Love Short Story – AN EVENING SIGH
Photo credit: jdurham from morguefile.com
He sits on a wooden worn out chair on a grey grumpy evening staring right at you, and sings this song which he loved very much..
” Roses are red my love, violets are blue Sugar is sweet my love, but, not as sweet as you…..”
Not with a smile, Not a trace of romance in his face. All he is thinking is “wow! that really is a wonderful song”.
He repeats the song again. It’s definitely not her, believe me, not at all about her. It’s just that it’s a beautiful feeling to sing it aloud, it’s always been. He’s not sleepy at all, may be he’ll sing it all night.
He thinks ” how can a body write words like that, words that beautiful. There must be some wonderful situation that provoked it. Yes that’s what i think. The silly fool must be feeling very romantic when he wrote it. Oh i wish i had written them words” he’s laughing now, you wouldn’t like to watch him laugh like that .
” …and when the big day came I wrote into your book next to my name… Roses are red my love, violets are blue.. Sugar is sweet my love but not as sweet as you… hahahaha”
Is he crying?.. god no! i don’t think so. He’s just.. just having a great time. Now he stood up and turned off the light and sat back again.. His voice is alright, you can bear it, but he loves it.
” Boy! how silly words can be , yet this beautiful!” he pulls out a cigarette from under the chair and lights it.” I haha i wonder if she sings it at all, I don’t think she even remembers it. ”
It brought back her image right in front of his face. Oh what hair, what lips, yes lips.. oh yes! He tightened his fists.. she can always make him that. Oh you can’t look away from that body if an atom bomb is dropped behind you. Yes sir, that’s the impression she had on him. It’s getting dark already
” what shall i do! I don’t care.. It’s over then it’s over. she lost it. Oh yes she could have had me.. haha yes ‘had me’ just like that. Oh it’s all childish anyway. she’s dumb, the bitch is dumb.. what can i do. Now i think i’m okay and safe. This is just an evening and it’s rainy, i’m alone and i just happened to think about her and yeah.. F**k.. it’s all over in the morning. what do i care.. i’m just having a good time”
She was tall and fair. ‘Tall’ was the best part. She never stopped talking. well how can i describe her, she was not the conventional beauty.. that i can say. If you know her and you walk past her somewhere and you call out her name she just looks at you with surprise and jumps in front of you.. oh boy that walk! .. and she has this little things always going.. she always hits you below your chin with her finger before you part, for a goodbye.
Oh that’s when you realize you are drowning already. That smile of her, that legs of her, that fingernails of her, that hair bands of her, oh hundreds of her, thousands of her, I wouldn’t dare describe with my vocabulary. He skipped the dinner that night, he’s having a little viral fever, he has nothing to do for three more days for he took leave of everything because of that fever. Oh what now he thinks he is tired, so he stood up and took those two pills doctor prescribed that afternoon sank in to the bed. A good sleep would be wonderful now. He couldn’t stop humming though, just as he couldn’t stop thinking. ” Roses are redd..” not so loud now..ohh no!
” Roses are red my love, violets are blueee. Sugar is sweet my love, but, not as sweet as you…..”
what’s that sound, is he crying? God no! I don’t think so!.. He..He’s just having a great time!