Love Short Story – I lost my heart to you
Photo credit: hotblack from morguefile.com
Hello Ak. I like you. I use the word like because that is a definite feeling towards you. I have been carrying memories of you with me for so many years that the urge to tell you has been haunting me. Yes, I have been liking you for the past nine years of my life. The journey started from a simple crush to L… . I smile like a fool when you are near me, I keep on staring at you from the corner of my eyes, my heart beats rapidly whenever you look in my direction or smile or laugh, I want to talk to you more, I want to hug you out of air, I want to hold you and tell you what I feel. I want you to feel how fast my heart beats. If all of these define love then, dear, I would like to tell the whole world ‘ I LOVE YOU AK’, ‘ I COULDN’T HELP FALLING HEAD OVER HEELS FOR YOU’.
I was a very young girl when I first started feeling things. I didn’t know it was love. I wanted to spend as much time with you as possible. I used to act like a fool around you not intentionally but I didn’t know why. Now I know why. There were so many people around me but my focus was only towards you. It was very painful when it was time to say goodbye. I used to feel something, some strange heartache but I didn’t know why then. Now I know why.
Each year as we both were growing , feelings inside me too grew. I started observing you, your smile, your attitude…. I thought ‘ Wow ! Ak has turned into a wonderful boy’. My feelings towards you started taking a new dimension. Now each moment with you left me with drumming heartbeats. I wanted to impress you. I’ll tell you these were the first time I felt like these. Each time you flirted with a girl I used to feel bad. Not jealousy because my feelings were not that defined. Ak, something inside me was drawing towards you. How do I explain these to you? It was something I didn’t know but what I knew was I wanted to be with you always. My whole behavior was synchronized with the passion to impress you.
Now the scenario has completely changed. Now when I see you looking at a girl, my heart burns breaks shudders. I don’t feel jealousy or I might feel but you are not mine to feel in the first place. Even after all these years none could take the special place I have reserved for you. Now when I am with you I have the urge to kiss you, to hold your hand, to….. . I don’t know if its right or wrong to feel all these but I want to. I want to tell you aloud how I feel about you. I want you to love me back. I want you. Is it too much to ask for?
Yes, it is too much to ask for because I wasn’t supposed to fall for you. I didn’t plan it but before I knew, I started feeling. How can ask myself now to stop it? Its too late. My feelings have gone too far. I always considered love to be precious but you are more precious to me. I don’t want to spoil the relation I have with you. I want to treasure you.
I wrote this to tell that I fell in love with a wonderful person. I wanted to share this, to tell a few people that there is a girl who loves someone. I wanted someone to know because I couldn’t discuss this with anyone I knew. I never want my family to bend their heads because of me. It might hurt me but time always heals it, doesn’t it?
Thanks people for reading it because its good to share.