Love Short Story – First Love

First Love – Love Short Story
Photo credit: ecerroni from
Today was my first day of the college. Following the current trend I opted for science stream in pre-university . I was a shy person and never spoke to girls unless and until I have no other option to speak .
It was 9.45 A.m and I took my sister’s Dio and went to college. I parked the vehcile and soon went to notice board to check my classes . My class was on the first floor. I went straight to the class . The class was empty as class would begin from 10.30. I went early because my parents wanted me to go early and not miss the first class. So I was sitting alone in the class. And in few minutes all students arrived. But there was this particular girl in a group of girls, in a pink frock I was allured by her cute and attractive smile. Before I could think much about her our Physics sir arrived and the lecture on Electricity started. It continued for the next 2 hours. And finally lunch break. And she went with her friends and I along with my new friends mayur and sughosh went to basement to have lunch. We spoke for the next hour about favourite football clubs, school , natives etc and my lab was at 1.30. And I bid them bye and went straight to physics lab.
Our physics instructor called all of us to his table and even the beauiful girl to whom I was blown away earlier was also in our physics batch. Sir made the groups. And there is a famous saying from “THE ALCHEMIST “- “when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to get it” . So the girl was in my group :). We went to our table to do the experiment
‘hi, I am anjali, whats your name??’ she asked
‘I am akhil , nice meeing you ‘
‘ ya nice meeting you too’ she said
And we spoke throughout the lab and at the end of the lab, we exchanged our phone numbers :). And from that day. we began chatting, calling each other daily and it continued for the next days . Today was sunday. I got bored at home because I couldnt see her and before thinking a moment, I texted her
“hi anjali whats up. what are you doing. m bored yaar ”
“Arey why bored? watch some films yaar. Go out and play cricket”
“no re am not interested. why your telling me to go out. You dont want me to text huh . so mean :( ”
“hey shut up, nothing like that I like texting you ”
well with this particular message my mind started working faster and I texted
” oh I am so happy. Beautiful girl likes to text me ;) ”
” :P . Hey bye I need to go out . tata tc ” she sent
The whole day I was thinking about her and next day we met in lab.Anjali and I were good friends then. We would go together to canteen, library. The next week my heart was forcing me to propose to her. Finally the day came.I texted her
” hey u der ?”
” ya tell :) ”
” I would like to tell you something important re but u shudnt say “no” ”
“Arey baba tell fast”
“Hey anjali what do u think about us? ”
“we are good friends , whats this stupid question ”
“Can we extend this relati0nship ;)”
“Like? :P ” she sent
The moment came and I texted her
” I love you anjali, I love you so much , I cant think any girl apart from you in my life”
She didnt reply and I got panicked and I called her to her cell for the next 1 hour and she didnt receive. I was scolding myself for what I had done and couldnt sleep. I just didnt want to lose her and I was cursing myself whole night.Next day I went to college . I went to her and said
“Hey sorry anjali . I shouldnt have said that”
she didnt speak and went near her vehicle, started the vehicle and went towards her home slowly. I was looking hopelessly at her and she looked back at me and said
“I too love you akhil”.