Short Story Love – Jog
Photo credit: katmystiry from morguefile.com
It had been drizzling all the night long. Although the daylight had spread nearly Four hours ago. But it was not advisable yet to roam around outside the house. There were clouds al-around in the sky and light drops of rain were perpetually falling everywhere. The whole atmosphere was wet. Even the leaves and branches of the trees and shrubs along the path on this hilly winding path were perhaps silently expressing the continued pouring of rain water for such a long time by making themselves feel more weighty and embarrassed due to the weight of water . When it will be over, It was not at all certain. Very far through the mountains and the jungle over there, it was quite evident that clouds were even daring to touch the earth sailing upon the wings of the winds and nobody was going to take the risk to travel too far a distance at this moment. Although there were lush green shrubs al-around the path everywhere and the fields in the form of stairs were showing the clear glimpse of the water being slowly gathered upon them and simultaneously it was pouring down form one field to another as if from one staircase to another staircase downwards and ultimately forming a stream of river flowing downwards with a particular purpose to reach to its destination within the minimum prescribed time.
There was no one was outside. Cool and calm atmosphere was everywhere. Sometimes when a hasty cool breeze was passing nearby, in its efforts to make a way it was striking the shrubs and the long leaves of the banana tree which were making a sound of wind attack. Due to the impact of the wind the long leaves of the banana tree were striking against the wall of some houses and the inside people were uttering surprisingly that the wind was going to speed up and the atmosphere outside was not really good to have a walk. Besides it was too cold outside. The whether may become worse, it was quite possible. In such an atmosphere, when no body was outside, there was only one person who was tracking through the rough and unfinished paths of this village, without caring for the rain and wind at all, although wet all over.
Prabhu the so called Jogi in these hilly area was inside a cave which was naturally carved out among the heavy and very big stones of the mountains. Prabhu was waiting for the rain to stop. Sound of somebody’s footsteps over the path made him alert and he peeped out of the cave. He was a not surprised at all to see who was coming. He only asked in a loud voice “Come inside, the rain is not going to stop at all. It may stop till evening. So come inside.” The person who was treading alone, stepped inside the cave and sat just near the entrance on the floor.
“Jogini, what is your destination ?” He asked to the incomer. The incomer was a female and was also from the same clan of saints to which Prabhu belonged. The Jogies were spread in the hilly areas. Their main profession was to collect alms from the villagers and quietly spend their lives in the prayer of the almighty. They had otherwise no other worldly attachments. The lived solitary life and if they had any sort of collection as far as human gathering is concerned, it was only limited to the congregation of the sadhus in a remote hilly area where the so called jogies and joginies had established their Monastery. It was their home where their revered gurus were staying playing them as parents, teachers and full fledged gurus to guide their path to the ultimate destination of life. The question asked by Prabhu was to be answered and she said ” I have to go not too far but up to that village”. She pointed towards a village which was situated on the top of the mountain in front. Prabhu asked :”But there are no jogeis or joginies there, they have already left for the next village”. The next moment he got the answer ” Yes, that I know, but Meera is there she is waiting for me. In the last village I had asked her to wait for me, she would be there. I have to go”
But Prabhu advised ” It is still raining and the whether outside is not quite comfortable. Rough and winding paths of this village as well as while descending from the hill top to downwards will be very slippery, I will not advise you to go out. You wait for a little while ; if it calms down then you must go. ” He again repeated his words and brought out an already prepared chilam of tobacco for smoking.
He himself took a swift puff and then handed it over to the Jogini. She took it in hands as if she was already used to smoking and started enjoying the chilam prepared by the Prabhu. During the course of inhaling the puff she was nourishing herself by slowly caressing the chilm which was little bit warm due to the heat generated by the ignited coal pieces inside the chilam. In this cold weather while outside the rain was persistently pouring down and sometime its cooling effect was being experienced when it was getting inside with the wavelength of the strong wind, caressing the chilam was a pleasant experience. After sometime she handed over the Chilam to Prabhu. Prabhu took it quietly and started smoking. He stared at the Jogini and realized that she was very young to be a Jogini.
How could she have become a Jogini. What were the circumstances that compelled her to be saint. Was it due to the compulsion of the worldly pressures or it was an inborn enchantment for her to be a saint for her whole life. Looking at her appearance, it would have been easier for her to get married to any worthy man and lead a happy married life. The natural attraction on her face was alarming. What a tragedy, if she had choosen this tough road of life due to the compulsion then certainly those would have been beyond her patience and if she had natural enchantment for becoming a sadhu then that is also a subject of investigation whether she really possess some significant spiritual powers. He had become very curious to know about her past.
