Short Story Love – The forgotten past
Photo credit: anitapeppers from morguefile.com
She climbs down the stairs with the same numbness. A numbness that threaten to break her soul. Yet somehow it didn’t matter today. She wondered whether it had anything to do with being ‘grown up’. She couldn’t find an answer to it.
It was her friend’s invitation that reminded her of it. Today was her graduation party and her friends wanted her to be there. She did show up, didn’t she? Then why did they ask what was wrong with her??
What was wrong with her?? “Ah! I grew up”!! She wanted to shout loud ‘didn’t you people want me to change? I changed!!’ but she didn’t. She even forgot how to shout or scream.
She remembered her friend’s word, “take the life seriously, Anna! You are not growing younger by days…people expect you to be responsible. Act mature and for heaven’s sake Anna don’t speak your heart out… learn to lie!”
What? Learn to lie? Weren’t we taught not to lie to others? Was there any exception’s to it?
At that time she didn’t understand. She didn’t understand the statement too. “Poor Anna she is so naïve! I wish she knew what lies ahead of her”.
Now she understood. That simple word isn’t it? ‘Lie’ she was living in one.
One of her friend approaches asks her well-being and with a chime she asks “how is your boyfriend?”
She politely replies “no, I don’t have one”.
There is bewilderment in her friend’s face when she confirms that she had never been in a relationship.
“Oh poor Anna! I always worried for you. Being single. It’s lonely right?” her friend pities.
Anna doesn’t want it “I am not interested” she says firmly which only makes her friend pity further.
“That because you don’t understand love! It is a wonderful feeling. A person who fell in love will only understand it…and then Anna walks away.
Climbing down the stairs she remembers vaguely the days she cried for her best friend when she left her or the days she wept when she let her love go for his best. Was that love?
Maybe not. Maybe she didn’t understand love like her friend told…if she did, would she have let them go? Perhaps not…