Short Story Love – Did you not notice?
Photo credit: Ladyheart from morguefile.com
Her first night away from the ICU was spent in cursing everything under the sun and beyond. After all,when everyone her age was ‘having fun’ and she was stuck up with multiple surgeries followed by seemingly endless fractions of radiation therapy. Her bare head now almost resembled her grandma’s patchwork. No, life wasn’t fair-specially in the case of this girl who had clinched the envious ‘brains and brawns’ title on grad night just two years ago.
The next morning she woke up to find her cabin covered in sunflowers and a familiar-looking person near the door talking to the nurse.
‘You finally awake’ he said and grinned that mischievous smile she knew so well.
‘You! What the..’ she exclaimed. Immediately something struck her- HER HEAD!! Amidst all these spontaneous happenings she had forgot to wear her scarf.
She blushed in embarrassment at having been discovered in her hairless, ugly state. ‘You know..its..like..the brain tumour and all..so..’ she fumbled for words as she groped for her scarf frantically.
‘Relax!’ he said as he pulled the scarf away and grinned.
‘What’s so funny?’,she asked, still very red. ‘Give that back now.’
‘Awww..come and get it sissy’ he mock cried as he stretched his hand away from her reach.
By this time she was really annoyed. Here he was again pulling her leg, her scarf rather. But that was how they had spent twelve years of school anyway: pulling ears, pinching cheeks, racing, complaining, quarreling, making up and laughing. Any other day she would have good-naturedly joined in the teasing.
‘Stop it!’ She screamed as tears streamed down her flushed face. She hid her face and continued sobbing. ‘Please stop it. I am sorry I just am not in the mood right now.’
Immediately his gaze softened and at once his hands were caressing hers, with gentle murmurings of assurances lost in the sobbing.
Cupping her cheeks in his palms he lifted it towards his face. ‘I love you’ he said. ‘All these years..’
She pushed him away. ‘I don’t need you to bloody pity me just because i am low right now and look ugly. I am strong enough and do not need anybody’s sympathy.’
He looked hurt. ‘Pity?’ He repeated.’Really? So i was right about you after all..’ he trailed off.
‘About what?’ she snapped, part demanding, part curious.
‘About you being stupid. About you never noticing’
‘And what did I miss out?’ she asked, her brows raised questioningly.
‘Remember the day you accidentally spilled tea over this green blazer?’ he asked pointing towards the brown spot near his waist.
‘What!The stain still didn’t wear out?!’ She laughed.
‘No, never actually washed it since.’ He admitted sheepishly.
‘Guess what’, he added and took out a bundle of little wooden sticks out of his bag. ‘Leftover ice cream sticks we shared together’
Her eyes went round. ‘Oh my god! He he, what’s come over you huh?’ She giggled.
‘I am the same..its just that you never noticed’ he said softly.’You were and will remain the most beautiful girl to me. I enjoyed pulling your cheeks or fighting with you just so that I could actually be with you.’
This time his sad eyes met hers and the gaze lingered on before she asked with a soft smile, ‘Anymore surprises?’
Just then the nurse re-entered and gave a stern look signifying the end of visiting hours.
‘Oh..I guess I should get going. And yeah if by surprises you mean your twelve hankies, your lost locket, your Minnie mouse, your broken heel, handicapped barbie or sweet wrappers, they are already kept on your bedside.’ He smiled softly and rose to kiss her forehead.’And some flowers too, in case you still did not notice. C ya tomorrow.’
She turned towards her bedside table to find a carton box filled with lovingly saved trinkets: the orchids and sunflowers aptly signifying their special relationship over the years. Her eyes stung as she tried to hold back tears.
‘Hey!’ She called out just as he reached the door. ‘I did notice…but I would rather love red roses tomorrow, mm?’