Love Short Story – I BELIEVE
Photo credit: Scarletina from morguefile.com
Too many numbers are there to show you the correct antecedent,the correct antidote .This matrix. It’s very much elusive. Characterized by patterns and forms. It has a stable structure moreover something that likes to shape and recover by itself. With the fluid nature it possess it is translucent to light. The rhythm of the being brings about an insatiable life to the meaning of term soul. As it reverberates through you.
I knew you, a tranquil life you lead.
The while it took for her to see him through brought ages upon her knees.
Breathing is like heavy sobs through the wind .Sight of you bought tears in my eyes, For my last breath said of you as a dream in the making, A perfect mixture of love,haziness,love,sorrow. We are like soul and body there they can reap for love separately alone but wont be distant when dying together.
When the feathers have had their last stay on a bird’s wing, and fall off to be flown by the winds to their end to touch waters.They have a secret.The love with which they were departed now seeps in.
The shepherd sang a woeful ballad for his beloved.He heard then a rustling crackle of wind. He wanted to hear it again.He moved forward and saw a beautiful lady tapping iron with her fingers creating echoes in the wind of silent words and metal.
Ask the murderers of love where the land of the beloved is,don’t ask the beloved where his heart is…
In all this chaos and play i see you.
They say history repeats itself, I say mystery does.
I anchored myself to your arm to get protection but you threw me off to seek refuge.
Beneath these beautiful eyes is a river that cries
I owe you my life you owe me yrs ..We owe each other nothing but deceit as life is neither mine or yours to owe or take.