Love Short Story – Fake Dream?
Photo credit: imelenchon from morguefile.com
The bell was ringing! ‘Wake up, the class is over!’ got a beat from back. Yes, I’ve to return back from the fantasy world. I was dreaming, an emotional one though. That face, that smile.. It’s just haunting me still. Yes, I miss her, I miss her more than ever. Gosh! Everyone is leaving the class. I swept my table and somewhat threw all things into the bag and started moving outside. All are smiling, seems so happy, enjoying the beauty of college life. Yep, it’s awesome. I’m loving it. By the way, I looked at the sky from the corridor. Romantic, silver linings are glittering.. Nature at its best. But I’m still in my dream’s hang over, getting emotionally overwhelmed. My eyes are getting wet.
Its been one year. We’re apart. This distance is been killing me. Sometimes it’s making me insane. And today, I need to see her. I reached the ground floor. And I could see my bus parked there. Acquaintances are smiling at me. But I’m not awake. I’m still tripping. Got into the bus, grabbed a side seat, and settled there. My eye balls are constant, it felt like searching for something or someone.
Oh I forgot! I whispered. Just took my phone, checked the inbox, no, no texts yet. Checked the mentions in twitter, mm.. Nothing worth. But tweeted ‘I miss you’, the only thing I’m capable of at the moment. Closed the browser, back to the inbox, and I revisited all those texts that she had sent me during those nights, those little little fights, those little little sharings .. I’m loving it. I MUST TALK TO HER. Said to myself.. And my fingers tried to type. Typed, thought for a while, and sigh! Deleted! Typed again,
-‘reached home?’ sent! And got an instant reply. Unusual!
-‘On my way ‘
– ‘Can we have some time together?’
– ‘mmm?’
– ‘I’m won’t force’
– ‘k, will wait there for 5min’
– ‘ more than enough! :) ‘
Skipped a beat every time my phone blinked receiving her message. I’m going ecstatic. I felt like flying in the wind. I felt like dancing on the clouds. The bus was crawling. Go Fast! Go Fast! I silently screamed. And yea! I’m gonna talk to her within minutes. I am getting nervous, but conscious too. And yes, I reached! I could see her standing there. Oh my god, she’s gorgeous as always. Most beautiful, and prettiest ever. She smiled, and whuf!! I went speechless.
‘can we.. Emm.. Have a walk?’ .. I suggested.
She started moving. Dusk was approaching, clouds were getting reddish, nature is in love with someone I felt. And we are walking, where silence singing its melody. I wish there could be a BGM when we are moving. The same old path, same old birds, same old trees and that same cool breeze. Finally, she herself broke the silence,
-‘how’s it going?’
-‘ freaking’ –
‘exams are over, no?’
– ‘yeah, was a nightmare’
– ‘ Believed!!’,
She gave an unbelievable like expression to the reply, I loved it anyway. College, studies, movies, friends, topics were enough to discuss. But the silence between each were the real hero. Talking restricting from getting emotional. But wet eyes could say the story. Time flew like a swift bird. We stopped. She’s gonna leave me here in front of her house. Silence, Silence again. I’m searching for a topic, to get something to talk, an endnote atleast.
’emm… Do you want to propose me, once again?’ – She asked.
What the ! Dream??? No! It’s Not!
-‘I think so!’ I acted as if I’m cool. Lol
-‘shoot :p’
-‘Will you .. Will you be mine..? For..ever?? Please??’
-‘If yes?’
-‘You’ll get tired of being loved.. Not a cliché!’
-‘oh, really? Mm.. Ok. Thanks.’ She almost winked.
Walked back, headset on, music playing. Silently smiled. She never change. SMH.