the same office. The love was one sided and he did not have the dare to tell her his love. He loved his parents more than the girl, and did not want to hurt them.
As days passed he started to loosen his mind’s control and allowed his mind to wander freely. He started following the girl, without her noticing him. She started coming to him in his thoughts during morning and in dreams during night. He started gazing at her whenever he gets an opportunity, but changes his direction of gazing, by chance she looks in his direction.
One day after reaching office, Arnav got down from his office bus and started to look in all directions for her, as she also reaches office in almost the same time as him, but didn’t see her. Feeling disheartened, he turned back to go to his office room, when out of a sudden she appeared before him. He was about to dash her when she skillfully escaped. She looked behind, gave a smile at him and moved to her office room.
That day onwards his love towards her intensified more, he started to make a portrait of her. He got a photo of her from internet, uploaded by her parents to create her marriage profile. The portrait costed him 2 months time, but he finally brought it to a good shape. He kept the portrait inside his office quarters, near his bed room.
Day and night he used to look at the eyes of the beautiful damsel, his first love, in the portrait. His mind started wandering beyond limits. He slowly started telling to his mother that he is admiring one girl at his office, but did not convey the depth of love.
Arnav’s mother started searching a kerala girl for him, as she did not want her son getting married to an elder tamil girl. During this time without Arnav’s knowledge, from his friends he came to know that the tamil girl’s marriage got fixed. She married, a few months later Arnav’s marriage also got fixed. Now both got children and are living with their families in nearby vicinity. When ever Arnav sees the tamil beauty, his one side love, he has only one question in mind
“whether she loved him or not?” .