Love Short Story – BED NO.77
Photo credit: mimicry from morguefile.com
First time a 24 years boy named Jack went to a convent institute having church. He noticed that all over there are truly tied with holy thread of GOD. While roaming he met with nun named Sue who was studying in convent institute. She made him aware about Christ. They both felt in love but the problem was that Sue was nun (who allowed to spend all life in God ‘s love and forget all relationships).
Jack decided to claim for Sue front of Priest of church and he succeed. Sue left nun’s studies and got ready to go with her lover (Jack). Priest gave them blessings .Then they arranged their marriage next day. They both were so happy and seeming like king & queen on the day of wedding. At the time when wedding was going to finish a man came with gun and shootout Sue.
Some people said that was Sue’s Uncle who was paying her fee. Jack was totally disturbed and sent to mental hospital. He was on bed no. 77 which was under the control of Dr. lie (lady). When she was treating him she got his identification card. Then she went to Jack’s home to know more about him. She talked to her mother who told her that ‘ JACK IS MY ONLY SON . HE LEFT US FOR A NUN . AFTER THAT HIS FATHER PASSED AWAY . NOW I DO’NT KNOW WHERE HE IS ?? ‘
As the mother was weeping Dr. lie did not tell about Jack’s condition but promised her to bring his son back. After that Dr. investigated for Jack ,she listened about his love . She tried to go hospital as soon as possible and asked about Sue to bed no. 77 . Jack spoke first time on that day and say Sue to Dr. Lie. She hoped to fulfill her promise with Jack’s mother.
Jack was coming out from depression while feeling intimacy with Dr. Now both were caring about each other. A day when he was fine enough , Dr. tried to tell him that she was not her Sue but she was not able to clear this thing because now she was falling in his love. One day Jack proposed Dr. for marriage even knowing that she as not Sue. Lie smiled and went to see next patient.
Dr. lie’s father was the head of hospital . He was not agree with Lie’s decision of marriage with bed no. 77. Lie’s father did not like Jack. So, he did not discharge Jack and proclaimed that Jack is not fine and needed to operate. Then , he depressed Jack’s brain for all. Now Jack was no more.
When Dr. lie knew all about this . Then she was only for bed no.77 (as this was free after Jack’s death)…….this time
not as Dr. but as patient… :(