Love Story – A Day with Her…
Photo credit: sssh221 from morguefile.com
Sailor Evan was seemed to be more satisfied, as he is back to his native before in time. He also had made up his mind to meet his soul-mate Anya, who lives few kilometers away from his residence. Anya was on role like an angel, in his life. Both had sentimental attachment towards each other. Anya used to feel sorry when he had to leave for cruise. For whole world Anya was just a young woman, but for Evan, Anya was like whole world.
Somehow one day, both shed tears, for Evan ought to move other place on cruise. It was captain’s order. Anya firmly disliked this. Evan too did. For, He had to cut his birthday cake with other fellow beings, just within few days. He had left his home and also promised Anya to meet her only after six months. But, to his good luck, he had returned much early than expected. On warning of cyclone in the other sea, Evan’s cruise delayed its voyage. It curved on both lips. The day of arrival, he wasted the day lying on his bed. Next morning, when he sat down for some important work, an irregular noise disturbed him. Actually, he was of no habit to peep window out. But, this time he accidentally did it.
Just a truck laden with household furniture etc was right before his neighborhood. He understood that somebody’s home is going to be shifted to his neighborhood. At around quarter past nine, he left his home to meet Anya. At his neighborhood, he saw a young girl, at their entrance. Her slim-tall body, blond with curls lay on her delicate ears… her ravishing beauty made Evan to forget Anya and to attempt some time with this young girl. She smiled at him. So he did.
“Excuse me. I think we need to have a little talk”. That day he didn’t meet Anya.
Anya was a bit upset, that he didn’t try to meet herself. Her calls seeking him were an exercise in frustration. But, Evan even not remembered Anya’s role in his five years role in his life at just a sight of Ayla.
“Thank God. I was all alone in this world. You are alone to be like with me” said Evan to Ayla. He lied, He had friendship with Anya.
Anya firmly followed the verse of great English writer. “True friendship is to know all about someone and still wanting to be with him more than any other person”.
“By the moon as I sit to seek your glory
The white roses you see, creates a new story.
Seasons are many, their reasons few
What remains is that, I always like you”
He said to Ayla in rhyming tone. Ayla had no feelings for Evan as she had many friends in the city. But, time had fooled Evan.
“I’m a poet, And I didn’t even knew it” he also added a tone of humor before her.
His some days rolled with great bliss with her. One day, she invited him to ball. Evan went. At first, he enjoyed revelry dancing. On the sight of Ayla dancing with her friends, Evan ran into deep agony. He felt like drowning into deep sea with two barks moving away from him. He could easily approach Anya, but he knew that Anya had learned his friendship with Ayla. He had no pole star to guide his wandering bark…
He returned home with heavy heart. Even without completing his dinner, he lied on his bed with pillow arrested in arms. With quietly shedding tears, night was carried out without resting upper-eye-lid on lower one. Realization of his mistake filled the mind. Suddenly, he remembered a philosophical verse from Anya “Friendship is to trust him enough to tell him everything about yourself including the things you might be ashamed of…”
His mind ran far back to the incident, that eulogy from his captain on his courage. He also had expressed this incident before Anya. “What’s of it? You ought to have that courage to share your emotions with someone”.
Anyhow, he made prepared himself to take round to Anya. As he stepped outside his home, he met Ayla on her gate. She smiled and came near him and whispered in his ears, “Don’t worry about the people in your past; there’s a reason they didn’t make it to your future”.
This statement from her provoked Evan, but, controlling himself he moved away.
“My silent heart speaks to itself,
My presence may hurt someone,
But, I am sure my absence never hurts anyone…
So I am alone by own choice…”
The painful verses were written on a paper by Anya, where she had rested near a pool of the restaurant. When the breeze blew, it carried away the paper and left it in pool. Anya just glared at the piece of paper drowning.
“How could Evan be moved to her, after all my warm company…?” an unanswered question knocked her head frequently.
When Evan reached Anya’s dwelling, he underwent disappointment due to her absence. So, He returned. Anya learned this by her neighbors. The gleeful smiled curved her pursing lips, and she particularly planned to celebrate his birthday with herself, next day.
The following next morning, Evan found the tempting letter at his door step. At the first glance on the letter, he jumped in a merry, prepared himself for the rave-up and reached Anya to cut his birth day cake…
“This is the time we got to tie the knot” Evan spoke hesitatingly.
“Of all the bondage- ‘Of Human Bondage is wrongly estimated to be worthless” Anya concluded after winning Evan with her philosophical attitude.