Love Short Story – BLURRED
Photo credit: bullboy from morguefile.com
Anurag was the new employer in the local newspaper agency of the small town where Anwesa lived. He was a charming young man, robust and confident, smart, fluent in English, well dressed and intelligent. He bore an extra sparkle in his eyes which drew the attraction of every other young damsel of the town and he was quite aware of it. Anurag belonged to a different coastal town from where he migrated to this small town for his job. He stayed in an apartment allocated to him, at the eastern end of the town, by the newspaper agency and shared his room with two of his colleagues.
Now, Anwesa was a column writer of the newspaper whose contributions contained fictions and sometimes a poetry or two. She was a pretty young girl of the same age as Anurag, confident, moody but lacked diplomacy. She always wore a firm facade, her kohl-lined eyes guarded by rimless glasses but beyond her flesh, she had a soft heart – so soft, that even moved and wept when she watched an emotional scene of a movie on the television. Anwesa resided just in the heart of the town.
Anurag and Anwesa met pretty co-incidentally one day when she went to the newspaper office to submit her latest story called “Blurred”. They spoke for the first time in the office and the verbal exchange consisted nothing but a mere formal conversation. However, no mortal possesses that extent of omnipotence to acknowledge what stores for them in the very next second! When we cross the road, we don’t have any clue if the pedestrian beside would become our deadliest enemy someday or the closest chum. Only time and the Almighty are aware of such occurrences. And with the assistance of time and the Almighty, Anwesa and Anurag came closer to each other –both mentally and to somewhat physically. Yes, they fell in one of the most aesthetic sensations called “love”.
Anwesa and Anurag usually spent their time together at the southern end of the town, outside the domain of being spotted out and disturbed by others. Anurag never used to take his hands off Anwesa’s hands and the way he looked into her eyes was a divine sensation for the girl, as she felt abundant peace in resting her head on his shoulder. She loved each and every perception when they were together –when he wrapped his hand around her waist, when she played with her fingers on the black spot on his neck letting her breast to touch his arm, when she realized that he puts his hand on her back to feel her bra, when she felt the warmth inside his mouth and the softness of his lips. Anurag slowly started to be a part of Anwesa’s daily thought, daily smile, daily day-dreams and her daily life. With Anurag’s presence in her life, Anwesa started to forget her past agonies;
In Anurag’s words she found abysmal assurance, the taste of strong friendship and unfathomable trustworthiness. She loved him, trusted him and desired to keep holding his hand forever. But she always made sure not to impose her feelings on him and intervene into his space being boisterous and over-possessive. She fought with him sometimes but couldn’t stay longer being cross with him.
On the other hand, Anurag promised to take care of her heart and be with her forever as he convinced that his love for her was true. She just began to live an optimistic life of hers with Anurag by her side.
They held their hands tightly for months ahead. They bore the colour of attachment in their eyes for each other until one day when Anurag had to return to his hometown for the next few months. He promised to send letters to her and with a heavy heart Anwesa bade him adieu, knowing that she would miss him a lot till he comes back to her, again.
Anurag was not in the town and a month has passed. While the first thought that she woke up every morning with, was that of Anurag’s well being and had the same thought in her mind till she retired for the night. And in between, amidst the billion things she had to do and think about, not a single second passed when a part of her mind missed thinking of him and her entire heart missed and craved for a single letter from Anurag. A single letter would not only contain the news of his well-being but to her, it would also signify a part of his soul, which meant a lot to Anwesa.
Whenever a tune of a romantic song reached her ears, his thoughts accumulated in her mind; whenever a strong gush of breeze washed her body, she thought of him; whenever she sat to write she thought of him; whenever she went to the newspaper office, she thought of him; whenever she had her first cup of tea, she thought of him; whenever she lined her eyes with kohl, she thought of him; whenever she heard sparrows chirping on her window sill, she thought of him; whenever she took a walk in the evening, she thought of him; whenever she fastened the salwar around her waist, she thought of him; whenever she rested in her room turning off the lights, she thought of him; whenever she caught a train at the station, she thought of him and whenever she passed the place they used to meet, her soul cried aloud his name and she fighting with herself to keep her sentiments in control.
She was missing him a lot, much more than anyone who missed him ever and much, much more than it’s possible to miss anyone. She checked her letter-box innumerably for one single message from him, but always ended up finding it either empty or filled with the electricity-bill or any relative’s letter.
Anwesa was not in peace –she was unhappy and emotionally turmoiled. Sometimes, she shuddered at the thought that perhaps his feelings towards her has faded away in a month , perhaps he has lost all his interest on her, perhaps he was oblivious to all the good times they shared together, his promises and perhaps he stopped adoring her. And such thoughts pained her more, agonized her because she knew that she reached too far in adoring Anurag to come back to the starting point then. But her love for Anurag was stronger enough to overpower even her pessimistic thoughts. She trusted him and hoped that soon he would get in touch with her, making everything as radiant as before.
Anwesa carried her mindful of thoughts and fears and looked forward to each day, earnestly. She prayed to God to keep him sound and asked the clouds to send her well-wishes, love and the news of how much she missed him, to Anurag, just as the same way it was done in Kalidasa’s “Meghdoot”. And finally one Saturday morning, the postman knocked Anwesa’s door with the much-awaited letter in his hand. Anwesa was filled with immense glee, unable to control her joy! In no time she tore off the envelope, to bring out the letter where Anurag wrote in blue ink,
“Hi Anwesa, I’m having such a boring time here. Will join work soon, take care.”
Anwesa’s tears rolled down her cheeks. She was happy that Anurag was well and at least took the effort to remember her and write a line to her in the entire month. On the other hand, her eyes along with her heart eccentrically searched for the love, in his single-sentenced letter, which Anurag promised to her once… his feelings for her which she treasured so much. Her tears blurred and soiled the “take care”.