Short Story Love – DESTINED TO MEET
Photo credit: rachjose from morguefile.com
Opening her facebook account Sneha sat amazed. She was new to this world of social networking.
When suddenly a message popped in her window saying Hello wanna be my friend
Sneha had no friend in facebook till then so she was exited to make a few friends and she merrily typed back why not? and accepted her request.
Sneha was in her college. She was a very beautiful, talented and down to earth girl. She was not a bit addicted to the computer but as it is said When you make an account in a social networking site, how can you stop yourself from being a social creature?
Same was for Sneha. She was also used to facebook now. Although her friend list was flooding with a number of friends, yet she would come online and chat with her first ever friend on facebook SAHIL SINGH.
She soon became good friends with Sahil and kind of felt attracted towards him. But she had many thoughts along with that like It is not possible for me to love a person whom I have never seen.
Life went on like river and suddenly one day Sahil messaged Sneha I love you, truly. I know you will be thinking how is this possible for me to love someone whom I have never seen. But I personally feel that we are destined to meet and one day we will meet.
Sneha could not reject his proposal and replied Ok hope so we will meet soon. And ya I love you too
Days passed by and Sneha never forgot to chat everyday with Sahil. After a span of about three years, her higher studies were complete and she landed with a job offer. The posting of the job was in Delhi.
OHH MY GOD ….I WILL BE IN DELHI….THE SAME PLACE WHERE SAHIL LIVES and Sneha broke into tears in her happiness. She wold be able to meet the person she loved so much. She also gave this news to Sahil.
The day soon came when Sneha was in Delhi. She constantly said to her taxi driver Please drive fast…its very important for me.
The taxi driver suddenly felt that he had hit something. Sneha ran out of her taxi and saw a crowd of people. They were surrounding a person who was heavily injured. Sneha understood that the person was hit by her taxi and she immediately placed the person in the taxi and said the driver to take her to the nearest hospital. She placed the person’s head on her lap and blood was smudged everywhere. She suddenly noticed and identity card in the pocket of the person and she thought of informing his family members.
She saw the identity card and could not stop crying. It was written SAHIL SINGH
She was not sure about the fact that he was his Sahil. So she said WE WERE DESTINED TO MEET SAHIL
Sahil immediately recognized that it was Sneha and said Ya we were just destined to meet in this life Sneha. This moment I a cherishing in your lap is the best moment I have experienced in my life. Maybe in the next life, we will be destined to LIVE TOGETHER as well
Sahil slowly closed his eyes as he laid asleep. Sneha was crying and screaming. But she could do nothing. they were just DESTINED to meet.