The Doctor, Granny and She – A page from the life of a granddaughter
Photo credit: mconnors from morguefile.com
somehow priya couldn’t say what’s so special about this person.. obviously everyone was saying nice things about him.. was it so obvious? it’s been only one month and he’s become quite popular among the patients.. there were 12 patients and he was always with them.. Priya knew that granny was going to die in a few days.. she knew it and was over with the emotional breakdowns.. the doctor is not going to make any difference.. but how can he do this?
there were 11 other patients.. how can a person forge himself as a doctor and cheat illiterate poor villagers? Priya knew the doctor was a fraud ..in a government hospital which is built to give free treatment to poor people of a poor village, this man, this fraud.. she was fuming.. it’s only by chance he got introduced to him by granny and talked about the college he claimed to have finished his studies and she happened to have a friend in the same college and the same batch he said.. he turns out to be drop out from that college for unbecoming behavior in the college campus.. he thinks he’s too smart..
Priya opted not to tell this to granny.. Priya always told all things to granny.. but not this.. if you know a person is dying, u start weighing your words for that person.. anything that hurts and can be avoided are usually avoided.. any happy moments are shared with great emphasis.. If everyone knew everyone were going to die, things would have been nicer.. but nobody knows everyone is going to die until it’s too late and there is only time to cry over the deaths..
cancer in that way is a pretty good one to catch. It presents you and your people with an opportunity to live in a different way than lived until then.. What a thought.. What if this theory is shared with granny? she would laugh and say lightly , ‘if you like it so much ,can we switch sides? You may take this wonderful opportunity’.. Priya was laughing at herself anyways.. Granny was like a friend.. Always thinking forward and liberal.. Still there has been a generation gap.. Priya felt to be from an older generation always..
She walked to the police station..
Granny knew better and already saw it coming.. It’s a matter of days and Priya will be alone in this world.. she didn’t want to leave this world leaving her granddaughter, the light of her life, alone.. Granny knew that loneliness is a pathetic state to be.. And she didn’t bring her up to leave her alone.. But granny never thought she would strike a solution at this late hour..
The doctor.. he was the solution.. he was the perfect match for Priya.. Granny didn’t care about the looks.. It never matters in a matured world.. or she didn’t know whether it did.. she was sure the doctor had a good heart capable of love which was enough.. it’s so simple.. otherwise why will he tell granny that his certificate is fake and promise her that he knows what he is doing and would not bring any harm to her.. granny just smiled.
Who cares about the certificate.. he had studied the medical course and was expelled from college for his strike against management.. for the poor student’s rights. It looked like he wanted to figure out on how to solve his situation.. he looked full of.. love and warmth.. He laughed at the idea of marrying Priya..
He said ‘why not? Your granddaughter would love to marry a fake doctor who could be in jail in some time’.. But something told Granny that the doctor liked the idea.. Everyone needs a loving companion.. don’t they? Granny would have talked to Priya today.. if the doctor saves himself out of jail..
But Priya was stupid to do this.. why would she inform police about this before even discussing with her granny.. and people started talking already.. the police came in and the doctor was gone already.. And he went without even.. why would he say anything when the police is after him..
Granny felt a great lose.. lose of hope..
The Doctor
This was not necessary.. or was it? A chapter like this in life after all the revolution against the system? Against the law?.. he smiled at himself.. it was the last few days that changed his life.. changed a rebel.. who wants to beat an unfair system.. who loved humanity and wanted a change.. but with the days in hospital, he finally found his place.. service gave the joy that he ever wanted.. which rebellion couldn’t give.. the bliss was so good that he wanted that life at any cost.. he felt the sense of belonging.. this is revolution.. the revolution inside..
That granny.. she is a powerhouse of positivity.. how could anyone be so spontaneously loving.. and ask if you could love and take care of her granddaughter.. she didn’t ask if you would marry her.. and the thought of love had just crept in by then.. any kind of love at any amount could pour into his life.. he was so ready.. he did not wonder if Priya would be beautiful or not .. he did not wonder if she would be a good companion or not.. he simply had the urge to love.. he would marry her and love her unconditionally.. and join an NGO and dive deep in to his own soul.. of love and service.. he had fallen in love with Priya before he met her..
He laughed again.. he knew from Priya’s questions that she understood about the fake certificate.. actually he didn’t want to fool anyone anymore.. but he did not consider jail.. he knew that there wont be any jail.. there are no records.. no photographs.. even the notes were made and kept by him.. no evidence in this abandoned kind of hospital.. but he cannot be caught practicing.. which meant that he had to flee before Priya comes with police… which he was sure of.. Priya was a nice girl.. and so predictable.. he knew she was going to the law..
Doctor knew granny is going to die in a few days.. And Priya.. she would be alone.. like him.. once things are over… he wished he could come back for her.. no, he certainly would..
Priya knew she was completely right until she talked to granny.. only the degree was fake.. the person was not .. and now she has ended it all.. all for her.. Granny died after two days.. Priya always knew Granny was going to die soon, but when she died, the vacuum felt so huge and she would be drowned soon.. she couldn’t suffer this loneliness.. she hoped that she got a chance to tell doctor that she was sorry for what happened and love him if he would allow her to.. that was granny’s plan for her.. should be right as always.. He might not come back at all.. why would he.. But she wished that she could wait for him for a long time.. No, she certainly would..