At the same time he interrupted his own thoughts by advising himself that he was himself young enough that normally people do not become sadhus at this stage. If she herself asks her about his past then what is his answer and whether that is acceptable. But inspite of that he was quite eager to know about her become a Jogini. There was a curiosity to know about her past. Although as per the teachings of his guru he was not tobe at all concerned about anybody’s future or past, but at the bottom of his heart he was quite aware of the fact that some people are born sadhus and some people are compelled by the circumstances to become the so called sadhus. They have no other choice but to be a sadhu. They spend their time in the congregations of these sadhus. Although, he had not any enchantment to know about her becoming a sadhu but she must have become so at a comparatively little age.
This was the fact that was infuriating his mind. What was so intense in her life that compelled her. Or is she really a human being born on this earth to really propagate and follow the path of bhakti, he had yet to find it. Now while taking a puff the Jogini was herself looking outside into the hilly area taking a idea as exactly when the rain could stop and she would have a smooth walk out of this cave to reach her destination to the next village where one of her companion would be waiting for her. The shower had started a little bit faster and in the meanwhile she had only option to enjoy the puff which was very smoothing in such cold and windy climate. The only advantage at this moment was due to the day time every this was visible even upto the far flung areas of that vast spread out mountain region. She could easily see the green lush forests of pine trees and the shrubs on the hills, the river flowing from south to the northwards, the cold wind which was challenging against stepping outside with its spluttering impact against the walls of the caves and speedy intrusion inside the cave. She had to contain herself against the will to step outside the cave and march towards the next village. The winding and sloppy paths outside were too wet and even the rain water was flowing through them downwards which was really difficult to trot. She turned out the idea to go outside the cave. She retreat in a thoughtful mood.
Prabhu was staring at her face. Her face was glowing. He could not decide whether it was due to her youth or it was the extra glow outcome of the life of austerity she had lead in all these years.
“What do you think when it is going to stop ? She had uttered suddenly and he came out of his feelings.
“What can I say…God knows..it seems it may take a long time. It is growing. ”
“Yes, it is. I can not afford to step outside. It was better you asked to me to stop, otherwise after a few steps away, I would have engulfed in some serious trouble.”
” God is always with his followers, he has his ways to help them.” Prabhu answered. “Think, if had also gone outside at that moment, we both would have been in trouble.”
“O yes, it is quite right ” She promptly answered. She answered promptly and then started to stair in the somewhere deep in the atmosphere.
Prabhu remain silent for a little while hoping that she would extend the talk further but she was silent. Perhaps she was remembering some events of her life.
“What are you thinking ” Prabhu did not want to interrupt but he did any how.
“What can I think. There is nothing to think for the jogies. They have to act only. If you have to live then you have to live. You already know that we people have not to think about the world or worldly things. Life is a bliss man. You have to enjoy every moment given by God. The moment may be of your liking or not you have to like it. It is your destiny. The almighty drafts the destiny of each and every creature. Today I was destined to pass some moments with you on this mountain.” She raised her eyes and looked into the eyes of Prabhu. Prabhu was just impressed to notice the glow in her eyes while speaking the philosophic word.
“But one thing I could not understand yet.” Prabhu queried
“What ?”
“It is that when Guruji says that you have to enjoy the life and life’s every moment whatever it may be and in whatever circumstances it may be. Do you realize that human being are also divided in two parts. One those are sadhus and the other those are not. We people live in day. we live in night, we live in light, we live in darkness, we live in among so many, we live even alone, complete alone. We have to and we have God to remember in every circumstances. But the other people live in group that they call the Society. They have their links and they have their bonding’. When they are alone they help each other or ask someone practically to come and help them. But we are completely alone in the waiting of our God. One day he will come and sooth us. Give us pride. What do you think” Prabhu was saying thoughtfully.
“Are you not sure of your path Prabhu” She asked ” Or your heart is reverting back to the worldly things” She smiled mischievously.
“No, that is not the reality. I am on my own path. But sometimes the mind travels from the wild to the society and then it is very difficult to contain it.”
“That’s the thing I am saying to you. You have got an attraction towards these worldly things. ” She insisted.
