Love Short Story – It’s James
Photo credit: hotblack from morguefile.com
“What is love? A lot of people say it’s something you just can’t describe, but you can feel when you are. Some don’t love anymore, because they’ve been broken to many times. Others might not have ever had the chance to fall in love. Some guys, use the word love too get with a girl and the break it off right after. The other guys, say they love a girl and actually mean it.
Girls, when they say they love you most times they mean it. But, on rare occasions they don’t, they are just like the guys trying to have a one night stand. I’ve been in love, oh was it a magical thing. She was so beautiful, so smart, so perfect. And then, some other guy comes in. He’s better looking, more athletic, smarter than me, but there’s one thing different about me and him though. What is that you ask?
I was good to her. I showed up at her house unexpected, never went out with other girls, never did anything to hurt her, and what does she do; She goes off and picks the captain of the basketball team. You think this is a joke? Nah, I’m serious the girl I dated, the girl I fell in love with, is now Mr. Popular’s girl. Ha, who knew he’d try and take a “nerds” girl?
You think a girl would’ve wrote this. No guy is suppose to write about love, no guy is suppose to admit he loves someone. I’ll have you know I’m not just some guy. I have feelings, I have emotions, yes I’m weak and vulnerable at times, but are we not all like this. We are the same species, no matter if we’re black, white, gay, or fat we all have the same exact feelings.
You meet a nice person you talk, and talk, and talk. You two become closer than you have with anyone. Staying up all night too talk to them, sending good morning text, kissing them for the first time, having them in your arms we all want that and deep down even the toughest of us who act like we don’t want that we do. It’s life you fall in love, you might not get it right the first time so why stop loving?
Do I still love this girl? Yes, no doubt in my mind that I do. But, it’s her choice if she likes getting treated like that let her keep doing her, there’s no way I can stop her. She’s my first love, I’m a junior in high school now and found my first love. Girls, say that all guys are the same, but they friendzone every good guy who’s there for her and go after the bad guy. Females just don’t understand that guys hurt to.
There’s an ache in my heart, this pain that’ll never go away telling me that I’m not good enough to keep anyone. My head is in a twirl, no I’m not legally blind, but I’m blind in the sight of love. Girls come up to me asking to hangout. I tell them no, because I’m still stuck on you. I’m not the best in sports, I can’t do a windmill dunk, but I can stay faithful and be by your side everyday of your life. Trust, I’ve seen this guy make out with other girls at the parties. You watch and cry, but he says he’s sorry, calls you baby girl, and says he won’t do it again. You trust this guy with your heart, but he keeps ripping it out and sewing small pieces back on.
I can tell your heart is not complete, you’re trying to trust him so much, but every time you blink seems like he’s doing something different. Could you not trust me? Is that why you threw me to the ground, like I was just a candy wrapper from the store? Girls are always saying, they eon’t love again, because all guys are the same. What about the guy who has been with you through day one? Or the guy who buys you chocolate and flowers when it’s that time of the month? Or what about that guy who is always there when your sad and need a shoulder to cry on? Those guys try to impress you, and you call them bud and keep going for the guy who calls you a slut.
I’m no love expert, but if he really loved you would he not call you by your name, or something nice like beautiful? Love is not a game, you shouldn’t play with someones heart. In the future that could be you trying to wipe the tears off your kids face. Yes, I cried. Is that a problem? I’m a guy am I not suppose to cry over some girl? I’m not just a guy, I’m human and what can I say humans cry. Crying over a girl you got to be kidding me, is what I’m guessing most of the guys think right now.
But tell me something, have you ever cried over losing the big game, scrapping your knee, or having your parents yell at you? All those are stupid reasons to cry, but you did anyway. We all cry over something. It may not be something big or something important, but we cry. You dated a girl for 11 months, about to be a year in one week and she dumps you. You’ve already bought the diamond necklace for her that you’ve been saving up for, but now what? Do I take it back, keep it until I find someone new, or do I just put it on her doorsteps and call it a night.
High school wants the popularity gets to you, I guess there’s no way out of it. I miss this girl, I really do, but you want to leave me go ahead and screw you. They said ranting was good for the soul, it really was. I hope you just get this note, because by the time you read it I would’ve already committed suicide. Thanks for the time, but got go this is where I die. Just please remember I James will always love you.”
This didn’t actually happen, but this type of stuff goes on in our everyday world. That kid in depression, he’s thinking about killing himself. It takes one person to be there for him, and there whole life changes. Be the person to make a difference.