Love Short Story – I Love You…

Short Story Love – I Love You…
Photo credit: rachjose from
There he was standing beside the bus stand. He was out of the queue,so one thing was clear that he was not waiting for the bus.Though he was holding a lamp post nearby with both hands , he was trembling a little.He was gazing at the lights which were turning from red to green on the other side of the road,and murmuring something.
“I love you, I love you” , then took a deep sigh as if he has seen something. With a broken and trembling voice he utters “Oh God I really love her”.
And there she was behind the flash of traffic light which has turned red.He could not see her face in one look as her face was behind the vehicles running on road in between ,after the lights has turned green.Then in a raze he shouts on the vehicles leaving the lamp post out of his grip “Come on, move away “. Thank god once again lights turned red. Now he can see her face coming near to him. Mean while he took her snaps with a small camera which he took out of his left pocket.Though his hands were still trembling , he was able to focus the camera on her still face,as she was crossing the road. Before she has reached the bus stand he had already put that camera to the place where it belongs.
Now he was trembling and sweating simultaneously. He was still uttering those words “I love you”. But this time even he could not hear what he was saying. She was last in the queue waiting for the bus. And as she turned back , she could notice a person at some distance looking continuously at her. It was him ,still standing beside the bus stand. He was trying to go near to her but ground beneath him was holding him tight.He could not move his feet. She again turned back and could see him still looking at her with his eyes wide open and lips uttering something.
“Yes Its me, I am coming here from last eleven months and sixteen days.It was first January 2012 when I saw you here. I know you are hearing me but you won’t talk to me in front of all these people so I have decided to meet you alone tomorrow. So tomorrow you have to wait for me.” Still his voice could not cross his voice box.But he was satisfied that she had heard him.
Then came the bus. He was watching her going away from him as she was trudging the path to the entrance of the bus.She gave a last look behind her and noticed him still gazing her. As she entered the bus tears came out of man’s eyes.
“Why you have to go everyday? Why can’t you stay here for me? ” .
He saw her taking seat and without waving his hand says “good bye” . Bus started going away.He remained there till the bus has gone away from his sight.
This was his routine every evening from first January 2012.
He enters the room, switches on the light and keeps the camera on the table in the center of his rooms. On the table there were few more snaps lingering , with dust on them.He takes one of the snap in his hand ,clears the dust and holding it in both hands ,kisses it. He starts talking to himself ” tomorrow you will come to know how much I love you”.
He kisses that snap again and then looks on the wall in front.It was all covered with the snaps of his love one . Love one who not even knows that she is being loved so obsessionally.Then he turned to other walls there were faces all around ,they were all in different moods.Some smiling, some laughing,some sneezing, some worrying and gestures goes on. He starts music from a trash like transistor kept on another table near the wall in front of the entrance of the room.He takes a long breath and sings along with the song.
Next day in the evening , she was going alone on a street with huge walls on both sides. As she hears sound of footsteps increasing there intensity,she realizes that someone is following her.She turns back hurriedly and notices that someone was really following her.In a mood to run away she tries to move as fast as she could but with high heels as obstruction to his movement,she was not able to do that. She again turns back and now she could recognize that that he is the same man who was gazing at her yesterday.
She got frightened so much that could not notice the dismantled road ahead and fell down.She got bruises on her thigh.But without having realized that, she stood up with complete prowess and was ready to run away .But all went in vain, she was now standing in front of the man she was running away from.She saw tears coming out of man’s eyes.She moves backwards and he moves forwards. He was trying to clean the dust from her cloths but was afraid of touching her.So he was just making gestures as if he is really clearing the dust.She was afraid, there was no one in the vicinity.
She takes out money from her bag and says.”Take it ,its all yours”, he thinks that she has not recognized her so smiles a little and replies in a trembling voice “no,you got it wrong its me,Sam”.
She interrupts him and says, “See Sam I really don’t know who you are , actually I am Stella, you may be mistaken”.
“I know you are Stella”. And with quick movements takes out few of her snaps from his upper pocket .”See here you are always near my heart”.
Till now Stella has understood that he is really mad.So tries to handle it smoothly.Though there was fear in eyes of Stella , she was able to hide it. But Sam could not hide his tears.When he saw bruises on her thighs he started crying “look what have you done to yourself”.
Stella then realizes that she was really bleeding from left thigh. She tried to hide that with his skirt ,but was not able to do.
Then she says to Sam “See I am sorry but I really don’t know you “.
Hearing this Sam clears his tears and in an innocent way says”but I love you”.
“How is that possible” replies Stella “I have seen you for the first time.”
“But I know you from last one year” says Sam.
Stella stood numb hearing this.She turns back and starts moving away “see I am really sorry to say that I have no idea what you are saying”.
She was happy to see that he was not following her now. She heard only the words coming again and again “but I love you ,but I love you”.
She ran away without saying any thing. Sam stood there with eyes filled with tears.
Next day Stella was again on that road and she saw Sam was waiting there. She saw a vast change in Sam today.He was really looking handsome.He approached Stella and seeing her getting frightened he said
“please don’t do this to me, don’t go away from me how can I think of hurting you when I love you so much”.
Stella had never seen a man saying I love you so desperately but she had never expected this way in her life. She said to Sam “but I don’t love you”.
Sam was petrified with this reply.For a moment there was no noise.Then Stella started moving away .In the mean time Sam stopped her “please tell me only one thing .What will it take to make you realize that I love you”.
Stella shouted with mouth wide open,”It will take whole life”.
Sam was quite now Stella was still there but this time Sam started moving away.With head turned towards ground and mouth repeating those words of Stella “it will take whole life”.
Next day Stella thought of changing her route.She decided to avoid short cut which she was using and decided to go by the common route.That route is also lonely most of the time.Only few passerby’s. Though she was confident that Sam will not be coming this way , she was still afraid.She was about to reach the main road and there she saw Sam smiling at the corner of the street.
She yelled “no, please leave me”.
She saw that there was no reaction from Sam’s side. He was looking normal today.With that attractive smile he approached Stella “I have something for you” .
He moves a piece of news paper from back and gives it to Stella.
Stella say’s “what the hell is this”.
Sam replies “now you will realize that I really love you”. And with these words he moves away with smile on his face and light in his eyes.
Stella was about to through the newspaper but thought of giving one look at it. She opened the newspaper and saw that it was today’s edition.She found nothing important on first page.She turned the page and saw the picture of Sam printed on second page.She started reading the heading.
“A boy found dead in his apartment”,she found that Sam had died last night by cutting nerve of his wrist.She was numb ,she gazed at the road where Sam has gone few minutes before.She was being haunted by the thought that who was the man whom she had met few minutes back. She again saw the picture of Sam on newspaper.She noticed that something was written on the bleeding wrist of Sam “I love you”.