” In fact I am now not at all attracted towards these worldly things but as we are a part of this universe, you can not ignore or deny to see them. When we see the difference in the lives of the general and sadhus then the heart goes towards the worldly comforts only but when the sorrow and daily chaos and the trails and tribulation of life takes place, it is worth renouncing. I have not yet found out yet that why the God present difficulties before humans as well as all the creatures in this world while it is very easy for him to do away with them. Prabhu said in a thoughtful mood.
“It is all an illusion. You know that each and everyone in this world mingles with the dust at the end and it is not at all questionable whether he had lived a life of a king, queen or a down to earth man, even a beggar. Mother earth takes them all in the same way. The all become a part of the dust and nothing else. No body knows after that the body which was enjoying the bliss of a king is now a part of dust and who was a beggar, he is also the part of the dust. So what is the use of running after any sort of attraction in this world whatever it may be. ”
Prabhu looked outside and noticed that the speed of the rain was increasing. It was evident that the dwindling paths had become more difficult to walk on. No body was visible up to the far distant area. Due to the heavy rain the visibility had become very low. The little light that was inside seem to ran out of the cave and there was darkness inside.
To realize this she told to herself, “It seems it is not going to stop so easily”.
“Can you make another Chilam” She pleaded to Prabhu.
Prabhu smiled and make himself busy to prepare the another one.
He knew that it is not so easy and she had to stay there a little bit longer. Time was passing gradually and they were involved in the talks, worldly and spritual talks. They even talked about their gurus and their experiences in the congregation arranged for a gathering where they would meet with other saints on weekly, quarterly, half yearly and yearly basis. Their experiences and problems faced in the whole process of grooming themselves into a saint. Sufficient time had elapsed.
After few moments, the Sadhvi asked ” So you are in this Bhakti path since the childhood or…”
“Not from the childhood but it was just an incident that changed my approach towards the life” Prabhu answered
To hear the word incident, she was a little astonished.
“What was that ”
And then he narrated the whole story that he was engaged to a nearby village (he told the village name) to a very beautiful girl while he was serving the army. Her name was Pragya. His engagement was fixed by his only mother as his father was no more. As per the letter sent to him by his maternal uncle she was attractive. He had only an idea of that girl in his mind. But he was very much in love of that girl. Then one day suddenly the enemy country attacked the country and he was sent at the border.
After a fierce battle for nearly 21 days one day he was cought along with his fellow soldiers in a trap laid by the enemy and they were all dead within minutes by the firing. He saved himself by lying unconscious on the ground along with other soldiers and later on when the enemy army marched forward he just sneak away from the spot. He threw himself into the jungle but later on was caught by the dacoits. He remained captive in their den almost for one year. When one day he ran away from the prison of the dacoits, he was a shadow of himself. He had no uniform and now he was a part of the dacoits. He secretly tried to find about all people’s where about who were related to him and find out that the news of his missing and lateron declared dead had spread in the village. His mother could not bear his death and passed away within one year of his missing. Perhaps she could not wait for the return of his son any more. The girl to whom he had to marry also ran away from her house because she had no parents, she was living with the relatives and all the people of her village along with them had started taunting her and even started saying that she is responsible for the death of her parents as well as the death of her to be husband, who has been killed in the army. She could not bear the mental agony and she ran away saying to someone that I will not die but live a life of a saint to know why this has happened to me. Observing this whole scenario he could not venture to go to his village and he decided to become a saint. He joined the monestry of a Baba and now he was living here and spending his days with the help of the Alimony given by this village and other villages.
He had completed his story. Now the turn was of the sadhvi. He looked towards her and what he saw, he could not believe. She was weeping. He stood up from his place and tried to console her but all was in vain. Later on she started weeping loudly and it was a bitter situation. He was frightened that if any one would see this what will happen. They are sadhus. They will be discarded and he might be beaten by the villagers. Any how he had to first console her. A sadhvi can not be so weak in her nerves.
He told her “Don’t worry it is my problem not yours” but she could not stop. He was really frightened because such a young sadhvi was crying and he had to stop her. He again told her “It is not your problem. It was my life “.
After his repeated attempt to console, she told him that it was not only his problem it was the problem of both of them and destiny had played a great game. She was the girl to whom he was engaged and he was his would be husband.
