Love Short Story – College, Work, and Boys
Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
Frowning I park in my parking spot at Brigton University of California where I am majoring to be a lawyer.
“Come on Amberlynn, put on a smile, remember today is your 5 year anniversary with Hunter” I spoke to myself.
I unbuckle my seat belt while taking my keys out of the ignition and played basketball with them by throwing them into my pocketbook.
The door on my orange jeep goes flying open as a very familiar voice announces “Two points for Amberlynn!!!” in his cute, British accent.
“Remind me how lucky I am to get to be your girlfriend, I mean if your parents had not made you move down here from England I would not be as happy as I am now!” I exclaimed as Hunter bent down for a kiss.
We had only started kissing last year in 12th grade but boy did Hunter like to go fast.
The second week after we had started kissing he was already trying to use his tongue!
I eventually gave in and sparks started flying, it was only the 3rd week of college and he was already sneaking into my room so that we could make out and watch movies.
“Hey cutie did you bring me and lunch back from work?” Hunter asked while reaching for my hand so he could hold it.
I work at Burgeria, a burger joint at the mall.
“Well of course baby doll!” I said as I picked up the take out bag that had both of our lunches in it.
“How about we go up into my room and eat out lunch and watch a movie…or we could just take a nap.” said Hunter smiling all creepish.
Hunter then leaned into me and we fell back into my driver seat kissing, after what seemed like 5 minuets I pushed him back and said “lunch babe, lets go!”
Finally Hunter lets me get all of my stuff out of my car and he carried our lunch and I carried my pocketbook.
Hunter reaches down, grabs my hand, brings in to his lips and kisses my hand, then his eyes moved upwards to mine and says “babe be mine for 35 more years” as he smiled and interlocked fingers with me.
We then walked into the backdoor of the college because it was closer to his room than walking all the way through the front.
We then opened his room door, went inside, shut the door and began to make out.