An Interesting Love Story – Encounter with Dead Past
Photo credit: sssh221 from morguefile.com
” Tig Tig” “Tig Tig” Door bell shouts.
“Coming ,wait” I hate this door bell. It shout so much. Today defiantly I am going to remove this bell. But after opening door i got biggest shock of my life .
Rohit, my first crush, my first love and my first breakup. I know him since 9 th standard. I was in love with him when i first saw him till that day. I clearly remember that he was wearing light blue shirt with denim black jeans along with white rebock shoes. He was one of the dance participants in inter school dance competition where i am the volunteer in the host school. I fall in love with at that very moment when he appeared on stage. 6 feet , smart, dashing, live example of tall, dark and handsome. One of my classmate, ruby, knows him. She told me that they both are in morning shift of Mr das IIT coaching. So i also took admission in that coaching , that too in 5-8 am batch, just to saw him. I used to write love letter for him but never had guts to send them. I dont know but some how he come to know about my attraction for him. So he bet of Rs 1000 on me that I am going to propose him in front of whole class. After that day, he start showing lot of interest in me. He used to give me lift till my home, long phone call and roses, everyday a red rose. I was so so happy at that time.
But he never said “I Love You” to me. I thought he was shy.
One day he told me “why always boys propose ??” ” I want love of my life propose me in front of everyone on valentine day”.
I was blind in his love. I thought he was giving me hints. So on V-Day , dressed in red , I proposed him in front of whole class. I was expecting a huge hug and “I Love You too” from him. I was so sure that he loves me more than i do. But he started to laugh and suddenly whole class was laughing on me. I was surprised. Then his friend handed him 1000 rs and told him you are ä lady killer”. I was shattered , shocked, surprised and dont know what. All my dreams, emotions, love drained and I left the class instantly. I was so shocked to say anything. That was my First love.
After so many years , Today I am married. My hubby kunal is real sweetheart . Than why he is here!!!
” At least call me inside, I am not going to bite you ” Rohit says.
“What are you are doing here? Is anything is still left or you want me to propose you again , tell me? Only because of you I am not able to face my parents because you uploaded my proposal video on facebook. So how many like u got , 1000 or 10,000? Get lost from here other wise will call copes. Today i am not in love with you. You are dead for me ”
Suddenly Rohit start crying . Now i am again shocked. What he is doing.
“I know i hurt you a lot but i was in love with you. I know you are not going to believe me but i just want tell you first and last time. At that day i also have present for you and i also write a poem for you. I had full day planned. I thought after your proposal i will tell you everything. I want that 1000 rs so that i can take you for lavish dinner. I even send you a sms and called you to explain my plan but you was so excited to listen anything. ”
Then he showed me poem and a sorry card. He was terrible writer but somehow i feel that he really mean it. ” you just left at that day and your parents not allowed me to talk to you. Then you left the city. That video was posted by one of my friend. I dont know when he did that. I was in love with you, I am in love with you and I will love you forever. You are a lovely person . I dont want anything from you. I just want you to remember me, with love or at least as a friend. ”
“This is for you” He handed me a red rose.
My heart want to shout that why you waste my whole life?? Cant you tell me this earlier. I am speechless and he is just staring at me with love. Like I am the only person in his life. Suddenly my phone start vibrating.”
“Ruby Calling ”
“Neha , Rohit is DEAD” Ruby told me. “He was suffering from cancer and 1 hour ago he died in hospital.”
“What!!!!! Please no more prank , he is sitting in front of me, talk to him”
And i turned towards him . He gave me a flying kiss and suddenly he disappeared in air. Just vanish.Like he dissolved in air. I fainted due to shock.
When i opened my eyes , i saw my hubby near me. I told him everything but he told me that may be I was dreaming. But i know , he was here.Sitting next to me me. I am still holding that red rose.
Now i know why he was here.