Love Short Story – Condition
Photo credit: bjwebbiz from morguefile.com
Hi I m saying a story of my life .
Some time in life also can run by some condition , Different person have different condition for come get a high things by a condition and somewhere a small kid take a condition from his mom and dad to give him a cycle and somewhere a poor family give a condition to there’s father that he should come with food .
My life also start with a condition that I will fill all my mom and dad’s dream but I was born with a problem, still this condition with me that I have to feel my family’s dream , and after 20 years I start fill there dream when I stand in my life as a software eng. That time I m over a condition but I was late because my dad expire before my job. That time my life was good but missed my dad , but life should go on that’s why I start my life slowly slowly I get all the things which I did’t get in my childhood .
In 2012 around march my mom start finding a girl for me because for her it’s was the right time for my marriage, I never had a relationship because I was not good in friendship with any girl and another reason is that I m a handicap from my birth that’s why I always sit in wheelchair so I never try to in love and other also stay away from me , but I never think about it I always do my work with happiness. So my mom start force me to marriage and in true some what I was also happy that I m starting a relationship .
One day My mom’s friend come with a photo and start asking me how is she ? in really she was so cute and beautiful that I want to meet with her my mom understand my face and start the other word with her friend . After 2 days that friend of my mom again come to my home and said that we have to go her house to talk about marriage. When I get that news after office I become very happy that I can’t sleep whole night .
Next day we all, means my mom my best friend and my mom’s friend went together to her house . My best friend also happy that I starting a relationship and me too , when we entered her house they looks very happy and welcome us with a smile face but when they see me they become strange. I don’t know why but I ignore that, I thought don’t need to think about it and we enter her house we see her, really she looks very very beautiful. She may be the first girl in my life with which I talk more then 15 min.
I was very happy , after 1 hour we return to home and I start wait for the next time. this time I was exited for my marriage . That night around 10pm the phone ring, I receive the phone opp side was her father he want to talk with my mom. I thought some good news come. I gave to my mom and I leave the place, after 15 or 20 min my mom come to me and said that they don’t want to give there daughter with me. I ask why mom, she reply her family don’t want a handicap person as her husband after that I didn’t reply anything just go to bed and sleep.
Next morning my mom asking me about last night I reply don’t need to worry I m ok and I m going to office , that time I stop my mom but how can I stop my heart. I find a way to get over this that I take more two project in my office so that I don’t be free to think about it and from next day like other day my day start and end with a work. But the change which come is that I decide that I will never go for my marriage .
Around 2012 sep , Still I m busy with my work I got promotion in my job. I was take my self as busy as I can even that my friends complain on me that I don’t want to keep there friendship . In one word that I got a name is BUSY PERSON . in between my mom was worried about me .
One day late night I was in my home doing my work that work was very long so I feel sleepy so I go to make coffee for me that time my mobile was ring. in normally I only receive known number but that time what I thought I receive that phone and the sound come of a lady she said “hello”
I was like strange and I reply “who is this ?” she asking for a girl I forget the name so I reply wrong no and cut the phone and again I go for work . Next day was Sunday so I wake up from sleep around 11am after that I saw some tv and take some cake then I remember to charge my mobile then I saw a message which came in 3am last night I open it and it come from that no which call me last night that was written ” R U My name ?”
I didn’t reply I thought my friend make me fool and leave the mobile in charge . In midnight again a call come from same no I receive it to know who is that person , but when I receive that lady say “Hi ”
I reply ” who are u”
lady=”I am (her name)”
I m=” m I know u”
lady=”no but I know ”
I m=how
lady reply me all my thing which only know my close person and then she cut the phone , like this she daily call me in midnight and I m always receive and talk with her . like this we talk around 1.5 month , one day I ask her that why she call and talk with me everyday she reply that she Love me than I cut the phone but she again call me and she want the ans that m I love her. I say that I m a handicap don’t come to me but she reply she know that and she love me what I m but I don’t accept her but from that day she daily call me and ask about it , and I m also feel happy with her after 6 month I accept her I was very happy my daily life was change I start sing enjoying romantic move and my mom also happy that I start living like common person , that days was my good days I was happy every time .
But after someday she call me and said she want to meet with me then I arrange a place a time and buy a new shirt and in time I go there to meet with her. I wait for her more then 30 min after that she come but with my best friend I thought they know each other so I welcome them. we set then I just start to talk they stop me and said me they want to say something I reply say they reply that she love my best friend not me from 3years she act love me because my best friend leave her and she find a way to make him his fault that’s why she call me , after that I reply nothing I keep my wheelchair to my way and I come back my world and start become a busy man.
march 2014 still I m a busy man and they live there marriage life with happy smile.