“Oh my God” Prabhu could utter only these words
Knowing this fact he felt as if somebody has pushed him from the hills and he had suddenly without base. He was taken aback and he was in a very awkward situation.
She tried to calm her and tried to regain her composure. His life companion was before but with such circumstances. They can not even shake hands. They were bounded with the commitments they had with their gurus to live a life of austerity.
The rain was still at a very high speed and during this period sufficient time had already passed away.
He made a fresh chilam for her. She silently started to take a puff. While she was taking puff, the tears rolled down from his eyes. What a destiny. Now what would he do. Would they be able to pursue the paths they had accepted. Is it possible to start fresh life in case God had given them a chance to stay together again. What is the motive of the Destiny behind making them meet together today and that too at this isolated place. So may questions were coming into his mind and If he and she tries to live together, whether it would be possible to enter into the society again and with what identity?
They remain calm and quite for some time and later on he asked her ” what would you do now”
“I would live with you. I left the society for you. I had no room to live there. Now I will show the society that I have found my establishment.”
“What would you tell your colleagues.” he again inquired.
“I will not ask my colleagues. I will tell my mother (head sadhvi at the monestry) to whom I have told my whole story. She will surely help me”.
Prabhu was feeling that he had been caught in such a situation that if a right solution is not found, the situation will become more grave and in the absence of the solution to this problem he might be living the rest of the life with so much guilty consciousness, restlessness and embarrassment. Besides, he had very little time in his hand. He had to decide that on this rainy day whether he has to ask the sadhvi to go to her monestry and meet him later on or he should ask her to stay there with him and not to care whatever happens. Means she should not worry that some villagers could notice them together at night alone in the cave. The pressure was paramount. Being a man he had to take a decision. The war had shaken the very establishment of both of them and now he wanted that the establishment should be kept alive, having a dignity of its own.
After some time there was only drizzling. He told her it would be very repulsive to stay with him there. All the village people would come and take stern action against them. He told here “Today you go to the monestry and meet me next month at the next congregation of sadhus.You know where it takes place. In between I will try to meet one of my dearest friend who will really help me. Don’t worry at all I will surely meet you. You have not to think otherwise”.
With heavy heart the sadhvi left his cave and he looked stealthily behind her. In the saffron colour sadhvi had all the glow of the universe. When she was out of his sight, he nodded his head with some resolution and sat on the floor with the Chilam in his hands. All the day long it was drizzling and due to lack of light, all over there was an atmosphere of evening. After few hours the evening was really to take place and Prabhu was overwhelmed with the past time feeling and all the difficulties he had faced in his life. He was also trying to estimate the difficult life the sadhvi would have gone through. He made his mind to meet his old friend and after meeting him he would be able to formalate their future plan. He went deep inside the cave and sat in meditation for a little while in a corner.
Next day he was with his best friend. They were sitting behind a hill top. That was deep in the forests and they were really at the remote area where possiblity of any body’s arrival was very rare. Prabhu was in the the cloths (saffron colour) of a saint and his friend was in usual dress of a common man.
After hearing his story, His friend said
“I have an idea. If you really want to come into the mainstream then you would not be able to establish yourself here in this area. I will try to manage a shop for you in an area which is near about 80 k.m. far from this place and there you can start your life. I will try to manage it within one week and after that you would have to live in that shop immediately after it is procured”.
He nodded in affirmation and after little time he started walking towards the next village from where he had to collect alms as a mean of his daily survival.
After one month Prabhu was sitting in a small shop 80 k.m. far from his Cave and his friend was also sitting beside him. Prabhu did not know how many questions his friend was carrying in his mind in addition to this question he asked to him :
“Prabhu you have fulfilled the commitment you had made with your beloved but what about the commitment you made to your gurus while becoming a saint”.
Prabhu thought for a while and answered philosophically :
“My guru had once said that to fill the heart with happiness of each human being and each creature is the best way of worshipping the God. In this universe every particle and creature is interlinked and is part of God. Hence If any part of the God is weeping or crying or full of sorrow, how can a human be happy on the other end. His happyness will never be complete. I was feeling the same. My happiness would have never been complete till my beloved who had still have the love flame for me burning in her heart, leading the life of despair and gloom. I have completed one Commitment (Jog), the other one I will complete by always remembering the almighty while spending days. ”
After hearing these words from the mouth of Prabhu the Sadhvi sitting inside the residential area of the shop smiled blissfull and his friend also felt content with his own deeds also.