Short Story of Husband Wife – Jasmines
Photo credit: Stefanomas from morguefile.com
He is a beautiful young man with great love for his wife. His wife is not less who is very beautiful and who always waits for her husband to come quick and spend the nights with great fervor. They are married few days back. The young love of days will not come down so early. She gets dressed in beautiful saris that her husband likes and stands before the mirror hours for correction. She looks number of times to see that her appearance is perfect and if she feels that she looks not appealing, she will change it for better one immediately.
He brings everything she likes for her, Sweets from famous shops, dresses from top brands, scents from latest trends, and so much. She is very happy with her husband and her husband is also with the wife of great dressing sense.
“Do you know that I will be always happy with the gifts you are bringing for me? I feel like I never dream the gifts you bring, all so new and so exciting.” Wife said.
Husband looked at her beautiful face and kissed her with great love.
“Whatever I bring for you, I feel it is very less. I want to bring every day something that will make you happy and happier.” Husband said.
“I know that. It is why my love to you is growing day by day, so-so big.” Wife said.
Like this, the happy life of the charming wife and young husband is going smoothly.
One day the wife saw a movie in the TV. The husband in the movie brings jasmines for the wife every day. The Jasmines are appreciated by the wife and the husband is so much excited to hug the wife with jasmines in her hair do. He feels great love as he feels the great smell of the jasmines. For him, Jasmines are the best flowers of love.
After seeing this movie, the charming wife wondered why her husband did not bring jasmines, at least once in the last many nights. She wanted to ask him about this.
That night started early as the program was planned for a film. Husband hurried her to get up quick and follow him. Wife followed him and sat in the car besides him. Husband is driving when wife is in talking mod.
“I want jasmines. You did not bring Jasmines at least once. I came to know by a TV movie that jasmines are great in love.” She said with a bright smile.
“Oh, yes. They do. I forgot. I will bring jasmines hereafter every night. Okay?” Husband said with the same lovely smile.
While they are going to the theatre, husband stopped the car at a jasmines shop.
He took lot of jasmines and while paying, he asked the seller about the rate. He said.
“You are charging more.” Husband said.
“What do you say sir. I know you well. You are my regular customer and I don’t disappoint my regular customers. Don’t you remember the usual rate?” Jasmine seller said with sweet smile.
Husband did not argue. They went to the theatre and saw the film. They returned home.
Wife did not like the jasmines. She did not touch jasmines. These flowers look like smiling at her as she thought that her husband is taking jasmines every day to some other woman.
“Why, what happened? You asked for jasmines and now you say that you don’t like.” Husband questioned with wonder.
“When you are daily taking jasmines for some other woman, why should I like these flowers? Go give these flowers also to her. I am a fool; I was thinking that you love me.” Wife asked with anger and dislike.
Husband smiled. He understood why his wife is angry.
“I did not expect that my job in jasmine studio will make me stand before you like someone who did some crime. I have to purchase jasmines for hair dressings in our studio.” Husband said.
Wife’s face turned bright. She knew that her husband’s Jasmine studio dresses bridal hair-dos. Now, she also smiled and she hugged him with great fervor while the jasmines behind her looked at them as if they are questioning, “Don’t you need us?